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Everything posted by MDBowHunter

  1. If you have the coin to get it, don't think twice. But to be honest I'm with flechero on this one as I use the Weber 22.5" guy, and I have his tiny brother that I take on day trips when it's just me and the wife. All of my BBQing gets done on a Masterbuilt gas smoker which does an awesome job. The one thing about the BGE is dont ever and I mean ever use charcoal lighter fluid in it. Use a charcoal starter or you'll never get the burned fluid smell and taste out of it.
  2. If you can find me some vids showing that its possible to do what you saying I would love to see it, as I wanting to learn as much as I can also. Because what I'm see everyone doing is adjusting the rest so the BH will hit where the FP just did, but they never shoot a FP after to show that they'll indeed hit in the same spot after the rest is moved. If your moving the rest to adjust for the flight of the BH, the field point will move just as far as the BH . So if your BH was hitting low left as compared to the FP and you adjust the rest to fix it. You FP is now going to hit high right every time. I've been tuning my bow along with my brothers bow and 3 of my hunting buddies for the last 10 years, and all of our bows will put our BHs the same exact place as a FP from 10 to 60 yards. And this is with us guys using 3 different brands of BHs. I've shot a ton of different BHs over the years and there's a couple handfulls that I found to fly the same as a FPs, I can also take one of my brothers arrows and BHs and it will hit right where mine will with no adjustments to the rest or sight. I shoot Maxima Blue Streaks with T3s and he shoots whatever Redhead carbons that happen to be on sale at BPS and 2 blade rages, I was shooting NAP spit fires before I switched to the T3s and they fly just the same as the T3s or rages. Now if you was to try and do that same side by side with a muzzy and a thunder head they will hit 2 different spots every time, I know this because they were some of the first BHs that I ever used and I've done the comparison. Now the reason that they hit in two different spots is because of the blades and how they plane out going through the air. Now if you was to take the blades off them same two heads and shoot them they will hit the same spot, but only without blades and again I've tried this myself. The only reason I even switched for the spitfires to the T3s is the damage that is caused by the T3 compared to the spitfire.
  3. Broad head tuning will work, but if you ever go back to shooting field points or blunt rubber tips for small game you will have to re-tune your bow, or just guess at it. I just find it easier to use a BH that flies the same as a field point, blunt point, judo or whatever. Plus I don't get why guys take all the time to paper tune their bow, just to make sure that the arrow is leaving the bow nice and straight. Just to go and mess it up, and all of this to make up for an ill flying BH. There are a ton of BHs that will fly as true as a field point and more then get the job done.
  4. First off I would definitely paper tune it, it's super easy I'll give you a link at the end of this that will show you how to do it. If your shooting those toxics, I could definitely see where they would plane out and fly different then a field point. I know them toxics look great but do yourself a favor and try some G5 T3s, they fly just like a field point which is great when practicing. For one you can practice with field points and you wont tear up the blades on your broad heads or your target. Also when practicing with broadheads you run a high risk of cutting vanes off or just hit another head thats already in the target. Once you have it paper tuned then if you want to use them toxics you'll have to tune in your sights for the broadheads, but at this point you'll be stuck practicing with a head that you can't sharpen so you better stock up on a bunch of extra blades. But long story short paper tuning lets you know that your arrow is leaving the bow nice and straight. Good luck.
  5. Two very nice bow kills Blue, and an awesome story to boot. Congrats
  6. I don't have any of their binos, but I can say that I own 5 of their scopes and they are the best I own. This is compared to nikon, bushnell and simmons which I also own. I have two buddies in my hunt club that uses the Leupold range finders and they are also awesome, way more crisp and clear then the nikons and the bushnells. I wouldn't hesitate in buying anything Leupold, they have some of the best customer service out there also.
  7. Thanks BB, He was taken from a 2 acre patch of woods behind a warehouse that a buddy of mine worked at, him and two other nice ones were living there during early season because of the tons of wild grapes that were there. Yes nice fox Clayton, I've been after a fox for years now the problem is I've never taken the time to just hunt them. It seems every time I see one while in a deer stand it's just out of bow range, and when I'm hunting with a gun I just dont want to blow the deer out so I don't take the shot. I hunt a farm that has numerous albino squirrels on it and I'd love to have a fox mounted with one in it's mouth. Bow season here in MD starts Sept. 6th, I can not wait...
  8. Early Muzzleloader: Opening day of gun season. I actually shot another doe that morning, but it was left with the land owner: Early bow season:
  9. Yup, do it all the time.
  10. obvious not where you or I'd like it to be, mmmmmmTiffany
  11. Here's something that will get you in the hunting state of mind. This is a link to Lee and Tiffany's crush cam, it's a live feed of on of their cams set up at a feeder: http://www.thecrush.tv/deer-cam
  12. If you was to pick a time not to shower I would make it the morning instead of the evening. I say this because if you go in in the morning the temps will rise as the sun does which will actually lift your scent. As where in the evening the sun is setting and the air is getting cooler and heavier, which in turn will push your scent to the ground. This is the same reason I try to never hunt in a bowl type of area or a bottom in the evening. Now as far as Scent lock and all that kinda stuff, I've purchased lots of but haven't in five or more years as I believe is pretty much a gimmick. Now I do wash all my camo and base layers in Dead Down Wind laundry detergent and hang outside days before I use it. All my hunting stuff is stored in scent free totes, and that includes anything that goes in the woods with me. I take a shower in the am and in the afternoon during early bow season, along with changing to and from my camo at my truck before I go in the woods. I also pretty much take a bath in Dead Down Wind spray before I leave the truck, along with soaking all of my gear. I'm also a firm believer in not using cover scents also, I feel that no scent is better then a strange scent (to the deer that is), except for around the rut when using doe in estrus urine...
  13. IMHO Oakleys are way over priced, and no where as nice as they are made out to be. Costas are great glasses and blow Oakleys away, but I think I like my Maui Jims better then any Costas that I've ever owned.
  14. As long as the spline and weight of the arrow are the same as your Axis' you'll be fine. If you have any doubts just use the blunt rubber tip on just one of your Axis', I know of a handfull of guys that carry an extra arrow with a blunt tip just for that reason. As far as different arrows go, I buy a dozen every year or two (depending how many I lose or ruin) and these aren't always the same arrow. With that said all of the arrows that I have left over from the years prior go into a practice pile, which I just practice with and honestly they all group very well. I have some Carbon Express blue streaks (which I hunt with), some gold tips, bemans and some redheads which I practice with, and I would feel comfy hunting with anyone of these arrows with my setup as it is.
  15. 100% white perch
  16. Ahh ok, please post up some results once you guys get them. I'm anxious to see how they perform on a actual hunting setup, shooting around 60 or so pounds instead of the 80# in the barrel shot. I'd also like to know how they fly compared to a field point, this is one of the main reason I shoot the T3s. They flatout fly awesome and put the deer in the dirt, and they're way more consistent then a rage (as far as the blades all deploying)...
  17. I was just checking those toxics out, and if your hunting jugs or drums ( with an 80# bow ) you'd be fine. I find it a little funny that I couldn't find one video of someone taking a deer with them. I don't see them doing all that great with a deers shoulder blade, but I could be wrong. I think that I'll stick with the G5-T3s
  18. This is why I use G5-T3s:
  19. Dove and Pheasant hunting are the two things that are on my short list to do, I've wanted to do both for a long time but haven't...
  20. As stated earlier Nikon makes some decent stuff, I have a Nikon on my Encore 209/50 barrel and it's treated me real nice. Now with that being said Leupold is my scope of choice, I have 5 of them and love everyone of them. If you can swing the Leupold do it, they have a lifetime warranty and they stand behind it 100%.
  21. H&R 20 Ga. Ultra Slugger with a Leupold Ultimate Slam Shotgun scope. She's bad to the bone, 1.5" groups @ 200 yrds.
  22. Judas Priest ~ Desert Plains Hank Williams Jr ~ A Country Boy Can Survive / Family Tradition God Smack ~ Rocky Mountain Way / Touche Metallica ~ Fade To Black / Seek and Destroy Radio Head ~ Creep Metal Church ~ Dogs of Wrath Sublime ~ Wrong Way / What I got The Offspring ~ Your Gonna Go Far Kid Toby Keith ~ Courtesy of the Red White and Blue Stone Sour ~ Through Glass
  23. Yea and I'm still married to it!!!
  24. Pretty cool indeed
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