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Everything posted by MDBowHunter

  1. I don't personally own a Triumph,but I do own an Encore and it's the best shooting Muzzleloader I've ever owned. I've heard nothing but good things about the Triumphs also. The guys that I know that use them are shooting the TC Shockwaves with the yellow sabots, and are having good luck with them. I'm shooting 3 pellets of pyrodex or 150 grains behind 250 grain shockwaves withe yellow sabots and it shoots lazer straight. In my opinion you can't really go wrong with anything TC
  2. Jhoffman I agree with pretty much everything you said, but during the rut Code Blue doe in estrus has always been a winner winner venison dinner for me...
  3. The vanilla is used as a cover scent/ attractant. Play the winds and the vanilla is worthless, now as far as the doe pee. That I toss out at the end of each season, try taking a new bottle and give it a sniff next to the old one and you'll see why I say this..
  4. Green is the only way to go for deer hunting, you will scare off way less deer with green then any other color. All I carry is a streamlight stylus, I don't like headlamps all that much, But Bass Pro has headlamps in green.
  5. Would it be too much trouble to send one this way, it would be highly appreciated
  6. This is why I shoot T3s:
  7. I don't recall the OP stating that he is from NY
  8. G5 T3 and don't look back
  9. St. Croix Avid 7' med/hvy moderate action. My only complaint would be that it seems to get tip wrapped a lot more then my other St Croix rods. My guess it's the guides that they used on that particular model.
  10. My brother and myself are going to head down and try and catch a few this Sunday. Any good reports.
  11. I would buy a pair of Maui Jim's over either one of them.
  12. Here's one a buddy of mine caught last week on the Potomac, he caught 4 others about the same size within the last week:
  13. I just bought a new Tatula and love it, it casts great
  14. We also have to take in account that the world record Snakehead is from the Potomac. I find it incredibly that the record is from this side of the world and not where they're from.
  15. I don't seal mine, I don't like the finish that it leaves behind. Besides with a piece of scotchbrite, a little dish soap and some elbow grease they will look brand new in 5 minutes
  16. IMHO the best venison jerky comes from my oven!!!!! Before: After:
  17. Spotted Channa, thats stupid. Why not just leave well enough alone. But it was a government official that thought of this so I guess that explains it...
  18. Here is a couple sound files, because of crappy weather I had to do these inside with a digital camera so they're not the best quality. But you'll get the idea
  19. I hope I'm not crossing a line by posting this, but all of my calls range from $50 to $75 depending on what type of wood and surfaces that are used. All calls come with one striker and all extra strikers are $20 to $25 depending on wood used
  20. I tried to send you a PM but it said action failed, I dont know whats going on.
  21. I love my St Croix Avid 7' MH Mod for cranking.
  22. I live in MD and we're not far behind CT, it's a shame.
  23. Molon Labe: Connecticut's Terrifying Start Of Gun Confiscation 4 Share1 Sign Up for Free eNewsletter ›› Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rachel Alexander, an attorney, is the editor of the Intellectual Conservative. Sponsored Content FROM THE WEB Real Reason Why Homeland Security …Patriot Liberty Meet Todd Chrisley: He's One Mother Of …USA Network Retire 5 Years Early With These 38 Stock…Newsmax by Taboola BY RACHEL ALEXANDER, CP OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR March 10, 2014|10:41 am The latest gun control law in Connecticut has crossed a very frightening line. A standoff has been created between the government and tens of thousands of gun owners now considered felons. It marks the beginning of an Orwellian new phase. Gun owners saw it coming, as evidenced by their recent adoption in recent years of the defiant expression "molon labe." The phrase originated from Spartan General-King Leonidas, who reportedly responded with "Come and get them!" to Persian Emperor Xerxes' demand that the Spartans surrender their weapons at the Battle of Thermopylae. The Spartans fought valiantly, but were ultimately defeated. With the prequel to the Hollywood bestselling movie 300 just released last week, Americans are now even more aware of the phrase. Until now, gun control laws hadn't mandated the confiscation of weapons; generally, banned guns were grandfathered in under previous laws so their current owners could continue to legally own them. The Connecticut lawchanges all that. Passed last year in response to the Sandy Hook shooting, SB 1160 bans so-called "assault weapons" - certain rifles, more recently known as AR-15s, that have been singled out based on purely cosmetic criteria - and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The firearms have been banned based on how "scary" they look, not their actual usage in crimes. According to a study from the BATF that came out a few years ago, none of the top 10 guns used in crimes in the U.S. were so-called assault weapons; they were all pistols or revolvers. In fact, the #5 gun used in crimes was a shotgun, which Vice President Joe Bidenadvised Americans last year to use for self-defense. The only way to legally retain one of these newly banned firearms or magazines in Connecticut now is to register it - but most gun owners do not want their name on a government list. They are well aware that a list of gun owners can someday be used by the government for confiscation. If gun owners didn't register their firearms or magazines prior to the December 31, 2013 deadline mandated by the legislation, their firearms will be subject to confiscation and the owners considered guilty of a felony. So far, it appears that the vast majority of gun owners affected by the legislation did not register their guns prior to the December 31 deadline, making between 50,000 and 350,000 gun owners felons. This is frightening, considering the law doesn't just make the violation a misdemeanor, it makes it a felony, which could result in a prison sentence. Fewer than 50,000 gun owners registered their firearms by the deadline to comply with the law. Gun owners who sent in their applications for registration after the deadline have reported already receiving letters by the government instructing them to get rid of their guns. The Hartford Courant notes that the government has records of gun owners who went through background checks in order to purchase AR-15s. The government could potentially go after any of those gun owners who failed to register their guns. Follow us Get CP eNewsletter ›› There is shock that gun owners are showing defiance. "I honestly thought from my own standpoint that the vast majority would register," said Sen. Tony Guglielmo, R-Stafford, the ranking GOP senator on the legislature's public safety committee. "If you pass laws that people have no respect for and they don't follow them, then you have a real problem." On January 30, Federal District Court Judge Alfred V. Covello upheld the law in Shew v. Malloy. While he admitted that it placed a substantial burden on the Second Amendment, he claimed that it "substantially related to the important governmental interest of public safety and crime control." It is astonishing that a judge would use that as justification, considering even Congress sunsetted the federal assault weapons ban due to a lack of evidence showing it was effective. Many judges come up with rulings based on their personal political views, or are pressured into a certain decision by outside special interests. Judicial activism is nothing new. Judicial activists have successfully forced a tortured, restricted interpretation of the Second Amendment over the years, in order to diminish its validity. Covello's disappointing decision is currently being appealed, backed by the powerful NRA. Trying to prosecute 50,000 to 350,000 gun owners would be insanity. The liberal activist politicians who passed the foolish legislation in response to an emotional response to the Sandy Hook Shooting do not represent the will of the people who elected them, who want the Constitution upheld. In many ways, the Second Amendment is our most important right, because without it, we cannot protect any of our other rights. There is a reason why it is the Second Amendment, not the 30th Amendment. Requiring gun owners to register their firearms puts them on a fast track with sex offenders, who are required to register with the government so they can be monitored for the rest of their lives. If gun owners fail to register for tracking, they are then treated like criminals, just like sex offenders. This is bizarre, considering lawful gun owners are merely patriotic Americans concerned about protecting their cherished rights. AR-15s aren't guns used in crimes, but are popular guns for self-defense and target shooting. Connecticut Carry, a leading gun rights organization in the state, is daring the government to come after gun owners. The stage is being set for massive civil disobedience unless the law is changed. Many prosecutors and law enforcement officers are not going to uphold a law this heavy-handed; nevertheless, this ill-conceived legislation, pushed through by gun-control activists, is going to pit many law-abiding law enforcement officers against thousands of patriotic, American freedom-loving gun owners. It is terrifying that here in America, innocent gun owners would be put in the same category as sex offenders, turning them into felons. Connecticut governor Dannel Malloy (D), who signed SB 1160, seems to have become another King Xerxes. This time around, will the Spartans in Connecticut prevail?
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