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Everything posted by MDBowHunter

  1. One more for black and white, all the other colors are there to try and make you think you need all of them for different situations. Thus selling more lures which means mo money mo money.
  2. 4.05# the vision 110 has been money so far this year!!!
  3. Them guys will anything that swims including bass. I went snakehead fishing a few times last year and it seemed I always seen rotted gar and snakeheads on the bank at the dock along with some nice bass giant gold fish and blue cats all with arrow holes through them. If they are going to slay everything as they do, they could at least take their kill and dispose of it properly. I see now why a lot of the locals who live on the Potomac would like the bowfishing to stop. It's nothing like having 20 HID lights shining through your window in the middle of the night, not to mention the lovely sound of a generator screaming while running all of them lights. The damage they're causing to grass flats by running all through them chasing the snakeheads is t helping the bass population there either
  4. The biggest of the day @ 4.05, caught about 10 others between .75 and 3 lbs
  5. Not at all when your eating them, I keep my fair share of eating fish. Just not bass, and that's only because I don't care for them too much. I have a buddy and his son that I take out and they'll keep a few bass every now and then. I just find it a little disturbing to see a nice five pound bass covered in dirt. You could at least rinse it off before showing it off.
  6. Every year I see a ton of pics that have fish rolling around in the dirt. I find it a little disturbing and was wondering how everyone else feels. #keepfishoutofthedirt
  7. Nice fish, but definitely a little disturbing to see it rolling around in the dirt.
  8. http://www.gpsnauticalcharts.com/main/us_md_little_seneca-little-seneca-lake-nautical-chart.html
  9. One more who's praying this don't happen
  10. Went to the loch Saturday and caught this 4.76 along with a few other bass and a ton of pikerel. By the looks of her tail it won't be long until they're on beds.
  11. I use a 6'8" MXF as a jerkbait/walker rod
  12. War Eagle for the win!!
  13. I will agree that they love a vision 110, I've caught a lot of nice ones on them.
  14. Light It is a well established fact that bass hate bright light. When the sun is bright, bass have little choice but to find relief by seeking deeper, darker water areas or finding some sort of cover to shade them. If you like to fish for bass on the surface, a bright sunshiny day will probably not be your best bet. The deeper the sun penetrates the water, the deeper the bass will go. And, the deeper they go, the tougher they are to catch. For some reason, young bass are not so much affected by the sun. But the lunkers, the ones fishermen want, are. It has long been known that bass bite best just before or after a storm. Protected from the sun by cloud cover, the big bass are free to roam the shallows in search of food.l
  15. Is your purpose here just to bash and insult everyone? Grow up what are you 12?
  16. It's really more about water temps then the actual temps, but yes bass don't have eye lids therefore they'll hang in the shadows on real sunny days or go deep in the dog days of summer. As far as the top water bite, I start catching fish on top water when the water hits 65-70 degrees and keep catching them until the late fall. You just have to get on the water early, once the suns up and hitting the area your fishing the top water bites generally dies. That's when I pick up a punching rig and start punching the same grass flats I was just top water fishing as the fish don't leave they just hide below the heavy grass in the shade. Here in MD this time of year when it gets real warm like that, and the water is still cold it will generally pull the fish up tighter to the bank and cover in the warmer water. That's when I usually target the wood.
  17. This ^^, combined with the fact of how you treat the rep on the line. Last year I had the insert come out of the tip top of my avid. I don't know how it happened and it very well could've been my fault. I called St Croix and the rep told me to send in the rod and they'd fix it, and I asked if they could just send a tip top to me so I wouldn't be without my rod for a few weeks. Within five days I had not one but two tip tops with adhesive in my mailbox free of charge. Also this rod was purchased used from a member of this site and was never registered in my name. So for some of the guys here that had a hard time maybe try being nice. The rep on the phone didn't break your rod nor was it their fault. Treat people as you'd want to be treated and good things happen.
  18. Well if your leaving the harbor you can catch stripers right at the Key bridge, I wouldn't eat a fish from there but they sure are fun to catch. Fish the edge of the channel there are areas where you'll be in 17-20 FOW and it will suddenly drop off to 40' either drag buck tails or some big plastic swim baits down off that ledge that there and hang on. Been there done that and it's a short hop from the harbor. If your looking to do some perch fishing the columns of the bridge can't be beat, just use a shad dart tipped with grass shrimp.
  19. Should've called DNR, next time they'll be at one of the local reservoirs tossing in snakeheads.
  20. Contact St Croix their customer service is second to none, and they'll take care of you. I have 4 Mojos two of which are the old model and two of the new ones, and none have yet to break. As said earlier graphite rods are fragile and that can happen easily, I was bank fishing one time and barley caught a tiny twig as I was casting and it broke the tip off like it was nothing.
  21. Happens a lot here...
  22. I use braid with a mono leader both of which will float and I don't have any trouble hitting the bottom even in 35-40' FOW, it's all about picking the right weight sinker. I also feel that using this setup will let the bait fall a little slower which is a good thing in my eyes while finesse fishing, and if your in deeper water just up the weight a tad. In the dog days of summer this is my go to setup once the sun gets up and the bass head to deeper water. My success with a dropshot is the main reason I have yet to try a ned rig. Why fix what isn't broke
  23. I agree kind the same thing they did with the Sika deer, it's all about the Benjimins. Once they realize the money to be made it will become a sport fish.
  24. Alright fellows I'm hoping someone here can help me out. This weekend I caught a largemouth that I want have a replica done of, and I'm not sure of who to take it to. I want to find someone that's within driving distance which I'm willing to drive at least an hour for if the place is good. Bass Pro Shops is out of the question as is any place that I can't personally see some of their work as I've seen some replicas that look like what they are replicas. Thanks in advance for the help...
  25. Yup my brother, he's always trying to use the smallest lures and ultralight setups no matter where we're fishing.
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