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Everything posted by toddwchandler

  1. Chartreuse spinner landed one tonight. Thanks for the tip!
  2. Never in a million years did a dream that this thread would go south like this. Ha Ha Ha!
  3. Well, I took a little trip over to Dick's Sporting Goods on my lunch break. My original intent was to come away with a chartreuse spinnerbait, which I did. You will see it pictured. Is that something like what you guys were referring to? While I was there, as always, I found a couple of other things that were on clearance. I have attached pictures of those as well to get some feedback on the proper conditions for using them. One is a very natural colored spinnerbait with greens and browns. The other is a spinnerbait with some whites and blues in it. Curious about the best water conditions for these two.
  4. For the most part, this spring has yielded clear water and the temps have been in the 60's and 70s for most of the spring. I've had some success fishing with plastics and at times, buzzbaits. Lately, after some heavy rains in the last couple of weeks, the water is really muddy with little visibility. In addition, the wind has been pretty strong lately (10-15 MPH on Sunday). I am struggling with finding the right combination for these windy conditions and a choppy water surface. I pulled one large mouth out on Sunday with a lipless crank bait, but otherwise had very little success. Any suggestions for what to use in these windy conditions and muddy water? TC
  5. I was picking up some new Gamakatsu hooks the other day and noticed that they come in a variety of colors. What is the reason for this? Are there particular situations that call for specific colors of hooks, or is it just a personal preference thing? TC
  6. I recently took back up fishing for the first time since I was a kid and have fallen in love with it all over again. Anyway, I was watching Bassmasters the other day and the dumbest question came to mind. What do those guys do when they need to poop? I mean, there are cameras everywhere. Obviously, they would not film a guy trying to do his business, but still, how awkward. Do they go in the woods, have some kind of portable toilet on their boat, how does that work?
  7. I like Booyah. Affordable and effective.
  8. I fished last night around sunset in very calm but very muddy water. I used a white Booyah buzzbait and caught the three biggest fish I have ever caught, all within a span of about 20 minutes. You might also consider a top water frog in and around those lily pads. My favorite is the Booyah pad crasher. Also, you can try the Zoom horny toads.
  9. I have bought a few varieties of hooks and am not 100% sure what to use for what scenario. Right now I have some Eagle Claw offset 1/0 and 2/0 hooks. I also picked up some Gamakatsu 1/0 and 2/0 offset EWG worm hooks. I currently use the following plastics: 3inch senkos 6 inch zoom trick worms 6 inch zoom salamanders Zoom Super Flukes Which hooks for which plastics? Tonight I wacky rigged one of the trick worms on the Gamasatku 2/0 and missed two different hook sets. I am not a highly skilled fisherman, but was wondering if I didn't have the best hook for that worm. TC
  10. I wasn't suggesting that I was going to bother or harm the beaver. It's fun to watch him swimming around and he can catch you off guard and scare the poop out of you when he slaps that tail on the water. I was just trying to find out if his presence would spook the fish or anything. Sounds like I can continue to fish around the area he hangs out with no negative impact. TC
  11. I am fortunate enough to live in a neighborhood that backs right up to a 50 acre pond. It is right behind my house and I'm able to walk down to it and fish frequently. I have seen a decent sized beaver swimming around down there the last three times that I have gone fishing. He seems to like to hang around in the same general area, so I'm assuming that's where his den (or whatever you call a beaver's home) is. Will this beaver eat up or scare away the fish in that general area? Should I just avoid fishing that area or does it really not matter? TC
  12. I generally tie a Palomar knot when tying on my lures, hooks, etc. Sunday I lost two of my favorite lures because when I went to throw them out, they came off the line and just kept going. It appears that the knot just came untied. When I tie the Palomar, I give it a good strong tug to make sure it should hold before throwing it. I am starting to wonder if I'm cutting the tag to short and after the strain of being thrown a few times, the tag slips out of the knot and bye bye lure. How much tag do you all typically leave when typing the Palomar? TC
  13. Well, I honestly do not know the water temperature. I would need to get a thermometer to take a reading. As far as knowing the spawning cycles, I really don't know anything. I understand there are per-spawn, spawn, and post-spawn periods but I don't know how to which of these periods the bass are in.
  14. Just to give you all some background, I live in the suburbs of Atlanta and I am fortunate enough to have a 50 acre lake/pond that is situated between three subdivisions right behind my house. This allows me to walk down there pretty much any time I want and get some fishing in. As recently as 4-6 weeks ago, I was catching some really nice bass out of there. I was having success with plastic grubs Texas rigged, buzz bait, pretty much anything would catch a fish. Now all of the sudden, the big fish seem to be gone or not biting. I am catching some little ones here and there (mostly on a Beatle Spin) but haven't landed a decent one in a while. I can't figure out what has changed. Temps have for the most part been in the 60s and 70s. Water has been mostly clear, getting a little cloudy with some recent rain. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong now. Things that worked a few weeks ago are getting no attention. I can sometimes see the fish following my lure, but they won't bite. What gives? TC
  15. I will have to check when I get home and see if I bought the 3 1/2 or 4/12 inch tube. I initially Texas rigged it, but I did not use a weight anywhere, so that is potentially a problem. As you can see, this is a really big tube, so that's where the problem is coming in finding a jighead that is long enough to run up into the top of the tube that will have the length to come out the bottom. TC
  16. Hi everyone, My name is Todd Chandler. I am new to this forum and have just picked back up bass fishing for the first time as an adult after doing some as a child. I picked up a pack of Strike King Bleeding Tubes the other day and I'm unclear the best way to rig them. Can you all give me some feedback? I understand that an option is to rig them on a jighead, but the jigheads I am seeing all have fair short hooks on them. I would think if I was going to use a jighead it would need to have a pretty long hook so that the hook comes out the bottom of the tube. I'm just a little confused on the right way to use these. TC
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