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Everything posted by cdav111

  1. Throw a hard jerkbait... much more effective!
  2. Call me I live there. 502-269-1796
  3. I have used the maximus.. its basically a 10.5 trick worm.. loaded with garlic... I liked em.
  4. I respectfully, but highly disagree! Both of these presentations are almost purely visual. As such they tend to be clear water tactics. I'm not saying you can't catch them on mono but flouro will get you more bites!.. for swim bait it depends on the size... but no lower than 12, and you prob need 15lb or better. For the jerkbait no higher than 12.. and usually 8 or 10... it improves the action.
  5. The micro guides should make the rod more sensitive as it is more contact points to transmit vibration to the blank... as far as them not holding up to braid its bs.. it works fine and they don't bend..... and 13 micro guides weigh less than half of 10 standard guides.....
  6. I personally really dislike a 5.anything: 1 gear ratio... I use a 6.4:1 helps me keep my boat moving.... especially with traps... with the 5 I can't keep the bait moving.
  7. I'd be down... I'm on the water 5 days a week.
  8. post spawn... depends on the type of fishing you like to do. shallow bite is REALLY good right now... call for more. 502- two69-1796
  9. depends on the lake..... lots of times it takes 30lbs to win at g-ville in feb but at beaver in the summer time 14 is a real real good sack... But all in all i tend to lean towards a fish for the win mentality
  10. idk what you guys are fishing for but ive caught 8lbers on 6lb leader and never went into my backing (behind my braid). That being said i tie the knot aaron martens uses (its on youtube) for connecting braid to small diameter floro... also consider that if you are casting the knot through the guides as i do you need a knot there just the braid is exposed to the friction if you tie lets say a blood knot then the floro portion of the knot is exposed to wear issues and thus the knot failing.
  11. id say your missing out... i actually like the tapers in the bps series better than my loomis cranking rods.....
  12. I personally like the 100's better than the 50s.... has to do with line pickup at the end of a long cast but either way you cant go wrong!
  13. 10.1:1 gears.... a totally tuneable from the outside brake system...
  14. E's... the d series suck- that coming from a shimano guy
  15. Hi, Chris Davis here. Just moved to guntersville to fish full time.. if i can help ya in any way let me know.
  16. remove the skirt and ad a LFT live magic shad.. i typically use them around visible cover.... stained water... above 55.
  17. loop knot....
  18. +1 for mouse, i also use hot mouse and the hot herring quite a bit... willow is my deal.. but thats because i only throw the spinnerbait real fast or real deep... just me.
  19. and ad some kind of keel style belly weight (small) so that it always runs right side up... fewer missed fish.
  20. I personally dont fish the mop jig when fishing is slow... if bites are tough that size profile isnt what im looking for. I tend to use it when i am looking for the big bite. Might have something to do with the fact i skin hook a super chunk on the back of it though..... Works real well when ya stroke it to!
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