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Everything posted by stk

  1. From the looks of it, you have a couple of things to consider. The pvc rolls around on the truck bed liner, maybe you could use some kind of rubber tape to wrap around the base to prevent the pvc from sliding on your truck bed. The other option that would probably help is to maybe extend the pvc on either side of the wheel wells to keep the rod holder in place. Once you do that, I think weighting it down with the sand bags should help.
  2. I've heard from others that Bill Dance does fish private ponds for his show.
  3. I have used bass pro xps brand 4/0 off set round bend worm hook and 3/0 ewg. I also thread all the way through to the split on super flukes. Might have to try the nose hook and jig head techniques.
  4. They look pretty good. I like the gill and the perch. You have a pretty good touch with an airbrush.
  5. Sorry for your loss RW. I feel the same way when close friends/family members pass on. I know they are in a better place and no longer in any sort of pain if they were sick.
  6. Sometimes youtube videos the lines are hard to see.
  7. I've never been given a hard time by anyone when I am out fishing. Mostly I just say hello and ask how they are doing. I try to think of it this way, you will almost always catch fish with live bait and if that is your goal it is fine. However, it is quite satisfying that you've managed to trick a fish into eating a piece of plastic/wood.
  8. Hootie, thanks for the reply. Anyone else have info on this?
  9. Nice job hootie, question about your red eye shad. When you are yo-yoing it and the red eye shad is descending, does it flutter on the way down? I only ask because I fished a buddy's red eye shad and it fluttered on the way down, I went and bought one, fished it and noticed it sank like a rock. No flutter. Thanks in advance.
  10. I haven't fished Table Rock at all, since my father in law passed away before we were able to fish together. My wife said that whens he was growing up they made yearly trips to Table Rock. I am hoping to get out there one of these days.
  11. Enjoy it! My father in law was very fond of Table Rock lake and its not too far from Chicago. Maybe I'll see you on a visit sometime.
  12. Nice job fishing and the video. Just try to keep the fish off the ground.
  13. I'd sell it to him at a very good price (or free) with the stipulation that he calls you everytime he goes fishing...
  14. Just to clarify, the San Diego jam knot and pitzen aren't the same. Very similar, and ***.com explains it better. "Regardless of which name you call it, the Pitzen is an effective method of tying a lure, hook or fly to a fishing line. It is said to retain 95% of the line's breaking strength. It is easier to tie in lighter line or tippets than in heavier line. A derivative of this knot is the San Diego Jam Knot, with the only difference being that the tag end is run through the bottom opening prior to the loop at the top. This step adds another pressure point in the dynamics of the knot, which allows the San Diego Jam Knot to be used in slippery braided line." I started using the SDJ on 20lb powerpro super slick because I was getting slippage on the pitzen and trilene knots that I normally use, also probably because I cut the tag end too short....
  15. 01. Personal goal to catch 250 fish this year. 02. Go fishing with lots of people. (sounds kind of promiscuous, lol). 03. Fish with crank baits more.
  16. Walking Dead, Southland, Game of Thrones Southland Theme:
  17. nice feesh! nice jigs too.
  18. I have tried to use other soft jerk baits but I have always come back to Zoom super flukes. This year I'm going to try out the regular flukes and see how they do. I've had much success with the watermelon color variations. I also have the shad colors and albino, but I haven't caught anything on those yet, just watermelon seed.
  19. Cannot comment on the line conditioner but it is worth a try by the number of responses. My comment is on the baitcaster, if I remember correctly the centrifugal brakes are for the initial spool rotation during a cast and the magnetic brakes are for the end of the cast. If you are back lashing at the beginning or end of a cast adjust accordingly. That's of course if the revo has the dual brake system. A well trained thumb really helps. Good luck.
  20. I got my first bass today on a Black spinner bait, 7ft compre MH, Lews speed spool. Also managed to snag a shad in the face with a crank bait, and got a channel cat on the black spinnerbait as well.
  21. I'm a fan of my Dremel as well. Well worth the 100$ I paid 10 years ago.
  22. This is what I ended up doing for our trip from IL to OK (3 people, 1 dog). worked out pretty well.
  23. Hey Curtis, I had asked this question a while back and got many responses. I ended up building a little rack out of PVC for my crv. Works great. Here is the link to my thread. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/122105-rod-holder-in-carsuv/?view=findpost&p=1335254
  24. I think people have said this before, but you should try them out first hand before making a decision. For me, I feel way more comfortable with a left hand retrieve reel. I have 2 BPS PQ's and the lews speed spool. The PQ's have the dual braking system which helps but nothing is going to help you more than a well trained thumb. With that said, the lews speed spool just has the magnetic brakes, it's pretty light and it has a lower profile. Both reels are very smooth and if you can get one of them on sale, even better. Also figure that since the old man is helping you out, even if you pay full price, his advice and mentoring is well worth it. Good luck, you can't go wrong with either reel.
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