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About stk

  • Birthday 05/26/1978

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  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Any body of water

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  • About Me
    Kayak Bass League Pro-Staff

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  1. Hmm, got a little bit of stuff going on here. Looks like sv103 frame, pe zillion handle and maybe the guts from a pe zillion as well? it's like a frankenstein of OG zillions but doesnt take the 36mm spool.
  2. Hey @perd, Thanks for the report. And nice job on those smallies! As for the yak fishing tournaments, I'm not sure how much you know but the sport has grown a lot in the past 2 years and is still relatively young. The cool part is that there are a combination of online and live tournaments. Kayak Bass Fishing (KBF) is the big nationwide group that runs the majority of the online tournaments but they do have live trail events throughout the country. There is a KBF trail event at Lake of Egypt in IL in October. The sport is relatively young and has some growing pains, but it's pretty fun if you are into that sort of thing. There are also many smaller clubs in each state and a lot of them are KBF affiliates/partners. The online tournaments leave a lot of the responsibility up to the angler and that's probably why the rules are the way they are. I've been fishing these tournaments for the last three years and I can see how to a beginner it may seem convoluted but the rules have evolved and continue to be changed as the sport grows. If you have any questions please send me a PM or reply and I can answer as best I can. - Tony
  3. I've been pretty impressed with the DC reels as well. The Exsence DC and metanium DC are both pretty phenomenal, their braking is pretty easy once you understand their functions. I usually keep the braking rather light, I almost forget it's there. You will love the Antares DC.
  4. One of my favorite combos, perfect for frogging and heavier jigs. Right amount of power and tip. The balance is great too with the heavier Exsence reel. I had to let the perfect pitch go though, luckily I know where to find her again...
  5. I like the darker cork look too. Which rod rack is that? Does it have wheels?
  6. @TxHawgsyep, totally is a 2015 Metanium DC. It has been on my list of reels for a while and one popped up. Pretty sweet condition and I really enjoy my Exsence DC. There's a video of a casting comparison between the met MGL, met DC and I think the 2013 met. Kind of surprising where it ended up. Pretty cool none the less. Bah, I can't find the video, but the met DC ended up casting the furthest with 2/3 baits (weightless worm, swimbait and crankbait). @Scarborough817 Thanks! Yeah I was on the look out for the older model Z2020 and they rarely if ever come up for sale. I kinda wish this one had a slower gear ratio as I'd probably have more uses for it. I am not sure if anyone has tried it yet but swapping gears from the older z2020 6.4:1 into the new body and see if it works. This reel has a great matte finish and I would imagine if Darth Vader was into bass fishing, this would be his reel...:)
  7. The MGL's are excellent. I got mine back in August and it was easily the lightest and smoothest reel I have. I upgraded the bearings to the SiC bearings and casting is effortless. I have a chronarch ci4+ that the MGL replaced, I'm not sure I need to try the Chronarch MGL. Couple of my purchases during the winter in N. IL. It's hard on the wallet...
  8. I will be at the schaumburg and tinley park shows. Been doing the same as cadman, cleaning reels and going through tackle.
  9. Nice haul, what are those two big swimbaits?
  10. I'm not going to blow up his spot but I'd say there is quite a bit of water nearby. I hope you catch some donkeys out of there because no one fishes it at all. With that said, I'd fish at lunch more but I really hate fishing for just an hour....
  11. I've seen guys use this method (foam blocks and ratchet straps) on the roof of their car and it's worked well. I would also look into tie downs on the front and back of the kayak depending on how far and fast you are driving. Thule make these hood loops that will give you tie downs in the front, or you can make your own with a strap and finding a fender bolt under the hood. It may be extra hassle but it's one of my main concerns. I'd rather spend the extra time to tie it down than have the kayak come off the car adn hurt someone on the highway. Keep in mind as well if you have straps that go inside of the car, if it rains the water will run into your car.
  12. Excellent job Cadman!
  13. I think depending on your water you fish, if there is a lot of cover I would go with a H, but for me a MH fits a little better. With the shallow spool, line capacity could be an issue. As for the reel's power and torque, I think it can handle pretty much anything except for big swimbaits.
  14. Beautiful reel. I have mine (HG 7.4:1) paired with a Kistler Mag2 Heavy-MedHeavy XF. I use this reel for texas rigs and small jigs. I love how light the reel and rod combo is. Did you get the JDM version or USDM?
  15. You could experiment with 1/4oz or maybe a different shape 3/8oz jig. Try a smaller profile jig trailer as well.
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