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Everything posted by CDMeyer

  1. Hey guys, my Lowrance won't turn on currently. I tried checking the fuse and connections and that's all good. Is there a way to tell the unit itself is bad or the power cord itself is bad. Thank you!
  2. I just picked up a 1998 Johnson foot pedal tm. I am trying to find more info out about it... maybe even an owners manual. I have Googled model # and serial #, with no luck. Ik some of these are 12v/24v.. this one however has no switch for that as far as I can see. Here is the information I have. Any info would help, it works great I would just like to know a bit more! Model#: Bfx4TPP.98 S#: H 02948051
  3. Thank You!! Would it be fair to say that to have confidence in fishing being there, start in the am on productive shoreline near the channel. Then as the morning bite dies off back off the shore and use my electronics to find a weedline or stumps or breaks likewise to the shore pattern I was running in the am???
  4. This is a hard question I know without many details. But I guess what I am getting at is I want to become a more versatile angler, I would consider myself a very proficient power fisherman, I can run the bank with the best of them if need be. But when tournamant conditions make that hard I would like to be better at going deep. The lake I have most access to is only about 410 acres filled with tress and more wild rice to fish than you could shake a fist at. However, there are still massive stump fields and deep (15ft for this lake) stumps. Any advice on how to do this without wanting to pull my hair out at first? And can I fish those massive 6 feet deep stump fields the same as I would shoreline. I have a Lowrance Graphing unit on my boat so I am able to see a lot of structure with downscan. Any help would be much appreciated, again I know this is a very broad question but in a nutshell I am wondering what if at all is it possiable to offshore fish on this small shallow lake!
  5. I myself have wondered this. When I first started following the Elite sereis when I was younger names like Clunn, Grigsby and Shultz were studs. However, all it takes is a look at the Elite AOY standings and scroll to the bottom and many of those guys are there. As a former Highschool angler myself I wonder if programs for youth, hs and college along with electronics have contributed to it. My second theory is a little more controversial. With all do respect to the guys mentioned before, I wonder if competitive drive is something. Competing in high school state, regional and national tournaments I have been exposed to solid competition and they have instilled in us a drive and path to make it as a professional someday if we so choose. As well, the education side has been incredible, each of the high school tourneys I was in was a learning experience in of itself being able to fish across the Midwest... as well as educational opportunities to learn more about the biology of fish and patterns along with how to be more efficient with electronics. I do not mean to sound like a punk kid by this, I am just bringing a point to the form that putting young anglers in tourneys like they now offer and giving us the tools to succeed we go into our future tournaments more prepared and confident.
  6. So I normally keep my boat in the water all year on the dock about three hours from home at our cabin. But working more this year I want to keep it in the driveway and fish different fisheries more often to get more experience. But having only been used to put my boat in an out of the water twice a year the tires are terribly weather checked, and since my boat is at our cabin and do not want to take the trailer on the interstate, would it be the worst thing in the world to load my trailer onto our 18 foot flatbed trailer then once I get it home I will be able to drive the trailer because it's mostly city driving never more than 5 miles to a boat ramp. I know the boat trailer tires need changing but I would like my boat home to enjoy it, so I Googled it and I saw some people putting the trailer and boat on a flatbed, I at least want to do it so I can use my boat until I can buy some new tires. Any Thoughts?
  7. I am wondering if I leave my boat in the water all summer is it bad for the transducer to be left in the water? I have my transducer on a removable mount so I technically could take it out each weekend. I am just wondering if this is bad for it or not? Thanks for the help
  8. Just my personal statement but I have a 1975 Mercury 700 (70hp) and I think the ThunderBolt ignition is great and it can still get up and move for me. As long as you take care of them I believe they are great.
  9. Was not even able to go and do not personally know anyone in the video but either way it looked like alot of fun.
  10. I feel terriable when that happens to me, but you just have to tell yourself and know that you did not do it on purpose and did everthing in your power to save it.
  11. NCAA athletes are not allowed to participate in any sort of gambling, which fantsy sports falls under. I got caught last year for fantsy fishing and our board said watch it cause if the NCAA finds out I would be suspended.
  12. Congrats!!! WOW, $215" per bass is just crazy
  13. Went about four hours away for a bass tourney and totally ran out of senkos in Practice.... no bait shop for miles.
  14. I never do if I see someone working on a fish they found it and I do not want to scare it away. That being said sometimes in a tourney if my partner misses or I do we will tell eachother to take a crak at it. My dad and I do the same out fishing just for fun too.
  15. Definitly fun! But stupid NCAA bans it hahaha so I guess it will be four years before I try it again haha
  16. Sounds like alot of cover. My approach to that would be tossing a 1/4 oz swimjig that matches the hatch aroudn the area. Alos have rod with a senko and another with a T-Rig (you will have to experiment with beavers/creatures/powerworms to see what you are best at and what works). I fish the swimjig as a search bait and then I slow down around really high precentage areas and toss the soft plastics.
  17. I fish shallow no matter what.... hoping the purchase of a new graph (or one for that matter) will help curve this.
  18. Thank you, and you are right I probally will but for now I will have the ol' Humminbird up front and I will have my New Lowrance on the back. My front deck is honestly about four feet so having it on a arm mount should be fine hahaha. Thanks for teh help!
  19. I just purchased a Lowrance HOOK-4 CHIRP DSI Fishfinder Chartplotter With Lake Insight . Currently I have an old Humminbird LCR on my trolling motor. I am wondering where should I mount this one? Do I want the transducer on the back so I can look at it while running and cruse for structure... or do I want the transducer on the trolling motor so I can be right on top of what I am looking at. Where ever I do not put this new Lowrance I will put my Hummingbird . Either way I will have the screen unit itself mounted so it can be swung around to the front when fishing and the console when driving (I have a small boat Hahaha)
  20. CDMeyer


    Do you know how the format works in qualifying for the end of the year tourney, by this I mean in the AOY standings for each division how many teams will go (for example like top 6)
  21. Thank you and I will I'm going this weekend
  22. I am from Wisconsin and recently all my friends are talking about how in North West Wisconsin at the St. Croix factory store they have three types of each rod; A, B, C. A, being brand new and is the same you would buy anywhere else. B, is a rod that has had either a scratch or a paint malfunction but is still covered by the lifetime guarantee and cost half the original price. C, is a refurbished rod that had something damaged on it but was fixed by St. Croix, and comes with a one year warranty and will run a guy $30-50. I know people always say you get what you pay for but as a college student money is hard to come by, it is pretty tempting to buy 3 Legend Tournament Elites for $40 each versus one for $150+! Just wondering if anyone has experience with this weather it be with St. Croix or not.
  23. Makes sense they are doing it even if Saturday and Sunday. They are just trying to keep up with the Elite Series.
  24. CDMeyer


    This year my fishing partner and I have switched leagues to fish the Bass World Sports Tournament Association out of the Mississippi River Division. I was wondering if anyone had competed in these tournaments or knows anyone who has, and if so could fill me in on what to expect. Thanks in advance
  25. I like your method for tracking them! Something to look at at the end of the year! We still have ice up here!
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