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Everything posted by gulfcaptain

  1. Anacharis (Egeria densa). Popular aquarium plant native to Northern America...hence not Hydrilla. Hydrilla is from Asia and was transplanted from cuttings in the aquarium trade that made it into watersheds.
  2. why don't you get a crankin stick. I have 2 of them and really like them. Looked at the carbonlights and they didn't impress me although I do like the reels. And the 2 I have both are 7'6" one M and the other MH. The M is a bit whippy and honestly would have rather had a heavier action...maybe I should take that one back and exchange it since it is their rod. The MH though is a great rod and I love it.
  3. Hey Gator Joe, all the pay lakes...Irvine, Corona, Santa Ana (although they wiped it out reduing it) all offer catch and release bass fishing. Santa Ana was awsome for float tubing until the OC Water District drained them all dray. Loved fishing there even though I had to pay but it was 5min away from my son's school. And as long as you throw them back right away I think you're good. They just don't want people culling fish they put on stringers for bigger ones later.
  4. I wouldn't worry, CA is broke. They don't have the money for anything they propose. They can't even afford enough DFG Officers to actually inforce regulations we already have let alone try and take on a new project. I could see them trying to spawn and restock them....but then when they dump them in the lake be ready for the feeding frenzy from the birds and fish.
  5. Have to get through the smaller fish. Try a heavier hair jig or jigging spoon. If their are bigger fish in the school they are gonna be looking for the easier meal, the weaker injured bait that the smaller fish didn't get or was too big and now is injured.
  6. That's awesome. My 10yr old son is a fishing addict as well. He already is wanting me to buy a boat. I'd rather have him at the lake all day fishing then sitting in front of a video game anytime. Sounds like you and your daughter will be sharing lots of memories.
  7. Well replace it, then take the old one apart and clean and grease it....gears get grease....lightly, bearings get oil. Put it back together and see what happens.
  8. Spine the rod by holding it horizonal and bend the tip....support the rod in the crease between your thumb and fingers. The rod with roll to the spine. Mark it. You want the guides on top of spine for casting, bottom for spinning. I've built 2 rods....I found out a lot doing that. #1, it's cheaper to let someone else make it. Unless you plan on wrapping lots of rods it's gonna cost quite a bit unless you plan on physically spinning each rod on a cardboard box while wrapping it and then slowly turning it for a few hrs while the flex drys so you get it evenly. But if it's something you're wanting to get into I'm sure you can find books to read, but most learn from someone teaching them the craft.
  9. Welcome to Urban fishing in S. Cal. It's def tough to be consistant. I would head down the 57fwy and venture into some of OC's city and regional parks. Or invest in a float tube so you can get off the bank at Puddingstone.
  10. Was that really a question or was that supposed to be posted in the joke thread?
  11. I use Simm's Sun Armour. But am looking into the Omnifreeze and after reading some of the reviews here may go and get one to try
  12. I noodled a couple bass that happened to be really lazy sitting on the bank(no they weren't dead)....can I enter those fish?
  13. I stock my bag with what I'm gonna fish or technique I'm going to be using. If I'm fishing swimbaits, it's stocked with those. Punching grass, well have a small box of hooks and weights, then a soft wallet style binder with punch jigs and creatures. If I'm junk fishing, I think about where I want to go and stock accordingly....Kinda use the trunk of my car as my tackle locker when I'm headed out. This way I can swap on the fly. There's always 4-6 rods and various tackle ready to go. Also carry pliers, sissors, a scale and the attractant I choose. Don't bring it all becaue you're not gonna use it. Stock with what you're planning to use or what you use most often If it's a new technique, don't bring anything else so you can't fall back on something else.
  14. Are you allowed to get a boat on there? If so you're doing a lot better then the local city park lake/ponds I fish. 2-3 hrs without a bite, yes it's normal. I can fish an 8hr day and get 3 bites catch 2 fish and the highly pressured waters I fish if you can consistantly catch 2-3 fish a day, you are in the 10% that catch 90% of the fish. Try a different approach, fish a dropshot and a small 4" straight tail worm. If that isn't the normal presentation on that lake you may open a whole new batch of fish. I try and do that around here. I've had to veer away from Senko's and wacky rigs as everyone fishes them. But yet I can throw a 1oz punch jig and straight braid and get fish that other's are missing simply because they don't look at that option to fish. Change up your presentation and think outside the box. Funny how a simple minded fish can drive us crazy when we can't outsmart them. Good luck.
  15. they make a 3.3 as well, but the 3.8 will work well. Would stay with those two sizes.
  16. yeah I would say 20lb FC or mono for the 6" and 12-15lb for the 4".
  17. #1 keep throwing it and don't give up. #2, fish it around bluegill beds, slow fish it(wake it) and every now and then kill it, then rip it and slow crank....gives the panic look. #3, Watch for followers and see what excites them. If you have gotten their attention you just have to figure out how to make them bite. And if they gave their position away, give them a little break and go back...10-15min and try again varying the presentation slightly from what you did. And early morning/evening may work best, but just think of it as a big wakebait. #4, keep throwing it and gain confidence in it that it will produce.
  18. also depending on what your fishing around the longer cylinder style weights will hang up less then the round dropshot weights. Almost any 4" worm will work great, last year I started using Kietech's Live and Swing Impacts dropshotting and worked out great. Have fun.
  19. Does the pond have lots of grass/weeds? Do you see them staking out bluegill beds and focusing their attention there? Spooky fish are hard in a pond but not impossible. If their's heavy grass, ignore the fish you see and pitch punch baits into the thicker stuff and the holes inbetween. If it's pretty clear and open, option 2 and 3, dropshot rig, and finally a Fat Ika.
  20. Wow, well I'm with A Jay on the Pro-Cure. Rainbow Trout, Crawfish, and ofcourse Shad.....all made with real trout, crawfish, and shad with UV flash. Oh and Yum's F2 Shad when I'm throwing an A-rig with my secret additive to it....but can't tell ya cause it's a secret.
  21. Having faith and fishing consitantly and knowing the conditions and where to fish the higher percentage areas with what the fish want produce bigger fish. Big or small, swimbait or jig, dropshot or 12" worm. Unless you are fishing high percentage areas where you may encounter the larger models it doesn't matter what you throw big or small. And with that said.....still like swimbaits.
  22. You're talking about 2 totally different baits. Hudd's are a cooler water bait with suttle action and tale kick you fish either with a slow role/crank or let it sit on the bottom and creep it like a jig. The line thur has a more action....more side to side though out the bait similar to a hard swimbait but in a soft body. Similar to a BBZ trout bait. And Huddleston's run about $30 each. Swimbait fishing can get quite expensive. NEVER thought I'd buy baits that would cost between $50 and $100 each, but after a couple years fishing the bigger baits you start investing more money. Just because a Hudd doesn't run $40 each doesn't mean having them doesn't get expensive. You figure in 2 each of the rof 5's, then 2 of the 12's....right there you have spent over a $100. They wear out just like any other soft bait will.Fishing swimbaits you have to accept that one day you may just loose one or two.
  23. No, it's what it is. We all have to follow them, therefore they should as well.
  24. I'm with Catt, sometimes you don't have time to deal with all that. You get a spot of breaking fish...go ahead and tag them....I'll worry about it after I have my 5 fish in the livewell and spend 5 min figuring out which one needs to go after I get to that point.
  25. Can also use clear Bait Tape, but like one of the other posts above, I'm not addicted to Senkos, and the few I do use, Mend-it back together as long as I can recover it. I do think I'm addicted to Mend-it though. That bottle has paid for itself quite a few times.
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