Actually you pay before you fish. So you would be footing the bill before that and if you cancel your trip after the stated amount of time you will probably loose half of your payment as well. And if you only base the quality of your trip on what you catch and not the service that was rendered, then honestly from a prosfesional point, I wouldn't want a return trip from you anyways. I have had customers that have had tough trips (mind you I ran both 6pack and charter boats on the west coast), did everything in my power to make it the best experience I could, caught fish although not the targeted fish fish we were after, If I had done everything in my power to show you great service, worked hard, fished hard, stayed out longer then planned to try and it just didn't work and the fish didn't want to bite.....then you want a discount on top of that as well as I'm sure you would probably not be very gratious... WHY WOULD I WANT A RETURN TRIP FROM THIS KIND OF CUSTOMER?.....had one customer that was ticked at my bosss who then took it out on myself and my crew, which I wouldn't have taken him fishing again if he paid me too nor would any of the other charter captains I new as they don't want a customer like that either as it wastes their time as well as costing them money to operate. Just remember it is a two way street, a guide will always do their best to make sure you have the best experience you can, if they don't they won't stay in business very long. Great guides have full calenders because they know how to treat their customers and fill their dates with repeat customers who expect the great service and profesionalism their guides provide(weather or not they are catching fish) becomes a more personal arrangement where you feel you are taking an old friend out to fish. And if the guide is catching fish and you're not because you refuse or just can't catch them how is that his fault that now you should get a comp'd trip. Sorry, a contract is a contract. Funny thing is not one person will put it out if they would ask for a comp but won't answer if they would tip the guide. If I'm going to pay someone to take me fishing, I expect great costomer service and a safe operation, fishing comes second and it's a bonus if we experience great fishing. I only hold the guide accountable for what he can control. Just like that old saying, you can lead a horse to water you can't make him can go fishing and park on them, but you can't make them bite. Sorry guys, stop being cheap and pay the man for his services. If he was a crappy guide, non professional, and didn't treat you well, still pay the man, just don't fish with him again. I personally wouldn't hire a guide again even if I had a great fishing trip but he was an A$$H@LE and had crappy customer service skills, and was unprofessional. I'd pay him, tip him....a far amount mind you maybe not as much had he not been ^^^ and look aroud for someone in the area if I wanted to fish that area again to hire instead.