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Everything posted by gulfcaptain

  1. If you are going to tie a clinch knot, you need to either do a San Diego knot which holds well (instead of wrapping up you wrap down then go through both loops, wet and tighten.) or you run your line twice through the eye of the hook then tie. Now after you tiied your knot, lock it down with 2 half hitches. I don't like the palomar knot, and tie either the improved clinch or the San Diego knot all the time (other then snelling a hook). And you should ALWAYS wet your line before you tighten. Doesn't matter what knot you tie. If you don't wet it you can possibly not cinch it down all the way hence when it's under pressure it fails or you create a bad spot from the line rubbing and chaffing itself which could lead to line failing. Both can be avioded. And I only cut the tag end off after I am completely satisfied with my knot. If it looks questionable, well I cut it off and retie.
  2. If I'm cranking around cover, I normally keep my rod tip a bit higher then I normally would as to keep the line angle up some. This why if I hit the cover the lure tends to want to rise up over the cover as oppoesed to digging into it. Sometimes if you feel it hit stop the bait and let it rise up to clear then crank it back down. The more you get used to using them the less you are going to. I would suggest fishing a bit heavier line right now then you are. Bump it up a couple pounds...instead of say 12, fish 15. And get yourself a lure retriever to recover your stuck baits. It will pay for itself.
  3. Ebay maybe.
  4. Like I said, sounds like the two of you never communicated. You put up with his issues instead of addressing them prior to fishing a tournament. Remember you entered a team event. If he wants to fish, and you have money invested and want to compete, step up to the plate, put your big boy pants on and communicate with him. Right now you're complaining on here when you weren't man enough to state your concerns or bring up the issues you found uncomfortable. Maybe he didn't realize he was doing that. Maybe he thinks he's teaching you and thinks you know nothing about whats going on. The only way to put this past you is to have a grown up discussion with him and get things straight between the two of you. If it isn't ment to be after that then so be it. But then at least you attempted to communicate. Not trying to come down on you, but you are young and sometimes the older generation don't realize you may be a better fisherman then they believe. I did a long range fishing trip when I was 22. Got on a 6 day trip in San Diego and everyone on there was as old as my parents except the crew. They all wanted to know if I was there with my Dad. I just simply stated I was a big boy and was there all by myself. My fishing spoke for itself and soon they were asking me questions or trying things I was doing. Don't get upset at one event, learn from it. You got 7th place. You caught fish. You just need to communicate with your partner better or soon to be ex-partner.
  5. You fished a team event. Only team events I fished were back when I was in HS in a Wed. Night local fishing club on the lake I lived on. My Dad would bark at me once in a while, but he was my Dad. My original partner that I had after even pre-fishing never yelled or screamed. I had a partner that was having a rough morning at the last tournament I fished, but it wasn't directed at me. I just fished and he appoligized for being a bit upset (had some things stolen out of his boat the night before the tournament) and was thankful I was easy going and we were good the rest of the day. You may want to have a sit down with this guy and discuss what you saw and the concerns you have if the two of you want to be a team. Communication is key and sounds like the two of you had ZERO communication prior to the event. You fished together but you didn't communicate and get on the same page.
  6. Have to agree. Used it in water with less visibility then you stated...maybe 2ft if I was lucky with good success.
  7. Bigger treble hook baits......swimbaits, larger cranks. Also have had fish throw buzzbait/spinnerbaits. Treble hook baits I seem to have better success rate when I change out standard round bend trebles and go with the EWG short shank hooks. The just seem to stay buttoned better. Spinnerbait and buzzbaits are a crap shoot.
  8. You are the one fishing with it. You asked experiences and you have both sides. I've had more issues with Diawa's(all been sent in to have repaired since it's down the street) had to help work on my friends Shimano's, no experience with a Lew's. Doesn't mean that those companies are bad, they have a lot of people that love them. But in that 3 year period I have had ZERO issues from my Quantums. But then I take care of them and keep them oiled and clean. Do this with all my gear but yet had issues with other brands. Like mentioned on here, Quantum isn't liked by A LOT of members on here, but there are a few that love them. Sounds like a good deal, I'm sure you will be happy with it.
  9. You do know the difference between flipping and pitching? Flipping is a more suttle up close action of pulling a set amount of line out and in a pedulum swinging motion dipping your bait into cover. Not much reeling going on unless you have a fish. Then pulling it back out by hand and dipping it into the next bit of cover. Pitching lets you "pitch" a bait say 10-30ft away from you with a light hopefully splashless entry and work spots without getting right on top of them. It's kind of an inbetween action where you're not flipping baits, but your not trying to cast far, kind of the middle of the road working targets and water within say that 10 to 30 ft range and work that water.
  10. Any time there is cover around to flip or pitch to. You're in Florida so I would say that's almost all year. If there's cover you can pitch a bait into it.
  11. Currently working in the Marine industry, not quite what I had planned but I'm utilizing what I went to school for and spent a lot of time on the water to recieve. Started in this field 23 years ago, flopped around like most 20 somethings do until you figure out what you really want to do. Only switched from the fishing side to the idustrial because I needed a steady paycheck after becoming a parent. Working in Gulf of Mexico in the oil and gas industry is a long way from the plans of being on a fishing yacht in Cabo.
  12. There's still a few on beds here and there around where I fish. Most are done and one to the post spawn feed. The number of people fishing are dropping off as they are no longer able to sight fish them. Did get another fish on the Ned yesterday that happened to be on a bed tucked up under some floating grass. Took 1 try and he hammered it. Also got the Z-Man heads and some T.R.D.'s....give them a go tomorrow and see. Much smaller head and hook then what I was fishing so looking forward to see the difference.
  13. Nothing like being pulled around by a 5-6lb bass and trying to keep him out of your feet as you land them. Great fun, love tubing although I haven't used mine in a couple years.
  14. He wasn't happy but he was a determined frog. Chased my bait across one of the grass mats and tried to eat it 3 times....finally just decided I was going to let him eat it and catch him. Figured it would make a good picture. So I guess that would count as my first "frog frog" of the year.
  15. Welcome to the forums.
  16. Here's a few pics from today. Yes, even some frog on the frog action going on. Yesterday a catfish, today a nice 1lb bullfrog and a bass to go with it.
  17. gulfcaptain

    IMAG0879 1

    From the album: fish pics

  18. gulfcaptain


    From the album: fish pics

  19. gulfcaptain


    From the album: fish pics

  20. I have 4 of the older Smoke 150's. All 3 gear ratio's. None of mine have the above stated issues. Actually none of the Quantum's I've had (Codes, Accurists, Kenitic, Smoke, EXO, TourMG) have ever given me problems and are still in great shape. Are you looking at the older or new model Smokes?
  21. Nature finds a way. Run off from other bodies of water, there is the notion that birds may transplant fish eggs stuck to their feathers or feet. And then there is a 5 gal bucket from someone that decides to catch fish from somewhere else and transplant them to a new spot.
  22. Okay, now I feel your pain. Those look like big snow flakes too. If it makes you feel better I had to wear a long sleeve shirt today....it was cloudy and 64 out.
  23. Yeah, I'm in that field. Wish it was a bit more consistant as right now it sucks. Nothing like a 25% pay cut, but beats unemployment. But even I am looking to expand my options and make myself more marketable by upgrading my Coast Guard License incase the oil/gas doesn't recover a bit this summer. You could always go with Lottery tickets, if you hit the jackpot.....become a pro. If not, well you can make a collage out of those tickets to remind yourself that school's probably a good idea. And no, I didn't go to college, but I decided to go "all in" in a profession of working as a Merchant Mariner. But still requires schooling to achieve higher pay and advancement.
  24. You are really still getting snow? I wish I could say I feel your pain.
  25. Wish I would have had fished that rig prior to that tournament at Havasu in Feb. I think I would have thrown it the whole time. Maybe next year if I get the chance to fish them again.
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