Like I said, sounds like the two of you never communicated. You put up with his issues instead of addressing them prior to fishing a tournament. Remember you entered a team event. If he wants to fish, and you have money invested and want to compete, step up to the plate, put your big boy pants on and communicate with him. Right now you're complaining on here when you weren't man enough to state your concerns or bring up the issues you found uncomfortable. Maybe he didn't realize he was doing that. Maybe he thinks he's teaching you and thinks you know nothing about whats going on. The only way to put this past you is to have a grown up discussion with him and get things straight between the two of you. If it isn't ment to be after that then so be it. But then at least you attempted to communicate. Not trying to come down on you, but you are young and sometimes the older generation don't realize you may be a better fisherman then they believe. I did a long range fishing trip when I was 22. Got on a 6 day trip in San Diego and everyone on there was as old as my parents except the crew. They all wanted to know if I was there with my Dad. I just simply stated I was a big boy and was there all by myself. My fishing spoke for itself and soon they were asking me questions or trying things I was doing. Don't get upset at one event, learn from it. You got 7th place. You caught fish. You just need to communicate with your partner better or soon to be ex-partner.