I have a planted tank and used to do aquarium service for extra money as well as managing the fish department in two different major pet stores. Sorry to tell you, your planted tank with the silver dollar is doomed. They eat plants. So unless they are plastic, odds are in favor of them becoming food. Chinesse algae eater, well they are good when they are small, then get really agressive when they get bigger (around th 4" mark). Your rubber lip pleco is fine, they don't get very big, I'd look for a bushy nose pleco though if you can find one and ditch the algae eater, or throw him in your goldfish tank. I have a 40gal planted sitting in my front room with small rummy nose tetras, some small catfish, and a couple dwarf chiclids (and some shrimp to control the algae as well as my one bushy nose pleco.). A tank can be very relaxing, if I had more room I'd probably look at trying to throw a couple pond bass and some green sunfish in there, but don't have the space for that large of a tank. And I'd love to have a reef tank again, but being away from home for a month at a time, I don't think it would make it.