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Everything posted by Hogsticker

  1. If you stick with Sunline or Sufix you should be good to go.
  2. If the blank on the new Crucial is like the last generation I'll pass. If it's like the old model, light and crisp, it should be good. Cork Eva, who cares if the blank sucks. When comparing last generation models of both rods I'd take the Zillion every time. The last Crucial was clunky imo.
  3. If you wanna see smoke just light a Benjamin on fire
  4. I'm debating if I want my next build on one of the new immortal blanks, or a Phenix mbx. I've shyed away from Phenix after coming across a handful of quality control issues on the Web. Price may also be a factor if the immortal retails North of 150
  5. Just looked in my XT box. It came with a spare set of clear tabs, and a spare set of gray tabs. Never noticed the gray tabs before
  6. Agree to disagree I suppose. 2 months is a bit drastic, but I'd still rather wait than order a mass produced stick on line that may have a crooked guide, loose trim ring, or epoxy overrun. Some people who don't just build for fun or friends do tend to charge an awful lot for his/her work. Double the cost of the build is a bit much. Shipping is a killer though
  7. 4 carrier vs 8 carrier. The latter being softer and more limp. My experience anyways.
  8. I can tell you this. I have an Rx8+ Senko blank built up with a full grip and Fuji K guides. It fishes better than any stock stick I own, including my Klx built on.... Well you know. Being able to stradic test your guide train, make sure they are all perfectly aligned, not have to worry about sloppy epoxy work are all big advantages in my book. The rod is a system that should be perfected in order to get the full potential of the build. I'm not sure I'll ever buy a production rod again unless it really trips my trigger. The Rx8+ was rumored to be made by St. Croix. Maybe our friendly Batson rep can shed some light on that? At any rate, a custom isn't terribly expensive all things considered. Batson rx7 blanks are pretty good and on sale now for less than 50 bucks. Set of mid micro Fuji Ss sic guides will run ya about 60 bucks. Nice full handle cork 15 bucks. Reel seats are cheap, 5 bucks. Butt cap and trim rings another 10 bucks and your set. Plus it's your stick, customized for you. 20 dollar shipping fee and your looking at 170 bucks for a one of a kind rod. Most builders have pretty fair labor charges. If you don't own one you need to. Everyone needs at least one. Did I stray? my mistake
  9. Is the 20 to big or small? Either way just base you're decision on diameters. I've noticed the newer braids are getting thinner with more strands. Not sure if that's good or bad. I tried a thin diameter 8 carrier and it frayed like crazy. It did cast and handle a touch better than a 4 though. I've heard the smack down is one of the smoother, tougher 8 carriers, so I may need to give it a whirl.
  10. I use mine for jerks and rattle baits up to half ounce. Also shaky heads, weightless plastics, smallish spinner baits, and shallow light cranks
  11. War Eagle finesse, 5/16. Also been hitting smallies with the Santone got 5
  12. Oynx, Stearns
  13. My family would just starve. True story
  14. 100 dollars will you buy you an adequate entry level stick (some better than others) . 160 to 280 you have to really be in tune to notice any major difference, and differences are slight at best. Going from good (150) to great is a considerable leap imo. We're talking nrx k2 nfc. If the rod isn't built up right to the point of its full potential it doesn't matter anyway. Another reason I went custom. A good builder will make the rod perform to its full potential
  15. Shallow spools, bearings in the knobs, tighter tolerances. These are some of the differences I've seen with Jdm reels. As already stated, many more options with spinning reels. It's just a matter of what flavor excites your taste buds.
  16. Ha! You caught me drifting Tim! I think I'm starting to realize I can build as many sticks as I want, but finding time to utilize them all is another story. I may have a problem.
  17. Try flea Bay, but you're gonna pay a premium. They are sweet though
  18. Sufix performance braid. It's somewhat noisy, but doesn't seem to be as affected by wind and tip wrap in my experience. Don't care much for the 8 carrier braids. They may be quieter, but are to soft and limp for my taste. I tried 832 and it seemed grabby. The Ss 8 frayed like crazy. Original power pro is too rough, so I found a happy medium with performance braid.
  19. When Jerking or ripping hard baits, I set the drag 1 to 2 clicks above the point where the drag slips when doing so.
  20. Shimano Excense DC. I've never spent over 300 dollars though. I can tell you this. If Daiwa made an aluminum T3 with no pop up hood it would take the cake as far as I'm concerned.
  21. Would these be considered better than what you would get with an off the shelf house brand 2 piece Cabelas rod? I'm not a fan of 2 piece rods, but I need one. I'm looking at the 7 foot 2 power mag bass 2 piece blank. I'd build it up with Fuji titanium alconites. I know that would make it better than off the shelf, I just want the blank to be decent. How much do they vary from the standard 1 piece blanks? Weights are similar but diameters are a bit larger. Do they fish faster and more powerful than the 1 piece? Thanks
  22. More information about the body of water you're fishing would be good. Also time if year you will be there. I look for transitional ledges where fish have immediate access to deeper water that are near the highways and byways forage travels. Less than 20 I've had good luck crawling a swim bait like a bb1. Deeper I opt for a football jig with rage craw.
  23. I try to keep it somewhat simple. I primarily fish for smallies. Traps, jerks, Senko, flukes, spinner bait, chatter bait, swim baits, tunes, and what I have in my box that I throw the least are inline spinners which is likely a mistake
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