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Everything posted by nebraskalargemouthhunter

  1. I am looking for a new line for fishing a jig. I was using mono 17lb but after a hour my line will just break setting the hook. does anyone have a good idea of line to use and what pound test I should use?
  2. I am looking for a good rod to fish heavy cover, I am using 50lb braided line and my 6 foot 6 inch medium heavy isn't great for this. anyone have any good ideas with out busting the bank?
  3. I am looking for people in the Nebraska Area to start a youtube fishing channel on catching large mouth, small mouth and other fish in Nebraska. We don't really have many places to look up tips or anything for fishing our waters. so please get back to me on here
  4. nebraskalargemouthhunter

    standing bear lake Omaha Ne

    all this fish caught may 4, 2014
  5. From the album: standing bear lake Omaha Ne

    two bass caught back to back
  6. From the album: standing bear lake Omaha Ne

    16 inch white crappie at 2lb 7oz
  7. From the album: standing bear lake Omaha Ne

    little over 5lbs at 20 inches
  8. sorry to say but this is not even close to a 4lb bass, your looking at a high two nothing more
  9. I have caught a lot of big bass with this set up
  10. yeah we got about 8 inchs here and the lakes are ice again not happy about this because Tuesday I caught a 4lb 10oz and 4lb 05oz
  11. anyone in Nebraska want to go ice fishing tomorrow for largemouth?
  12. for years people have told me that bass see in black and white but I feel that is wrong. if bass could only see in black and white there would be no point in have so many colors in fishing lure and jigs, it would all still look like shade of black or gray or white and ect. so does anyone have proof that a bass sees in color and not in black and white.
  13. yeah I feel bass see way better then we do, I just we could understand the colors of choice for them more then what we do these, I will go spend about a grand tomorrow on different lures and jigs in every color known to man kind.
  14. yep sadly that is how it is out here lol, I feel like a pro when I go out there. I am not worried about money, I can always make more. I just sick of spending 3k every season and most of it not working the next year lol.
  15. I am looking to get a new rod and reel but don't really know what to get. something that can hold 65 braid line and must be a bait caster and a 7 foot rod. any ideas for my liking of rod and reel from bass pro shop?
  16. well right now nothing is hitting on fast moving baits, the only thing I am getting baits on is jigs. but today I may get better luck, since we have had three days in row of 60+ weather.
  17. what color would be best in sunny days, I have always used bright colors when it is sunny out. when it is cloudy I use dark blues and browns and when its night time I always use black? any help on if this is right or not?
  18. alright you guys, thanks for all the help
  19. what type of fishing line should I use for a jig, spinner, drop shot, buzz bait and a crank bait?
  20. I am looking for a new lake out side my town that has camping, not wanting to travel that far since I have to bring both dogs with me but does anyone know of a amazing lake these days?
  21. yeah I just went to bass pro shop and got a few new things to try
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