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Everything posted by dsidle61

  1. that Oscar is pretty cool looking cant say Ive ever heard of it let alone catch one, don't think we have em up here.
  2. gotta admit if he posted his fish I would be getting laughed at this month w my 99". gotta get out anytime you can to win this competition 15-30 min here or there is when you can get the big one.
  3. don't have much time to post as I am already holding up my wife but caught this guy today on the pop r, measured out to be 21.5 (ak thinks 22 but since I slid it off the front I cant get to picky lol) puts me at 98.5 after culling an 18" will post the story later on when I get back
  4. My apologies Lou but I have to do it to you again. Went out today with Ak and Czar for about 4-5 hours hitting up a few different spots here in orange park. We started off pretty slow I caught one maybe 16/17" at the first spot and AK caught one as well. That was on the craw color crank. Moved spots and got a little more action. I caught one small guy on the top toad and one again 16/17" on a bluegill kvd 1.0. This was our spot with the super clear water and nice patterned fish but I forgot to take a picture. AK had more luck at this spot than me and got a neat catch that he may share later. Moved spots again and got skunked so we went back to our first spot I switched over to the pop-r and tossed over to where I missed a nice one a few days back and got her this time. 21" and weighed in at 4 1/2 pounds. caught another on the pop-r couldn't decide if it was 18 or 18.5 so I just tossed her back lol czar also got one on the pop-r at this spot too. This culls one of my 18s and puts me at 95" for the month.
  5. Ive been silent for the past few days been stuck working and getting all the dinks out of AKs ponds for him! I was reading through the pages ive missed and was getting excited to see the pig at the end but I was disappointed lol Last time I was out was Friday I believe, caught some dinks on the cranks and more dinks on the senkos. gonna meet up with AK tomorrow and see if I can finally break through on my 18s. Its my last day fishing for until next Saturday unless I can do some ice fishing up in PA lol.
  6. Yeah I hadn't even been throwing the frog at all this is the first time in awhile, I've been having a lot of luck w the crank and senko as of late. Put the pop r on bc I noticed unusuall heavy surface action at my spot and they wanted it my 2 hits came in about 15 min. Im getting decent numbers of fish I just keep catching the 18s!
  7. I cant seem to get into any fish that will help me out. Went out to a few spots today bc I had the day off work. Missed two on the frog around noon. Caught 3 on the crank at a different spot after that. biggest was about 18 the other two in the 15" range. took a little break and went back out in the evening. caught a nice bream on the senko lol next time this happens im hooking that bad boy up and tossing him out lol I shoulda done it to this one. switched to the pop r and caught one smaller one and missed a nice one on it. spit me out on the first jump but it probably woulda got rid of one of my 18s.
  8. You so need to do this lol those kids would be all over it. but of course youll have to wait til your about to leave bc they wont leave you alone the rest of the day.
  9. Went out this afternoon with AK to a spot on my side of town. We ended up doing pretty well. From about 4-545 we pulled in 6 fish between the 2 of us. I had 2 decent fish, one was 18 and the other may have been greater than 18 but she swallowed the crank good and was bleeding all over the place so I got her back in the water as quick as possible. My other 2 were probably in the 14-16 range. AKs two were probably in the 15-17 range. I caught 3 of mine on the crank in craw color and one on the senko. I know ak was also using the crank but im not sure the color. We are going to head out tomorrow morning/afternoon hopefully we have some more luck then.
  10. Ok here is the pic of my 18" from yesterday. Was caught on the kvd 1.5 in craw color in the rain. For laughs im posting my first catch of yesterday which is slightly smaller. I apologize again for the bad picture, I fixed my measuring device last night after this pic so I should be good from here on out. Lunker Puts me at 92 for the month. Going to head out tomorrow afternoon with AK possibly and definitely on Tuesday hopefully both days produce.
  11. yes the KVD 1.5 square bill. I believe the diving depth is 4-6 feet. This is my first month or so using them or any crank for that matter thanks to AK's advice. And they are working out pretty well for me. Ive had my best luck on overcast/rainy days.
  12. Man were the fish on for me today. I only got out for about 30 min in the steady but barely light enough rain here in Jax. Was throwing the crank at my spot and caught 5 FISH in that 30 min. I got one 18 (to cull my last 16) which will put me at 92" for the month I need to hook into a few good ones Monday and Tuesday bc after that im probably done for the month. Also pulled in a 17, 15ish and maybe 13ish and also a bluegill/bream whatever you guys call it down here lol. Ive just spent the past hour and a half putting together my new H2O tackle bag so im gonna try to post the picture tomorrow evening when I get home.
  13. Got out today for about an hour from 430-530. About 5th cast I hooked into a nice fish, I was retrieving and then letting it rise and felt the tap on the rise and set the hook and the rod about got ripped out of my hands bc this fish didn't budge. Stayed down the whole time and right as it was about to jump it spit out my crank and I just got a look at the tail. Fished the crank for about 45 min w only that one hit. Switched to a senko wacky rigged and tossed it out to the same spot and hooked into what I assume was the same fish. Fought the same way, stayed down took out some drag and put up a really nice fight. Ended up being 19.5" and was 4lbs 6oz. Pretty nice fish. Pulled in one smaller one on the senko in those 15 min. Also missed one on a frog, really surprised me bc frog fishing has been dead for me. Casted out the frog and was just letting it sit there I was staring off at something in the woods and felt a little bump looked over and saw my frog had just been sucked down. Had to much of a jerk reaction and missed that one. This culls the second of my 14s and should bring me to 90" for the month.
  14. last day before my wife gets back to town and my fishing time gets slashed lol. went out around 1230pm to my pond right up the street. threw the top toad and crank for about an hour w no action at all. switched up to the senko which has been hot at this place. caught this 18" on the first cast got another smaller on the second cast but didn't bother w the measurement. senko was wacky rigged and watermelon red flake. headed over to the other side of town with AK to work some of his spots and we both got skunked, he did miss a nice one but that was our only action over there. This culls one of my 14s and puts me at 84.5".
  15. ok got out this afternoon about 4-530. Hit up a pond w creek inlet near me that AK was kind enough to show me. Didn't get anything of much size but this month im just trying to get my 5 fish before im shut down for holiday travel! So here they are. First fish: 14" caught on a pop-r bass color. Caught it right in the middle of the creek just popping 3 times and letting it sit. AK had told me that the fish in this area have great color and patterns on them, that's really the only reason I wanted to take this picture. Second fish" 16" caught on a top toad. Also caught this one in the middle of the creek on a straight retrieve. I worked half of the large pond w the crank and pop-r with no luck. Thats 5 fish for me should put me at 80.5" ive got some serious culling to do starting with those two stupid 14"s. Heading out with AK tomorrow afternoon, we have put each other on fish the past two days so hopefully we can do it together.
  16. haha I left you the big one!! I even told you to throw the frog! That's just payback for making me watch you catch fish the other day.
  17. had a decent day today on the water. got off work at 130 and headed right to the water. caught 2 fish at my first stop, one 18" the other a dink. missed another that looked to be a decent fish. caught it on a kvd 1.5 sexy shad crank around 250pm. fishing it right through the middle of pads. took me awhile to get this one in musta got hung up 5 times but she stayed on bc the entire crank was absolutely inhaled. one I missed got hung up in the pads and eventually wiggled off. headed across town to my pond near home. caught one on the same crank but not tape measure worthy. cranks went dead around 5 so switched to the senko and caught 2 more. one 18.5" and another not for the tape measure. this one weighed in at 3.8lbs which was a pretty decent weight for the size. I apologize for the awful pic, im working on improving this measuring device you can see the cm on the top and I just googled the conversion to make sure it was right. I don't like how it is only numbered every 2 inches so when I remember im going to fix it for the future. I believe these two fish put me at 50.5" total with three fish (18.5, 18, 14)
  18. Well I only got out for about 15 min this evening after waking up from an after work nap. caught this little guy (14") on a 6" senko watermelon red flake wacky rigged. Had 2 more strikes that I missed in that short period. So it looks like im starting small this month and with limited time to fish (heading back to PA for a week around Christmas) I need to start pulling in some fish! Luckily my wife is out of town this week so im hoping to log a long afternoon evening tomorrow after work.
  19. I am in as well, went out this evening with (unplanned) ak and czar. Caught one small guy on the crank debated measuring but since it was my first cast I thought I'd get some better, and wrong I was.
  20. barring something unsuspected i dont believe im going to be getting out this evening so you are safe w posting the standings!
  21. Lou I think everyone appreciates what youve done for the competition. We should definitely find a person who would like to keep up what lou has done for those few months that he is unavailable. I went out w AK this afternoon for about an hour or two on his side of town. Stopped at one spot that looked promising but left w no action. Hit another spot and again i left w no action, as for AK he found a hot spot on the pond and killed the fish for about 30 minutes. I was literally standing 30 feet away and didnt get a nibble. Still trying to get one more fish to cull my 14" and hop up into the top 5.
  22. Funny you say that bc after we caught our fish I told derrick that you were gonna show up and we werent gonna get another fish and you were gonna say yeah right lol
  23. d**n i always seem to catch fish right after lou posts standings. Went out with AK and czar this afternoon for a bit. Managed to pull in 2 on a kvd 1.5 crankbait orange and brown color (craw i think is the name). One 16" and one 17". Missed a fish that was easily in the 5/6 pound range, looked just like the my pb i posted earlier this month, bumped my crank then swiped it right in front of me and im pretty sure i jumped the gun bc i saw the whole thing and how big he was. Havent caught any post worth fish in awhile so im not sure where im at hopefully this puts me in the top 10.
  24. Yes Czar please post those fish, people will be in awe. MCS we were fishing the small pond on the left just past that long skinny one that wraps around those townhouses. Ive caught some nice ones out of the small pond but never anything more than 10-12" out of the other one. I had a rough day yesterday. Had one on drug it through the weeds to my feet and then wiggled its self off. Couldnt really see a size bc it was covered in weeds. Had 2 other misses throughout the day but that was it. Ive been in quite a funk lately I dont think ive landed a fish in about 2 weeks. I was throwing frog mostly but switched back and forth between the senko and crank later on in the day. AK had a nice hit at my spot I fish frequently so hopefully i can pick some out of there bc it has been dead for a few weeks now.
  25. hahaha much appreciated Lou, but ill be back at it tuesday!
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