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Virtuoso last won the day on June 30 2013

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Where the bass are.
  • My PB
    Between 10-11 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Falcon Lake, Bull Shoals Lake, Douglas Lake, Lake Tohopekaliga, etc.
  • Other Interests
    Paid Gear Consultant and Equipment Manager

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  1. Haven't fished the tatula. But I wont give up my 50es. I've always thought of the tatula with its heavier spool being a better distance caster for heavier baits, whereas, the 50e would be more efficient at lighter baits. Then again I haven't fished the type r Honestly, not very many reels have trouble casting a 3/8oz bait.
  2. Ill stick with mono or fluoro. Diameter determines depth. Good FC if in an abrasive environment.
  3. I skip these about 10 yards under docks with spinning gear. An nrx 803s is a beast for skipping senkos. Use a Stella. For casting. It does not matter! These things are so heavy. 5" senkos weigh about 3/8oz. Any mh or medium rod can cast that heavy of weight with ease. I use FC because its a slack line technique.
  4. I loosen my spool tension up to the point where it no longer moves side to side. Brakes on 0. Mag or centrifugal. My thumb is there the whole time to manage distance and how softly the bait enters. Only time I add mag breaks is while pitch skippin. Really don't overdo it with distance. Good technique will get you that distance. If you try pitching too hard your technique will fault. It should be really free flowing. Eventually you'll be doing it without thinking. A good day pitching on the lake can get hours of good practice. I don't like pitching in the yard because im higher up in my boat.
  5. Very cool. I don't own that specific model. Really curious to hear your impressions of it.
  6. Good choice! Make sure you don't forget to make a review on it. What model did you grab?
  7. GOLD N GREEN. OOOHHHH SHOOT. If people r not using carbon fiber can we please call em out. That's fraud
  8. Yeah that's a huge jump from a caenan. But if you got the money do it. The 4 I have a workhorses. Ive been really hard on them to test durability. So far so good.
  9. Definitely have the reel cleaned professionally first. See how that goes. Next upgrade bearings. Next supertune. You can't undo a supertune. You can undo bearings. Doesn't necessarily cast further, but one can get the same distance with less effort. Also, its not for everyone. Some reels can get too fast. You don't want your thumb to be the only breaking system that works.
  10. Suffix elite for spinning and smaller test. Suffix siege for more abrasive work
  11. Have you even used a curado? It doesn't sound like you have. Speculation does not equal knowledge. The crucial is nice. The spinning rod with full cork is better for spinning. Sensitivity is very subjective. In depends so much on the user that nobody ccan answer this. Go with what feels the best on your reel at the store. Fwiw If I had to chose one that's in this range msrp. Fenwick Elite Tech Smallmouth. Theres a few rods they manufacture well. If u buy used, you open yourself up to a Dobyns champion, legend tournament, cumara A, imx, recon 1 or 2, etc. Used will get you the best rod but screws up this debate.
  12. Key word searches are much more effective if you look at it from an analytical standpoint. For instance, micro guide would yield better results than micro guides. A better way to search is hit up google and type "site:bassresource.com micro guide" and Jay, I encourage you to check out as many sites as you want for information. Usually quality is better than quantity however. In regards to the topic I believe the most agreeable advantage of those style guides are the weight savings. Every other advantage is debatable. They can also be a nuisance for connection knots and crap getting caught in them. Hybrid guides that are a little smaller than normal are a good compromise.
  13. Looking at your setup, I see three medium powered rods. Any reason you don't have a rod more powerful than MH? Just curious if you fish light cover, or if you feel a MH does the job well enough for you
  14. Jay, I noticed in another thread you posted that you have used this rod for fishing stripers and such with big swimbaits? And you are looking to see if it could fish well for bass fishing? I guess I would need more questions answered. This reel would be out of the price range that you mentioned earlier. So has that price range increased now? Also, what rod do you plan on putting it on? What techniques do you plan on fishing? What weight range do you plan on throwing? I do not feel I can give you accurate information without a little more imput, or some more understanding from my perspective.
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