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Everything posted by Berudd

  1. Maybe. I have no idea to be honest. Just pointing it out.
  2. 87 is 87. If ethanol changed the octane rating then it would have a different rating. If your engine was built before ethanol was added to gas then it may cause you problems but not due to low octane per say.
  3. I doubt you'll do much better than 25 bucks. Of course it's not much of a value if it dies before you are done.
  4. We should not compare what we as amatures do with our boats to what the pros do. If hey don't catch fish they can't earn a living. Obviously, safety should always be in everyone's mind but I would expect them to risk their equipment more than we do. Just like a racer car driver does things in his car we would not do in ours. The car, or boat, is nothing more than a work related tool.
  5. I wouldn't eat anything out of Crabtree even though I thought the advisory was only for bottom fish lie cats. I have eaten a few bass from Falls and Jordan when they have been hooked deep. I don't think there is anything wrong with keeping a few even though I almost always release. I do let my son keep some on occasion. But I agree bluegill and crappie are better to eat so I'd be looking for them if wanted fish for the skillet.
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