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Everything posted by conorsixtakc

  1. speaking of... see yall on tuesday nights Chris look! Ice cream!
  2. Very helpful. Thanks dude.
  3. Little off topic here, but more interested in hearing your guys' thoughts vs posting to some other thread. For you fish & ski owners, and guys that have spent significant time fishing out of them - what are your biggest likes and dislikes? Ownership's not probable this year for me, but potentially not too far out and trying to weigh different options. Fiberglass is a must... thinking bass boat first, fish and ski second.
  4. Don't sleep on their jerkbait trigger stick either if you're ever in the market for one. I've had mine for like 3-4 years now, it doubles as a killer topwater rod and gets more use per year than any other. And my spinning rods keep getting dustier
  5. I love this trailer and now I can't find it on TW or BPS. What the hell? Anyone know what's up?
  6. Mr recreational bama rig himself critopher hasn't gotten back to me yet lol
  7. What line do you guys find yourself throwing it with most often? Wondering if I can get away with 20# Invizx. Thanks!
  8. Fine by me. I can already tell I'll be fishing it every day and twice on sundays, for $80, with a big grin on my face. And putting just as many fish in the boat with the house wine.
  9. Thanks for the feedback guys! That's why this website is so awesome. Here I am a few hours later with a brand new stick in my hand, after a freaking $90 discount at that. Too stoked. Thanks again and tight lines.
  10. Found one in stock!!!!!! Thanks for the heads up!!!! That $70 discount, on top of choosing the Tatula over the Zillion, just paid for the majority of the new reel itself!
  11. For all you Daiwa guys - Is there really $80 worth of performance upgrade when stepping up to the Zillion from the Tatula? I'm in a tug of war between the two and duh money's a factor. Looking at the 7'2" H F Tatula and the 7' H F Zillion. Plan on mainly throwing heavier jigs and big worms, but also want something that can handle a swimbait. Both rods are rated for throwing 3/8 - 1 1/2 oz, so I'm most concerned with the difference in sensitivity between the two. If the Tatula is still plenty sensitive with a 1/2 oz jig in close quarters, I'd rather put that extra $80 toward a reel and go with the Tatula. But if the Tatula is just dead compared to the Zillion, I'd probably bite the bullet and step it up. Cheers!
  12. That's more like it Sorry Drew it's hard to keep track of all your brown 4's lol
  13. I can't even imagine... 4.98 AND on the ned. I'd have a stroke.
  14. My biggest largemouth is just a few oz shy of 5... I know a lot of guys would say 5 but I like to er on the side of honesty.
  15. One ounce shy of the 4 pound club!
  16. For Us KC Area Guys - Emotional Support, Trash Talk, Occasional Fishing Reports
  17. "Most of" being the key words there. This one I shouldn't have.
  18. Last big fish I'll ever attempt to swing on that lake
  19. Can't tell if you're trolling or this is the BA lol
  20. 100% agree, advertising competitors on BR would make no sense. I was just talking about censoring wired2*ish the same way other four letter words are censored. Preventing me from mentioning their website in a comment just seems like unnecessary censorship. Pretty sure it has no effect on the success of either websites, all things considered.
  21. I just thought that was the nature of the internet. They've got a pretty sweet and informative site, and some nice web design to boot. I doubt censoring what people can type will discourage them from visiting their site... it may actually have the opposite effect
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