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Everything posted by conorsixtakc

  1. Spring starts as soon as my line guides stop icing over
  2. It is. Based on some feedback from Smalljaw67 it sounds like the RC STX is actually more finicky than the slow rising 110, and the lighter katsuage hooks are less likely to interfere with suspension. I might owe him a beer now.
  3. Good to know, glad I don't have to take the katsuages back off!
  4. I'm curious to hear from anybody who has replaced the stock trebles on their RC STX with Megabass Katsuage Outbarbs. The Vision 110 uses all #6 Outbarbs so they seemed a logical candidate for the RC STX. Do they have any effect on suspension or action? I know there are lots of good hooks out there, but I have confidence that anything swiping at a Katsuage Outbarb is going to stick!
  5. Drop shots, jigs, shakey heads, texas rigs... the better question is when to NOT throw a craw
  6. Curious to hear from anybody who has replaced the stock trebles on their RC STX with Megabass Katsuage Outbarbs. The Vision 110 uses all #6 Outbarbs so they seemed a logical candidate for the very similar RC STX.
  7. Let us know if you hear anything!
  8. I know for a fact it was open Saturday, but haven't heard anything since. I hope he's wrong!
  9. Bro I hear lunker drum reek havoc on cheap hooks
  10. It's a sign of prosperity.
  11. Nah just packed on an extra 15 pounds lol
  12. Killed it at Wolf Creek today with Brian and Drew! Junk fishing at it's finest! All joking aside, they seemed to want anything BUT the ned. Probably over 20 largemouths between the three of us, a bunch of hard pulling wipers and some incidental white bass. Numerous jerkbait doubles and a wiper triple. Drew took big bass at 3.65. Most of our fish came on jigs and jerkbaits, with the exception of Drews magical red square bill
  13. When were you out? We launched at noonish and called it around 4:45. If you saw a 21' Phoenix indecisively running up and down the lake, that was us
  14. 52-55 at the outlet, 42-44 toward the dam. One stack was rolling all day.
  15. Tough sledding at Lacygne yesterday for bass, not much of a surprise considering the bluebird conditions. Lost one that jumped at the outlet, looked to be a 3-4# fish. That was the only green fish we saw all day, aside from what looked like a 6# lm getting hauled away from the outlet in a bucket Decided to take our frustration out on some crappie, not the same numbers as last year but a dozen thick slabs that went over 12" and a few bonus wipers.
  16. I'm all for Stockton for the Spring get together. I got a chance to fish it early last summer and I can vouch that its becoming a really good largemouth and smallmouth fishery. Heard from a MDC agent that at least one state record smallmouth is in there they found electro sampling, for whatever that's worth. Im a bigger fan of it just being 2 hours from KC. LOZ a far second.
  17. I'd be interested if I didn't already own 2
  18. There has some sweet ones on the wall you get to wear if you want to pretend it's your birthday.
  19. Guys has anybody seen my sombrero
  20. Ill try and swing by Thursday for una cerveza
  21. idk what guatamexicans eat in America I'm guessing shad guts buffalo and pizza but not sure Subtle.
  22. That's a spook I was throwing with my st. croix mojo jerkbait rod in my avatar pic... hopefully this helps
  23. I tie uni to uni any time I fish braid with a fluoro leader, which is any time I'm fishing a shakey head, wacky rig, or small jigs. That being said, you're using WAY heavier braid than I ever would. 12 lb braid and 10 lb fluoro has been a nice balance for me. I'd be very concerned about knot failure with the massive difference in break strength between 10 lb fluoro and the heavy braid you're talking about. Probably worth mentioning that I only fish braid/fluoro leader on spinning setups. That being said, I've never experienced a knot failure when following these rules of thumb: 16-18 wraps on the braid side, 8-9 wraps on the fluoro side. Think of the braid end as the stopper, don't get cheap on wraps. Take your time and wet the knot as you cinch it, making sure it doesn't get bunched up. I like to use hi vis braid with around 6' of fluoro leader. This will help you with bite detection, and allow for a few break offs without having to tie a new leader while on the water. If you do a good job with your knot it should cast right through the guides. Good luck!
  24. I would have bet the bank it was a jig fish! lolol
  25. When are we gonna get the story behind Lacygne Freakzilla???
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