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Everything posted by carySE406

  1. Has anyone heard Eddie Vedder's new cd??? Its the soundtrack for Into the Wild and it is awesome, not what you would expect, but better.
  2. Wow, that was like reading a post about my exact position in life. What I'm going to try to do is along the lines of what you said. I'm going to a college with a bass fishing team, then when I graduate try to get a job somewhere in the bass fishing industry. Then, hopefully with experience there I can get a semi-major sponsorship to cover costs to start fishin touraments and start climbing to the top. I dont know if that helped, but I'm looking forward to the other responses too. Good luck in the future.
  3. Is this not the second time something has gotten stolen from you? If you really appreciate your gear you should try to take care of it better. I'm not saying shtuff doesnt happen, but that could have been easily avoided. I agree it sucks, but try to learn from this, and whats life without a little struggle anyway?
  4. Check out this website: http://www.sworminghornetlures.com/ Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  5. I went out and hit the golf course pond today and things went from good to bad real fast. I started off walking the dog and on the 3rd or 4th cast I caught about a 2 pounder, pretty decent fish and put up a good fight. So, next cast I'm walkin' it and I see the splash and rear back and set the hook. But the fish had missed the bait, so it came flying back at me at mach 3 and hit the rip rap I was standing on. I look at the bait and half of it has broken off. Not a big deal, I tie on a popper and start throwin. The first cast I throw it out and let it sit for 3 or 4 secs, then a bluegill gets hooked on. While I'm trying to unhook the thing it starts freakin out and I get two hooks in my finger and the other in my thumb. So now I'm hooked to myself with the fish still having spasms, and it is ripping out the hooks and then digging them back in my hand. So needless to say I was done for the day, but it was fun 2 pounder The broken bait My hand
  6. Yeah I thought it was suspicious when Clausen was taking it back to the livewell and said 5 fish now or something like that. Then he barely opens and doesnt even look in the livewell when he tosses it in.
  7. Just remember that the gifts are on a progressional basis, so you would have to be a member for a long time to get the good stuff. Other than that the magizine is not that good, and the first "free" gift that I got was two pieces of rubber that were supposed to help you wind line on a reel. Also, they will spam call you with some guy from India and ask about all kinds of offers and renewal information. All in all, they spend money on a lot of junk mail that they could use for better gifts and it gets kind of annoying. I cancelled my subscription after one year just because the magizine wasnt worth my time, but if your in it for the long run, it may be worth a try.
  8. He might walk again!!! http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-bills-everetthurt&prov=ap&type=lgns
  9. HAHA these are good I have one: Beauty is only a light switch away!
  10. Good stuff man, I've been experimenting with this as well and it really is easy to do.
  11. Definately check out the new DVD of the new show "The Bass Pros" at BPS.
  12. So the golf course pond I fish is now lime green and algae covered. Just a few days ago I saw a few dead fish pushed up on the shore. Is there anyway to help the oxygen levels in the pond or just hope for some serious rain or that all the fish dont die? Any help or suggestions?
  13. Those have been for sale for a long time, I thought someone would buy just because it was Ike's. Then again he goes through boats like most people go through crankbaits, so its probably a little beat up.
  14. I also heard he was giving steroids to his son. I cant believe there is pity to a man who killed his family.
  15. The only place I can find it is Gander Mountain.
  16. I work at a golf course, which as of recently has an influx of snakes. Particularly cottonmouths. I know they're poisonous, so I let someone else try to catch them. One actually bit my friends senko when we were fishing. Anyway, while on the prowl for such creatures, we cruised up on a spot and I saw four or five big bass in the water. As soon as I say "do you see those bass?", someone else says holy "crap" look at that snake. There was a big cottonmouth laying on the rip-rap, and the bass were scared away by us, and the snake swam away. Snake on the bank, big bass waiting in the water, a coincidence or should I get one of those Doug Hannon snakes?
  17. I'll second that. I was getting snagged on alot of branches this weekend and instead of the line breaking, I was pulling the branches out of the water.
  18. I hate that stuff, it is starting to dominate the entire shoreline at a pond I fish.
  19. Was it.... Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~Henry David Thoreau
  20. Lunkerville is a pretty good show, check it out http://www.lunkerville.com/watchshow.html Theres a few on Scott Martin's website too. http://www.scottmartinchallenge.com/podcast.html
  21. NASCAR is now changing the Nextel Cup to the Sprint Cup. I just got used to saying Nextel Cup from Winston Cup. Does that make anyone else a little annoyed?
  22. I work maintenance at a golf course, and sometimes do constuction work.
  23. Very very interesting, except no KVD, Ike, Skeet, G-Man, or Clunn. I think FLW has a slight advantage.
  24. What a beast. What part of the White River were you fishing?
  25. Poop!....That doesn't count! HAHAHAHA
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