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About Brycen97

  • Birthday 09/11/1997

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    St. Charles Missouri Area
  • My PB
    Between 1-2 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Other Interests
    Hunting, School, cat fishing, Saltwater Aquariums, Hockey, Baseball

Brycen97's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. just something more local to me. was hoping i could find a grop of people that just get together and have local tournaments at like Busch wildlife or other local lakes and ponds.
  2. anyone else know other groups?
  3. I haven't really fished for small mouth. thanks will most defiantly check them out. Any other groups?
  4. Hello guys, nice bucks. endless glad you got your first deer. I got my first two deer this year! I went out last year but missed a easy shot on a big doe... rookie mistake. but it all paid of when my first deer was a huge spike. im not kidding he was huge. Also it wasnt that bad i saw lots of deer. But anyways i got my first deer with my uncle in IL where you can only bow, shotgun, and muzzle loader hunt. so during youth shotgun i took my spike from a ground blind at 115 yd.'s with a slug . we couldent tell if i hit him or not since it was kinda a long shot, so exacly 6 min later after a big bang from the 12 g here comes a fawn walking by us at about 30 yd's so i had two tags so i shot her too. same thing tho we couldent see what happend since she ran behind a tree. so after while we went searching and for 10 min we couldent find anything! i was so worried it was a repeat of last year with the doe. then i found a chunk of blood. found the deer 15 yards away if that a huge spike. got him right through the heart. then we started dragging him through the been field and their was the fawn. same exact shot placement. it was great after think you missed them both missed the one last year and all. saw over 30 deer in 3 days but all out of range. then i went with my dad and we saw 20 more but all out of our range ( hunting in MO). even though we had the rifle we didnt want to take a shot when we arent the best of shots and didnt have a great scope. but after all the time and effort it was so exciting. so now that story time is over heres the pics. My spike: (still half asleep here) My fawn: Prop hunted with dad (600 acers): Other deer taken on uncles property: P.S. Sorry about the long post
  5. Hi, I am wanting to find or join a bass group or something in the STL area more towards st. Charles or Florissant. Im not wanting to join something where i gotta go to lake of the Ozarks and have a boat. I bank fish, im 15, and i can get a ride to most places. Cost money to join? that's fine. If their isnt one i can join anyone else want to make one together? just for fun tho nothing so competive its not even fun.
  6. https://www.bassresource.com/fishing/prespawn_fishing.html read this im in the same place but this helped me
  7. whats the difference?
  8. so i can use it to attach to hard baits? thats what i thought they where for but some people say tie directly bc it will alter how to cranks baits and stuff acts in the water.
  9. What do you use with a snap swivel? do you use it with crank baits, jigs, soft baits, or certain rigs? i dont know what they are really used for and never really under stood. can anyone tell me what they are used for and how to use them?
  10. 14 inches of snow one day... 2 days later 63 degrees out! gotta love Missouri
  11. i guess I'm not one to talk but i wouldn't tittle your thing "Needs Sponsors". Sounds like your begging it trying to push your self. A title like "My Resume" might be better or looking for "sponsors". Also no very detailed. Also it doesn't matter if you catch huge fish. You need stuff that would help them market they product so they make money. I would wait till you are high school level and have your own ride or make sure you have parents that can drive you all the time.
  12. Alright how about all of this to set me in the right direction. i didnt add jigs because im going to BP today and going to pick up a few, I added some drop shot weights now too. I chose mostly green pumpkin bc they are a darker color bait, most people use them, an i think/ hope they can be used in most if not all water conditions. also thinking about putting some braid on the spinner. that way it can be used for catfish too.
  13. anyone suggest umbrella rigs?
  14. helping me out quite a bit. so is everyone else. water one lake is clean can see the fish sand bottom, but others are stained with trees and bushes in the water with some grass. also one i know has lots of large bass but covered in all kinds of vegetation from top to bottom.
  15. nice weather here in St. Louis glad some of you can get out their and fish in this, but i can hardly motivate myself to get out of the house.
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