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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. Not unless you care to hear about the catching of a decent 1st sunburn of the year, or the release of a 1/2" splinter. The last two weeks have not been kind to me. Lots of cooler weather and a good bit of rain. Seems the bass have made their beds, but they certainly weren't sleeping on them. :-/
  2. It's good to see you back, BigTex.
  3. Super-imposition. Got to love it. Reminds me of the "goat song" that Adam Sandler had on one of his early cds, and they talked about super-imposing the goat into the pictures. PhotoSuite 4 is what I use for my picture editing. It's easy to use. I am trying to figure it out for banners, and the like. I especially love using it for lightening up pictures that are too dark.
  4. I caught mine 02/25/2005 at 1:30 PM.
  5. Women wear tube.................tops that is. Not recommended for manly wear. :-/ Sorry, couldn't resist.
  6. Back in 2004, I believe, Lake Weiss had a major freeze occur. Millions upon millions of shad died due to the cold temps, and we had ice on the water. It extended about 20 ft. into the water. However, although the ice was there, anglers were pitching jigs and soft plastics to the edge of the ice, especially where it connected with a dock, a laydown, etc., and fish were being caught. These places were only 5-7" ft. deep. I remember some nice ones being pulled out that year. After the ice left, a lot of catfish were caught around the shorelines. They would stack up around the places where the dead shad were stacked up. If a wind came along that carried the shad into the open water, you could toss a top-water and fish it really slowly, and have largemouth, spots, and stripers inahle them. What is funny that so many shad died, that an estimate on the # of shad could not be agreed upon. It did not, however, make a dent in their population. You could still go out with a cast net, when the crappies and bass went to spawn, and catch several shad with the net. So, yea, I believe that some bass stay shallow all year long. If a major front rolls through and they are unable to deal with the changes, they might move location. It could be 1 ft. deeper, or it could be 30 ft. deeper. Just as humans are similiar in many ways, each individual is different.............I like to think that the same applies to fish, and that there will always be the one rogue fish that says he can stay shallow no matter what conditions occur. 8-)
  7. That's a big'un. LOL Sheesh, what a bass. Gorgeous specimen.
  8. We don't have a right to speculate on the reasoning of his departure. If he wanted us to know, he would have left word with all of us about it. All that we can hope is that he will be back soon, and sharing stories of his adventures with us. God Speed, BigTex. We will see you around the next bend in the river, bro. :'(
  9. Well, in a BASS Mag., they had the same question, but it was a myth. It went that if the bass was looking up, they were feeding above themselves. If the eyes were looking down, they are feeding below themselves. They said it was a myth, so perhaps it's a conspiracy. Who knows? ;D
  10. Also check out www.jannsnetcraft.com They have a lot of good things for spinnerbaits.
  11. You aren't nearly as tall as I thought. I was thinking that Ike himself was around 6' tall. So, from looking at that pic, he's not much taller than I am, and stand at 5'8". I was under the impression that you were closer to 7 ft., and was beginning to question why you aren't playing basketball.
  12. I just now realized that was Ike in the pic! LOL I think that Mr. Will is a tall lad, and in Army fatigues. 8-) Makes Ike look like a hobbit! ;D
  13. I know that BASS does not disclose the specific names or locations of these bodies of water, but as I read an old BASSMaster magazine, in which Edwin Evers was fishing a dramatic cold-front situation on a lake in May, I looked at the pictures and wondering to myself, "Self..........I wonder if anyone has ever recognized any of the bodies of water that they choose to fish?" So, that's my question. Have any of you all ever recognized a body of water that the anglers fish? I know that I haven't yet.
  14. The only problem is that they are a one-sided mold. While the Zoom Brush Hogs are a full round bait, the lures that those molds produce have a flat side. That might be alright with you. Not sure if any plans are going to be made for a full round Brush Hog mold, or not.
  15. Check out http://www.del-mart.com/shop/home.php?cat=260 Is that what ya looking for bud?
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