Today i was desperate to get some fishing in,and due to flooding and rain for the past week i have been pretty depressed about it. i decided today i was going no matter what, there is a small local lake that i have fished only once and i decided since i knew my normal fishing spots were practically useless i gave it a shot. when i arrived i got my kayak out of my truck and put my rods in the rod holders,some of the things tied on were a 1/2oz jig a big spinner bait,frog etc. a guy fishing from the bank walks over and says " man i hope you arn't planning to use that here, i'm here about everyday and nobody fishes for bass in this lake there ain't any." i told him ah well i will give it a shot anyways. The whole time in the back of my head i was thinking if no one fishes for bass here these fish haven't seen many,if any lures at all! i paddled out and found the first weed bed i could. the water was about 4 foot higher than usual and water clarity was ZERO. i picked up one of my spinning reels spooled with 12lb tufline and tied on a black buzzbait. first cast it hit the water near the bank and a giant launched a foot at of the water and proceeded to run my drag out faster than any fish has before, i tightened it down a little bit and tried to play her out but the 12lb line just was not enough after about a 1 min of fighting her she jumped shook her head and my line snapped sounding like a 22 rifle, my PB is an 8.5 pound bass and i know for a fact that this fish was atleast a 10+. i screamed out loud in anger but time was ticking. i grabbed another rod from behind me spooled with 50lb powerpro and tied on another buzzbait and proceeded to catch a 7.5, 6.8, 5, and several i didn't weigh that were around 3-4 pounds each. i cannot wait to get off work tomorrow and head back. this is not a managed or private lake, just a 55 acre city lake that the locals think just to be a catfishin' hole. Boy am i stoaked.