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  • Gender
  • Location
    Birmingham, Alabama
  • My PB
    Between 3-4 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Castaic Lake, CA.
  • Other Interests
    Long range tactical shooting.

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  1. I'm so happy to hear this. I'm truly sorry for the people that will lose their jobs but that's what happens when you get idiots in office.
  2. It's an absolute blast and I really enjoy it. If you like to shoot it's well worth it.
  3. I'm an instructor at one of the top long range precision rifle facilities in the U.S. Since there is a gun interest there I wanted to throw it out there to see if anyone has an interest in learning. http://www.kmprecisionrifletraining.com
  4. If anyone has any interest in learning long range precision rifle, please feel free to contact me. Mike
  5. I have extensive reloading experience and experience with AI platforms. If you have questions fire away.
  6. What is it about the "feel" of the BPS reels? (I'm not starting anything, I'm genuinely curious). And is there anything besides the "feel" that would have you lean towards the Curado vs. the BPS JM? Thanks
  7. Welcome Aboard! Where are you from in So Cal?
  8. Bolle' makes a "tactical" line. I don't like the name tactical but I used them in the Navy and they were great.
  9. This is a great place. Welcome aboard
  10. Thank you. Very Helpful
  11. Bienvenue. Il ya un grand nombre d'informations ici. Mon français n'est pas très bon. J'ai appris au Québec et une petite ville appelée "La Rochelle" où j'ai essayé de jouer au rugby. Si je peux aider s'il vous plaît faites le moi savoir.
  12. Big O Do you see an advantage of fishing the Rage Lobster over a Rage Craw due to the Lobsters larger size? It seems as if you're going to fish it as a T rig the larger presentation of the Lobster would work better than the Craw. What is your opinion? Thank you
  13. I have been fortunate enough to be a on course player escort for the PGA and as we know golf is like fishing in it's a very intensive sponsor sport. I don't think I ever saw a player with the "latest and greatest" with the exception of newly sponsored young up and coming players. All the established pros used older gear and a few used different brands than what they were "pusing". Sure the head covers, bags, hats, etc. said they were using the new LongBall3 but they would pull the cover off and it was their well worn LongBall1.
  14. Is this sale still going on? Does anyone have these rods still in stock at their local store?
  15. "Run the risk" does not equal "will". It would really affect those that earn <$120K a year but even then you're talking 28% = $16,800. Also, since I just won a $60K boat I've spent about 2K and started and guide service LLC. That company just bought my 60K boat and now I have the 60K+ write off including the "improvements" I made to the boat. Then the business writes off the cost of the boat. Maybe even look at an ALE assessment. But one thing is for certain is there are ways Uncle Sugar wont get 60K worth of taxes from me.
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