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coryn h. fishowl

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Everything posted by coryn h. fishowl

  1. i just picked up a copy of SMallmouth Bass An In-Fisherman handbook of Strategies. So far... very informaive. I'll pick up a copy of their largemouth book too.
  2. Koppers live target lipless craw.
  3. only one crank... either kvd square bill or rapala shallow rap shad. Only 1 soft plastic=GULP! smelt. only 1 popper.. oh what a horrendous reality. In the end a hula popper or skitterpop beats em all for spring, summer, and fall in favorite holes here in IL. I'm just glad I don't have to choose.
  4. I'm 16 and only about 2 years into largemouths but I want to know more about smallmouth fishing, Primarily: 1) what to do different when fishing for smallies in still water than when fishing for biggies...and visa versa 2) What to do differently in still water than when trout fishing. (this one is for those of you who practice the witchcraft known as trout fishing.) I'm kinda self/ internet taught here...NEED HELP
  5. Sweet Jesus, TJ I'm a teenager and I love fishing more than the next guy but posting on forums at 1:30 A.M... Your devotion transcends us all.
  6. You guys really know how to make a guy feel welcome. Anybody got any ideas for a recently defrosted pond.
  7. Hi, new around these parts. I'm 16 a have pretty much become a self taught angler due to the plethora of information on the internet and talking to ppl at cabelas for the last couple years. In other words, I'm always open for advice. Good topics would be tips for the upcoming season (in Illinois,) replacing trebles with siwash hooks, getting bigger bass, smallmouth (practically no experience,) and how to better utilize this digital age bass centered filing cabinet called bass resource.
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