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Everything posted by jlinmo

  1. Hello I am starting to tie my own jigs I was wondering where is the best place to buy the jig heads ? Thanks
  2. I found it for $54.50 which is alot cheaper than the $100 for the Troll-Eze. What fitting did you use on your drain hose? it looks like the drain hole would be under the pedal and with a fitting I wasn't sure if it hit the pedal not allowing it to drain. and one more question is the screw holes beveled so the the screws would set flush ? and does the pre drilled holes match up with a Motorguide pedal? http://www.blackbearsportinggoods.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=ELLRRDE100RTMP&click=12 Thank You, John
  3. I took it completly apart and laid every thing out on a towel in order and clean/lubed it the reassembled in reverse order of how it was laid out I have taken my curados apart and done the same thing without any problems I didnt notice any excessive wear but I do plan on taking it apart again soon I was just hoping to get an idea of any places to look at more closely Thanks for your time John
  4. Hello I have a BPS Extreme (ETX10SHLB) reel that I bought a few years ago although not near as smooth as my curados I do still like it but it has started to mess up when I cast it then I turn the handle the cast button rarely comes up and locks into position which makes it a pain to fish with I have since taken apart and grease/oil it but still does the same thing I was wondering if there is something I can do to help it Thanks John
  5. I have herad nothing but good things about their customer service and help as a matter of fact I emailed them Sunday night after church thinking I would hear something this week and 10-15 mins. later I had a response so after talking to others I actuallly ordered them and the bow kit last night so I guess I will see lol
  6. Hello I was wondering if anyone has the Blue Water LED black light kit and if it was very bright I currently use a Sloan and I was wondering how it compares to it ? Blue Water LED Thank You John
  7. would making them out of larger pipe make a difference ?
  8. Hello I know that PVC trees hold crappie I was wondering if they would hold Largemouth as well I was thinking of even making one out of 4" piece to make the structure larger any help would be appreciated Thanks also I am sorry for the double post
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