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Scott F

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Everything posted by Scott F

  1. I use boxes because when I use the original bags, I can never find what I'm looking for. Most soft plastic packaging covers up the baits so you can't easily see what's in the package. You dump a couple dozen bags in a tackle bag and you have to dig to find the bait you are looking for. In a box, I label it on the outside, and can open it and see exactly what I'm looking for. I save empty bags for when I'm wading and only carry a few different styles at a time.
  2. A river that is 12 feet over normal is in flood stage. I hope you aren't in a kayak at that stage. Any time a river is running higher and faster than normal the fish will be holding in any slack water they can find, usually right up close to the bank in cuts or behind trees and rocks. They have to get out of the fast water.
  3. In-line spinners will catch just about anything that swims. There are lots of companies, they come in any size and any color you want.
  4. I've been keeping all my plastics in Plano utility boxes for 20 plus years. None of the boxes have shown any discoloration, and none of the plastics have ever dried up. If I mix colors of baits in the same compartment, they have been known to blend together to form a new color, but the box doesn't change. Years ago, the plastic some tackle boxes were made of was different and some would melt when you put soft plastic baits in them, but the Plano utility boxes have never melted or been damaged.
  5. There are a few combos available for $100 but the quality is not there. They will be difficult to cast. A cheap rod alone is over $100, an inexpensive fly line is at least $30, and a reel is is another $30 to $50. Plus you'll need leader materials. Find a local fly shop and talk to the staff.
  6. You want the "best" but acceptable quality. That seems like a contradiction. What do you think is a good price? A low end, but acceptable quality combo will start at about $250 and the best can easily be $2,000.
  7. The Senko is a good choice. Maybe go up to a 4 inch or even 5. The color does not matter too much. The bigger fish didn't get big by being careless. The smaller fish are often more aggressive and will grab baits in front of the bigger and more cautious fish. Make long casts and be as stealthy as you can. Keep trying.
  8. Boomerang clippers are pretty good. I use them but I prefer a scissor clamp. In addition to cutting pretty well, I use them as a hook removal tool. I clamp them to my shirt or jacket when I'm not using them so they are always handy.
  9. I am not at all superstitious and I NEVER use scents. I don't care if it could double my catch, I don't want all of my gear and boat smelling like dead creatures.
  10. I think the radio bothers other fishermen a lot more than it bothers the fish.
  11. Which braid do you use that is much cheaper in bulk?
  12. Scott F


    If you are going to make a mistake on size, get them too big. You want room to move without putting any stress on the seams. When your waders leak, and they will, the seams are the areas most likely to cause problems first.
  13. Simms is good stuff but very expensive. Cabela's brand clothing is guaranteed for life and is reasonably priced.
  14. So you'd prefer that the neighbors who come and go were dealing crack and doing drive by shootings? And when the neighbor kids come by instead of leaving a mess you'd prefer they take your stuff? I'm guessing you sleep pretty well. Not woken up by gunfire every night? Yeah, you're annoyed by the people who live around your apartment but at least you and your family are pretty safe. Count your blessings it could be a lot worse.
  15. As someone who has flown with rod tubes in the past, I have two suggestions. For any of those tubes that are adjustable for length, put a wooden dowel rod in with your fishing rods that is a few inches longer than your longest rods. As a second protection, I wrap duct tape around the thinner section right where to two sections come together. You are trying to keep the 2 sections from being pushed together. We had that happen on a trip to Canada. 2 guys had every one of their rods broken.
  16. I saw one a few weeks ago where the eventual winner Jeff Kriet was mad at the marshall for calling a penalty when one of his fish hit his body. It wasn't a close call, Kriet knew he'd done it, but was mad at the marshall for doing what he is there to do. I was shocked he called the guy out while the cameras were on him.
  17. In river fishing, it is one of the prime areas to fish. Bass use a lot of energy trying to hold in the current so they often use slower slack water areas to hold. Lots of food gets pushed by the current so it is natural that they will sit in the slow side of the break line and wait for their food to come to them.
  18. A 16 foot boat designed for a tiller motor that came with bench seats is only rated for a 25hp motor no matter what you do to the transom. Putting a 50 on that would be very dangerous and probably against the law.
  19. Do you know what the maximum size motor allowed on the boat is?
  20. What is the reasoning behind having to choose only one? Do you only have a very small tackle box? Can you only afford one package of plastics? Who only uses one style or color?
  21. Fish with what you have. If that's the only spinner bait you've got, give it a try. Bass don't always do what they are "supposed" to. Maybe there are better choices, but you won't know unless you try.
  22. I've hand landed fish up to 45 inches long. I grab them just behind the head. If they are small, 10 pounds and under, I just pull them out of the water. If they are larger, I hold them in the same place, behind the head with my fingers just inside the gill flaps. I pick them up enough so that I can slide my other hand under the gills, just under the jaw. Just don't put your fingers too far inside to touch the gill rakers. They will slice your fingers up. Have a pair of jaw spreaders ready and tied to something. Also have a pair of long needle nose pliers to get the hooks out.
  23. The lesson here is when you find a bait you like, buy enough of them to keep you stocked for years. There is a particular size and color jerkbait that I use that is VERY hard to find. I'm sure it will be discontinued before long so I bought a bunch of them. In years past, that jerkbait out fished everything else by a wide margin. Last year, it caught fish but so did a lot of other baits. Now will I be stuck with an abundance of a bait that used to be the magic lure?
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