I've been using reading glasses for over 15 years and at the age of 61, my distance vision has been getting progressively worse. It isn't horrible, but seeing items across the room isn't as clear as it used to be and my HD TV isn't so HD. I saw my eye doctor and got a prescription for bifocals. Never having worn bifocals I really did not realize how limiting they are. My distance vision is so much better but the field of view trying to read my phone, iPad or laptop is so small compared to my reading glasses, I am very disappointed. Trying to read lines of type on a page or screen, I can only see a few words clearly then have to continually shift my head around until the rest of the words become clear. The people at the shop where I got the glasses, said this is normal. I got progressive bifocals in the largest frames I could find on the shelf. For you guys with bifocals, is this really normal? Is this what I have to look forward to? I am so sorry I spent so much money on glasses. At this point, I'm going to toss them back in the drawer and go back to my readers and less than perfect vision. Far distances like while driving are pretty good and I don't really need glasses for anything over 100 yards away. I can take the glasses off and see just as well at those distances, it just closer stuff and indoors that I could use some help. I like to sit and watch TV use my iPad or laptop at the same time, switching back and forth between reading lasses and regular glasses is not practical so functional bifocals seemed to be the solution but so far it's not. What are your experiences with bifocals?