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Everything posted by sunkist

  1. The 5 minute epoxy will yellow over time.
  2. Yea the top one is my favorite bait I have painted so far, but it took a while. For me painting a bait a certain pattern isn't too much of a problem. Its coming back later and trying to duplicate a paint job that is hard.
  3. Wow if you did that with rattle cans you will be shocked at what you are capable of with an airbrush.
  4. Just finished painting some 1.5s
  5. sunkist

    IMG 9571

    From the album: Custom Paints

  6. sunkist

    Custom Paints

  7. I saw that too
  8. It wasn't a transaction from this website , but the good sellers list is a great idea.
  9. So a guy posts something for sale on a forum. We make a deal and I say I will paypal that night. When I go online to send the money I have a pm from the seller saying "the item is sold, thanks". I reply stating we had a deal, whats up. He replys a buddy said he would buy the item, but then says the buddy backed out after he pm'd me it was sold so if I still want the item it is mine. If I had a deal with someone I would not sell to anyone else unless the buyer told me he was backing out or didn't send money by the time specified. What would you do in this situation? Go ahead and make the purchase or move on?
  10. 15 days! Do you have an ace hardware local? Also try bob smiths slow cure 2 part epoxy. You mix and apply just like devcon 2 ton, but I like it much better.
  11. Becareful using wire, hooks, etc. to clean the eye. It can leave a sharp edge that can cut your line or at least weaken it. Clean the eye before baking the head. After you paint it and before you bake it clean the eye with an exacto knife. Turn it back and forth in the eye a couple of times. It will easily flake off and this will prevent the paint from having a sharp edge because it will smooth out during baking.
  12. Get yourself an iwata neo for around $60 at hobby lobby. This is a great starter brush
  13. Air eraser, but not available at harbor freight any longer
  14. I have the iwata neo and the iwata eclipse hp-cs. The neo has a .5mm needle and the eclipse has a .35mm needle. I can't tell enough difference between the two to justify the extra cost of the eclipse. I can do everything with the neo that the eclipse will do. If I were you I would get the neo (much cheaper) and then when you are ready to upgrade, bypass the eclipse and get something even better. And yes the hobby lobby coupon is the way to go. I shoot my base coat at 30psi. Most other colors are shot at 20psi, but I occasionally drop to 15psi for fine detail. Make sure you have a good pressure regulator and water trap, even though you may have a gun mounted trap I would still add another ahead of that one. You are entering a very addictive hobby and when you catch your first fish on a bait you painted you will be hooked for sure. Good Luck!
  15. Sending you a pm
  16. Thanks!
  17. Thanks!
  18. Forget the devcon altogether. Bob Smiths slow cure epoxy blows devcon away.
  19. I don't have any pics of the steps, but to get the scale pattern you shoot your base color then wrap the bait with some type of mesh material. I use a bath loofa and crimp it with small spring clamps or just hold it tight with my hand. To prep the loofa I cut the string than binds it together then unravel it and straighen it out. Then cut it into small sections just big enough to wrap the bait with. Next I bring a pot of water to just boiling and dip each section for 15 seconds or so and lay them out on a dish towel and make sure they are flat as the dry. This process softens the material and makes them more manageable when wrapping the bait. You have to have the loofa very tight around the bait and then shoot your primary color. Heat set with a heat gun for 10 seconds and then carefully remove the loofa. Its easier than it sounds.
  20. Picked up an airbrush for the first time around 8 weeks ago. My first few looked like something from preschool art class, but here are some of my latest.
  21. sunkist

    IMG 9530

    From the album: Custom Paints

  22. sunkist

    IMG 9528

    From the album: Custom Paints

  23. sunkist

    Homer II

    From the album: Custom Paints

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