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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Lauderdale Fl
  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. what phone you use i have S3 and was having problems the file might be 2 big u might need to resize it in paint
  2. i lived in orlando for 6 years never seen i dont really see them past WPB and that was YEARSSSSSS ago mainly in miami now working there way back up to us in broward as long as the really cold stay away
  3. i can catch 3 snakeheads a day and and that would be a verryyyyyy slow day i dont think they will ever be gone but sure hope that virus doesnt make it down here
  4. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/business/2013/07/man-sues-fishing-group-over-1m-prize/
  5. they only do them in the summer months as far as i know not cutting tourneys out , the fish r here to stay they wont go anywhere even if they do these tourneys all 12 months of the year i had 2 huge ones break off in the c-14 one next to boat one in the weeds, so the big ones are out there
  6. u can never quit for the summer the fish just keep callin u back lol
  7. this was a good one with the gators but you should of showed him this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBjjyC2u9gM&list=PLxYq1T8opm67-kCrdhb9kIpzmWw15QIKn&index=37 LOL
  8. well ak pm a address u want these sent too i highly doubt we get a ninja in here to take you over
  9. fished for about 35 mins yesterday after work behind my neighbors house with the new color frogs and we caught 2 one bass one snakehead
  10. he makes 4.25inch and 5.5 inch frogs also but i get the peep toads 3.5 inch just like them better personally
  11. not sure what u mean by hollow body but i doubt these are its all soft plastic. these the only frogs i have ever used. i use a 2 or 3 size worm hook for them the bigger ones i have i would use a 4 or 5 size . you will love these im pretty sure of it
  12. these are his peep toads 3.5 inchs
  13. just got my new batch of frogs thank you jd customs some of these will be being coming to the winner
  14. well i was going to send out these black with blue glitter frogs but im getting a new color called "just bitchen" two tone frog so will be sending these ones to winner. it was tested this past weekend and they killed it ill have pics of them in a little bit ill post when order gets here.
  15. nice catches
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