Buzzbaits always took a back seat to other lures (poppers, buzz frogs, walking baits) until I found their sweet spot. Their sweet spot wasn't a spot as much as it was a sweet TIME. That time? August / 3rd quarter of the summer, when the heat is at its max, and the fish have been pressured all season.
When I used the buzzbait as a reaction lure, it made the difference. To me, a popper or walking bait is mimicking a dying/fleeting bait fish.....the bass have time to consider what it is, right?
The buzzbait caught fish for me when I used it with speed. The speed didn't give the bass enough time to analyze it and perhaps identify it as one of the many lures they've seen recently. I may have felt more confident with some other slower surface bait at first, but after not getting bit on any of those lures, the buzz bait would catch them. The key to me was realizing I needed to use the buzzbait as a reaction strike, and even a search bait.
If you've ever been on the water while a big school of threadfin shad passes you by on the surface, you'll notice the sound they make with their tails kicking is nearly identical to a buzz bait. Once I saw and heard that, a light bulb went off in my head that helped me further understand the appeal of the buzz bait.
Don't give up on the swim baits. THEY WORK. Soft, hard, hallow, big, small, giant. They all work. But you have to remember, they're all just tools, and you have to use the right tool for the right condition. You could drive a screw into wood with a hammer, but a screw driver will probably do it better. It just takes lots of time on the water, and really understanding what mood the fish are in (assuming you have the fish generally located).
I've seen swimbaits out-fish all other lures for days on end, especially where fish haven't seen them before. But swimbait fishing (especially with the bigger ones) is a genre of bass fishing that requires its own field of study if you truly want to reap the benefits of using them. YouTube has plenty of excellent swim bait info....check out Bill Siemantel, *, Mike Long. Those guys will provide knowledge that's applicable in almost any water. Not to mention, there's swimbait wizards that post on BassResource.