Well yesterday was an interesting day to say the least. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. When we arrived at the launch there was a lot of ice built up where we had to access the lake. I could stand just off shore on the ice and not break through. After breaking enough ice to get the boat in we then had to break through ice that was over an inch thick for about 200 feet until we got to open water. We broke a trolling motor pin in the process. I was able to come up with another one after a quick trip back to my place. After much delay we motored across the lake to the spot we wanted to fish. The water temp on the northern end of the main lake was 44 degrees. The fishing was slow but I managed to fish on a jig. We decided to move up into the upper pond. That ended up being a bad decision. That section of the lake was 38 degrees and a large section of it was frozen. Yet another time consuming mistake. So after that we motored back to where the water temp was warmer. We had little time left to fish. Then the prop to the trolling motor came off... It was time to paddle. We paddled up to where a road came close to lake. We had to go across private property to get the road to load the boat. Getting the boat through the thicket really sucked and someone went down really really hard face first in the mud (webertime). It was such a failure of a day. I have never had so much go wrong in one day. Lot of ice, trolling motor pin busted, lost props, and I only caught two fish...
Here is the path we made through the ice.
Not to be defeated I decided to go back out fishing the next day after I found another prop. Unfortunately webertime could not go. The weather was great 50 degrees sunny with no wind. I didn't have to worry about breaking ice today, we did that yesterday. I motored up the lake to the same spot I caught two fish yesterday. I focused my time on that area for most of the day. I caught 3 fish pretty quickly on a jig. I had a badd follow my jig all the way to the boat. I stopped reeling and let it free fall to bottom. The follower slammed it before it hit bottom. It was my largest bass of the day. A largemouth at 19.75 inches. It was very very skinny and weighed in at 3 lbs 6 oz.
19.75 inches 3 lbs 6 oz
The jig bite slowed as the day went on. I started fishing a weightless worm. I was fishing 15-30 feet so patience was important. If there was any wind doing this would have been near impossible weightless. I ended up catching 7 more bass on the weightless worm. The biggest were 2 lbs 10 oz, 2 lbs 9 oz, and 2 lbs 8oz. I called it a day about 2:30-3:00. The sun was setting behind the mountain and the wind was picking up. For a mid November day when a good portion of the lake covered in ice it was a good day of fishing. I caught 10 largemouth and 1 pickerel on the day. It was my last day of the year fishing Vermont. The season ends at the end of the month. I will be getting out a couple more times in Maine. I am making a day trip there tomorrow.
The 19.75 incher culls out my smallest bass a 18.35 incher. I think my biggest 5 for the month are 23.5, 22.5, 20,19.75 and 18.5 for a total of 104 inches.