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Everything posted by Mainebass1984

  1. Senkos are deadly. I catch fish on them year round, even ice fishing with a jigging rod.
  2. I am sure everyone will be bring there "A" game. Once the ice melts It will be game on.
  3. Its going to take one heck of a largemouth to beat Dwight. Last year I wasn't able to break 7 lb mark for this contest. Hopefully that will change this year.
  4. When I am burning a spinnerbait I use double or single willow blades. When I am using double Colorado blades I tend to be slow rolling it.
  5. I always bring out more trash then I bring in. I hate seeing garbage and litter on the lakes, ponds, and rivers I fish. It is disgusting and it infuriates me. It is to bad some people are such dirty slobs.
  6. If it were only that easy
  7. 9.0 : 1 ? That is super fast. That reel will pick up line in a hurry. It would be useful burning spinner baits or chatter baits, or buzz baits.
  8. I saw a truck on the ice on Tuesday on Lake Champlain by grand isle. Still plenty of ice around here and in western Maine also. Some of the rivers have cleared out a bit, some are even close to being fishable.
  9. A couple more weeks and there should be plenty of places that are fishable. Unfortunately for me there aren't any rivers that have bass that are close to me. If I go back to Maine I might be able to find one or two fishable rivers next weekend. Got to register my boat ! Each day is another day closer !
  10. SHHHH... Maine has bass ? Kezar Lake and China Lake in ME. There has been more then one 10lber caught out of both of them. Both places have a lot of 4-6 lbers. Lake Champlain in VT. Big smallmouth and largemouth. Bass everywhere 100 fish days possible.
  11. It must just be a slight regional difference then the generic information given for Smallmouth Bass. When I see a water temperature of 58,59, 60 degrees the majority of the smallmouth populations in all the New England lakes I have fished will be on beds. Sometimes there will be three bass on one bed, two males and a female. There is an early spawn around 56 degrees and a later spawn as late as 62 degrees. It is just how it works in New England. The last week and a half in May and the first few days in June smallmouth spawn in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Most of the smallmouth spawn at this time. I do see fish spawn in 2-3 feet of water but usually they are the smaller fish. Most of the spawning smallmouth I catch are in 4-6 feet. I catch the larger fish on beds as deep as 10 feet. I prefer to follow what the majority of the bass population is doing and when I see 58,59,60 then most of them will be on beds and very catchable, males and females. I have also found that the majority of the population will use a specific area, not all over the lake. I have also noticed that specific individuals will use the same site year after year. Sure you can find one here one there all over the lake but I want to see several all with in casting distance of each other. It must be a slight regional difference then the generic information usually given for smallmouth.
  12. Disagree. Transducer is usually about 2 feet down for the fish finder so maybe is not "surface" temperature. When I see the temp on my depth finder reading 58,59,60 I will be catching smallmouth off of there spawning beds guaranteed. Sometimes even 3 per bed. Simple bass biology when they spawn. Science.
  13. The best lakes probably aren't on the list. I am happy to see most of the good bass fishing lakes in New England didn't make it. There are several lakes which I wont mention where you have to average 4 1/4 lbs to be any where near contention. Five fish bags over 25 lbs are what it takes on a bunch of lakes around here.
  14. Most smallies will be on beds with surface temps at 58-59 degrees. Largemouth will be pre spawn. Most fish are shallower with water temps at 58-59 degrees. The backs of coves and creeks should be holding bass. Shallow squarebill crankbait, jig, spinnerbait, chatterbait are all good choices. I wouldn't spend much time fishing deeper water.
  15. I am totally jealous of you guys who have cast a line out already... and even caught some bass ! The rain has started to melt the snow and ice around here too. This past weekend though ice out was the last thing on my mind. I was at Moosehead lake shoveling 2 feet of snow to drill through 44 inches of ice to fish in 10 inches of water for native brook trout. The fishing was good ! I am so ready to go bass fishing though !! The sooner the better ! We need more rain and warmer temps !
  16. That's cool I suppose. It is just not the same as catching a giant bass in the wild. Might as well grow the fish in a hatchery, stock into a 50 gallon tank and sell the chance to catch it to the highest bidder... It is crazy how science and money can take all of the sport of fishing. Just like guided hunts in a caged area. Release the animal in fenced in acre of land, shoot it, and then be proud of the it ? Trophy and record fish and animals shouldn't be a product manufactured by a company. Just my opinion..
  17. I am not sure about the bass down your way but, when the surface temperature is 58-60 degrees in New England the smallmouth spawn is ON ! I would look for beds and I am sure they will be there. Gravel areas in protected areas like coves is where they like to spawn.
  18. I heard the north end of St. Albans Bay has some open water under the bridge where the brook flows in.
  19. Fish Fish Fish Go early and stay late....
  20. May it is ! Hopefully will be able to catch a few fish in April.
  21. Only 24 inches of ice ? Must be getting pretty thin then down your way. April or May, I am in either way. I will find some pond or lake to get my boat in before the end of the month. We NEED a big time warm up SOON !!
  22. I was on Lake Champlain all weekend. It was brutally windy and very cold. This morning it was -12. Winter will have to break soon. Once it starts it could happen somewhat quick, maybe 2 or 3 weeks. Still about a month away though. Far sooner then ice out, there will be rivers that will be fishable.
  23. Are we starting up a competition next month ?
  24. Jigs catch fish. Big fish too. Go to love a good jig bite.
  25. Very interesting how this discussion has progressed. A lot of opinions from some very knowledgeable people. You know what they say about opinions though..... "Opinions are like a**holes everyone has one" I would still like to see some pictures of giant bass, 15 lbs plus. Not sure if I have ever seen one on here. Either way, please continue.
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