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Everything posted by Mainebass1984

  1. Fishing was decent yesterday afternoon for my friend and I. The wind really was cranking 10-20 mph up until about 630 pm. There were white caps and with my small boat that is NEVER a good thing. We toughed it out and between the two of us we caught 36 largemouth mostly 1-2.5 lbs. Our lunker for the evening was 18 inches but it was super skinny. It didn't weigh three pounds. We fished until 9 pm so we had about 4.5 hours or so on the water. We caught most of our fish on jigs and chatter baits. Lucky we left when we did. As we just finished loading up my boat a severe thunderstorm rolled in with lots of lightning, a torrential down pour, hail and recorded wind gusts over 60 mph. Glad we weren't on the lake for that. I will be back out on the lake this evening. Hopefully will get a few big fish bites.
  2. I would recommend going just across the border in Maine. There are many small ponds in the area that hold big bass. If you do not want to buy a Maine license then your options are a bit limited. Conway Lake has pretty good smallmouth fishing and there are largemouth in there too. Lower Kimball Pond which is in Maine and New Hampshire has good smallmouth and largemouth fishing too. Upper Kimball Pond has some good smallmouth fishing as well. There are other opportunities just south of North Conway in Tamworth and Chocorua.
  3. I think it took more then I have now to win last month.
  4. Sounds like a good day. Did you go under the bridge by the causeway or under the other bridge down south ? A 5lber is a nice fish there for sure. Where were those 2-5 lbers during the tournament ? Did you weigh that lunker ?
  5. I like fishing tournaments. I have fun doing so. There is something about driving away from the lake with a wad of cash in your pocket knowing that you just beat everyone else. I have won a few, finished in 2nd and 3rd a bunch as well. Usually fishing opens my partner and I can count on finishing in the top 5 places. I do not fish as many tournaments as I would like to. When I fish a tournament of course I want to win but if I don't I want to at least make a decent showing. I have only fished 4 tournaments this year. No wins. We always get a good limit and usually average around 3 lbers but just haven't got a kicker fish in any tournament this year. We have finished in 4th, 4th, 4th and 5th places in the 4 tourneys we have done so far this year. At least we are consistent I suppose.
  6. I have no idea why more people don't fish in the rain. Usually it is pretty good fishing for bigger fish. I was out fishing yesterday and it rained for awhile. Most people left the lake. I did not and I am glad I didn't.
  7. Night fishing during the summer months can be amazing. I enjoy it for several reasons, bigger average size bass, no jet skis, no pleasure boaters, cooler temps, usually near calm conditions and... there is nobody else out there but me.
  8. There are plenty of big bass in VT. Waterbury Reservoir is good for a bunch of smallmouth. Curtis pond, lake Iroquois are another couple good largemouth lakes. Then of course there is always Lake Champlain. One of the best bass lakes in the country.
  9. Got to the lake yesterday about 9-930 am. there were a few other people that had already launched. The water was up a bit from the recent rain. The wind had already started blowing pretty good which always sucks for controlling my small boat. It was partly coudly with the wind blowing 10-15 mph out of the south/southwest. Started the day fishing an area with lots of trees that was out of the wind. My lure of choice to start the day was a rubber worm. After a few casts around one of trees I caught my first decent fish of the day an 18 " 3 lb 3 oz largemouth. Fishing some more around the trees I caught a few more fish in the 2-2.5 lbs range fishing a jig. After a while I decided to motor over to another area of the lake. The area I went to was a huge weedy flat and cove. There definitely fish there. I started catching a lot of smaller fish 1-2 lbs mainly on a texas rigged rubber worm. Switched over to a frog and on the first 3 casts caught three 2 lb bass. Fishing a top water frog is always fun especially when they really want it. Once I was done with this area I went to a rocky point. Casting a crank bait and bumping the rocks I caught 4 smallies all under 2.5 lbs. I could see a storm rolling in so I decided to move to an area where I could fish out of the wind and be near enough to shore if I have to get out of the boat because of a thunderstorm. It started raining but thankfully there wasn't any lightning or thunder. In the rain casting a spinnerbait I caught a decent fish. 18.5 inches 3 lbs 4 oz The wind had calmed with the storm and I was very thankful of that. I have had great days fishing in the wind but for the most part I rather wouldn't have to deal with it. The stormed passed and it was getting a bit later in the afternoon. I fished a couple more spots and was picking up fish every now and then on a jig. I decided to spend the few hours just fishing a few trees I hadn't fished yet that day. After a long ride with the trolling motor I arrived at the are I intended on fishing. It began to rain again. It was a very light rain with calm wind at this point. Fished around this particular tree for awhile with a rubber worm and jig with no bites. I moved in closer and was pitching to small openings in the tree when I felt a bite way down in the thickest part of the tree. I set the hook and the fished gets wrapped. I work the fish out of the tree and over a couple tree limbs. It looks pretty big, after a spirited fight by the boat I net her. It is a big old bass with shoulders. Unfortunately it has a super skinny stomach. Its an odd shaped bass for sure. I wish it had a big fat gut to it. 22.25 inches 6 lbs 6 oz If that fish had a gut to it I think it would have been well over 7 lbs with the shoulders it has on it. After catching another smaller fish off that tree it was off to the next tree. It was still lightly raining. This tree is in about 15 feet of water and is completely submerged. A few trees limbs come up to with 5 feet or so of the surface. I make my first cast with a jig. It settles to bottom and then my line jumps. Set the hook and the fight was on. The fish come up near the surface and it looks really, really long. It takes some drag before I can get it the net. I grab it out of the net. It has a huge mouth that I could easily fit both my hands into but it is deathly skinny. No stomach and it was unbelievably skinny around its back bone. The fish must have been sick or it was about to die of old age. I think personally it was near death. 23.25 inches ONLY 5lbs 5 oz Again I wonder what that fish could have weighed it was healthy and had a good girth to it. Oh well it is what it is. A long skinny old bass that probably was over 15 years old and about to die of old age. Another 30 minutes fishing that tree and it was time to make another move to more trees I know of. Once I got to the trees I started again with the jig. Picked off a few smaller fish and was debating which tree I was about to fish next. As I was thinking about where my next spot would be I see a small tree near where I am. It is a small birch tree overhanging the water with the tip just barely in the water. I figured that should get a cast before move to another spot. I pitch my jig up underneath it. I pick up my line and it is swimming sideways. Set the hook and the fight was on. I can see this is a better fish with some girth to it. Of course the net is out of reach so I lip it into the boat. This fish has some girth to her, big time. 21 inches 5 lbs 13 oz The rest of the day wasn't nearly as productive. Fished right up until dark, loaded up my boat, and made the long ride back to Vermont. Considering it was July I think it was an amazing day. Its too bad that the 2 longest fish weren't fatter but I am still just as happy to have caught them. Finished the day with 21 largemouth and 4 smallmouth. Today I caught fish on a rubber worm, frog, spinner bait, crank bait and a jig. The rubber worm caught the majority of the fish I think but the jig caught the bigger fish. Biggest 5 fish of the day went 6-6, 5-13, 5-5, 3-4, 3-3. I wish that would happen during some of the tournaments I fish. I will be back on the water this afternoon this time I will be back in VT.
  10. Fishing was great yesterday in the wind and passing showers. I decided to take yesterday off so I could have a mini vacation. The wind made it a bit tough but the bite was good. Fishing during the rain was really good. Back to work this morning and back on the water this afternoon.
  11. Went out night fishing last night in the wind. Got a few fish. This fish being the biggest. 19 inches 3 lbs 5 oz Getting on the water a bit late today but I intend on fishing til dark, thunderstorm or not.
  12. Id rather fish in the rain then any other weather. I think that the likely hood of catching a bigger bass increases.
  13. I also fish with people who "over guesstimate" the size of there fish. That is exactly why I always bring a scale. I find it pretty hilarious when I weigh my friends so called " 5 lber " and it weighs 2 lbs 10 oz. LOL. The look on there face is priceless.
  14. I heard it was tough there also. There was 6 lber weighed in though. My partner and I will be trying to fish all the remaining tourneys. We are in 3rd and we want to move up the standings. Why oh Why would you go fun fish Moose Pond ? Plenty of other places to catch bigger and better fish. Like Kezar lake for example. Always can get a few 3 plus pounders out of there.
  15. I will be in for July as well. All the water temperatures I have seen lately have been well into the 70s. I will be night fishing this weekend.
  16. For the areas I fish in Maine and Vermont: 1 pound : dinker 2 pounds : keeper 3 pounds: decent 4 pounds: good one 5 pounds: nice fish 6 pounds: hawg 7 pounds: lunker 8 pounds: trophy 9 pounds: Once in a lifetime 10 pounds: You must be dreaming or a liar Biggest fish I have caught is a 9 lb 1 oz In reality anything over 5 lbs is big
  17. Spring or fall : light wind, overcast, light rain/mist, 60 degrees. Summer: at night during a full moon with light winds temps on the 50's and 60's
  18. I have fished this lake a few times. My advice for fishing this time of year there is go deep and drop shot.
  19. Fished yesterday afternoon form 530 til dark. The guy I was fishing with and myself managed to catch 40 largemouth before dark. We caught a few good ones. The hour and a half before dark the bite was red hot. We caught a 3-12 and a 4-3 on consecutive casts. Then right as I was putting my stuff away he makes one last cast as I put the trolling motor on five to blast back to launch. His rod doubles over, figuring he is stuck. The "snag" started fighting back. Got it t the boat and netted her. It was the biggest bass he had caught in years a 5 lb 11 ozer. Not sure if I will begetting out his afternoon. They are predicting some severe thunderstorms this afternoon.
  20. Oh so close !!! Got out this evening form 530 until dark. I took the regional fisheries biologist out fishing to show him how well the lake has been. Betweeen the two of us we caught 40 bass. Nev you got me beat this month. Congratulations. It was within grasp, just one cast away. I did catch a 3-12 tonight and 4-3 20 or so incher. It was a bit over 20 more like 20 1/4 or so but it slid down my board. Here she is. Just as we were getting ready to leave. I am picking up all my loose things, pliers, scale etc. I start to blast to the launch on 5 when I hear " Hold on I think I am stuck." His rod doubles over. I tell him he has a fish on. He says "OH YA I think so." The bass pulls drag goes under the boat. I grab the net and with a quick swipe net her. It was the biggest bass he has ever caught. A long skinny 22 inch 5 lb 11 oz bass. He didn't want his picture taken. I am always gad to see people catch the biggest bass of there lives from my boat. Just one cast away.... Congratulations Nev. Well done. I am in for next month.
  21. Nev has me beat by 2.5 inches as of right now. My smallest two are 20" and 19". So I need to catch another 21.5 incher like I did a couple days ago to cull the 19 ". My strategy is simple. Catch a big bass !! My game plan for the afternoon is to fish deep weeds near main lake drop offs. Its been working lately. The past 3 afternoons there have been 56 , 69 , and 45 bass put in my boat by my friend and I. That's 170 bass in three days just fishing from 4 ish until dark 30. I am going to stick to that game plan. Hey all it takes is one bite...
  22. Got to Maine. The bass are biting great that time of year. The scenery is amazing. The weather is nice and often enough you have the whole lake to yourself. A few big bass around too. Its further then you want to go ideally but you wont be disappointed.
  23. I think this Sunday I will be fishing lake arrowhead in Maine this weekend. I have never been there. Has anyone on here fished there ? Is it well marked ?
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