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Mainebass1984 last won the day on May 18 2014

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About Mainebass1984

  • Birthday 12/06/1984

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Grew up in Maine. Currently living in Barre, VT
  • My PB
    Between 9-10 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Kezar Lake in Maine Lake Champlain in Vermont
  • Other Interests
    Personal best Largemouth 9 lbs 1 oz
    Personal best Smallmouth 6 lbs 2 oz
    Biggest 5 fish largemouth limit in a day 33 lbs 9 oz
    Biggest 5 fish smallmouth limit in a day 28 lbs 6 oz
    Got to love Maine

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  1. You’re going to be hard pressed to find much fishable water in Maine in March. I’d focus more on finding the fish than the lure your fishing. Find the warmest water you can find. Typically that time of year it’s near an inlet. After that let the fish tell you what they want, jerkbait, swimbait, jig, crankbait, Chatterbait… they all work that time of year even if the lake is mostly frozen.
  2. Winni is an excellent topwater lake. A skitter pop or whopper plopper are GREAT choices.
  3. Plenty of Smallies in the Saco. Some largemouth as well. I’d give the Ossipee River a try. Perfect for wading and you’ll get plenty of smallies. Moore Rez is a bit of a drive from Conway. Just be aware the Saco can get very busy with kayakers and tubers.
  4. Just a head up. The first couple weeks of September there usually are a lot of boats practicing for the Reynolds’s Marine open.
  5. Plenty of better places. Have a look at Maine.gov. There are good depth maps and write ups for most bodies of water in the state. Personally my biggest smallies have come from Vermont. Biggest Maine smallie ever caught... an 8 lber came from Thompson Lake not to far from Sebago. IMO the best smallie fishing is much further north of of Sebago and much further east.
  6. Fished Sebago a bunch grew up 25 min from the ramp. Fished many tournaments out of there. If you want big smallies there are better places. If you want to catch 2 to 2 3/4 lbers then Sebgao isnt bad. Sometimes it’s a struggle to even catch those fish. Even during the spawn there aren’t many big fish on beds. Every year there is atleast one big tourney in september. If you average 2 1/4 lb smallies you are in the money. Big smallie over a two or three day smallie is usually around 4 1/4 lbs.
  7. Sebago Lake during July 4th weekend will be like a zoo. I’ve been out there during that week when it’s like an ocean from boat traffic... Not a single sign of wind and would be calm if it wasn’t for the boat traffic. A wonderful thing about that area of Maine.. There are so many options. Personally I’d choose a more of the beaten path lake to cut down on the boat traffic. You’d probably have better fishing too. Sebago can be very mean that time of year.
  8. Catch any giants ?
  9. Fish at night... especially that time of year. You might be pleasantly surprised
  10. Bomo still has giant largemouth in it 5-8 lbers are caught there every year. You can see some of them if you look up the Vermont Master Angler Program..... If you are fishing from shore give Kent Pond a try. It’s not far from Woodstock and you can walk along the entire dam casting for bass.
  11. Bass were hitting jigs pretty well this past weekend
  12. Careful where you do this. It is illegal to mark fish in some states.
  13. Jig and a jerkbait are hard to beat. Personally I find the warmest water this time of year. Usually areas where an inlet dumps in and areas that have the most sun exposure ( usually the northwest corner or cove ) warm the fastest. Never underestimate the jig ! Swimbaits, chatterbait, rattletraps also work well after ice out.
  14. If anyone on here is interested in fishing a friendly and fun kayak / small boat series in Vermont this upcoming season please feel free to message me with any questions.
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