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About BeckieC

  • Birthday August 20

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Green Country, OK
  • My PB
    Between 3-4 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    The one I am fishing or Ft. Gibson :)
  • Other Interests
    Photography, sewing, crafting

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  1. I saw a "sponsored by Bass Resource" splash ad during one of the many fishing shows we watch but I have no clue which one.
  2. Sure was!
  3. Not a giant but big for me at 3.1lb! Water was really stained, almost like watered down Yoo-hoo, used a blue & black chatterbait, only fish of the day. She was really fat and looked ready for the next full moon.
  4. We have been catching lots in the wooded creeks, they seem to LOVE smoke & chartreuse 3" swim senkos on chartreuse roadrunners. But as long as it has some sort of chartreuse on it you will get bit, they aren't giants but they are fun!
  5. I have heard the strip mine pits can be good, but I have never fished them. Farm ponds usually make excellent fishing spots just be sure to get the owners permission. The ODWC has lists of urban fishing ponds, quite a few in Tulsa in the old flood plains, they were built in the late 80s & early 90s to help control flooding, I haven't fished them in years though. The outdoor ponds at Bass Pro hold some nice size fish too.
  6. The waiting is the hard part, I won't make the Toledo Bend trip but I will try for the Kentucky Lake event.
  7. Still 10ft high, not sure of the camping situation or the ability to launch boats. Check with Beaver's Bend State Park.
  8. Well that is offensive, there are women who fish....that said, I would never throw $60 into the water
  9. Hmmmm, to comment or not. It might reel this thread back to the real topic... I don't comment much because I don't really have the experience to contribute to most topics. I enjoy being on the boat with hubby and son, I will fish all day and wish it lasted longer, but I don't analyze the conditions and study fish. I like to fish but I am more passionate about photography.
  10. In my defense, I tried to make bacon to send & he told me not to, the last 2 years we took 3lbs of cooked bacon and I got maybe 3 pieces each time, good luck getting him to share! It was a hard decision not to go this year, too bad spring break and the road trip were the same week. The lack of baked potatoes would have made me cranky though.
  11. Only because I liked the color so much...it's not girly, it's beautiful. I wish my car was this color
  12. $25 per year in OK, includes paddle fish & trout....that said, we will not buy any more annual licenses....we bought lifetime licenses in Jan $225. We will still have to buy annual ramp pass at $30 per year.
  13. Wow! Nicole's is gorgeous! Taylor's too but if I was picking parts I would have picked EXACTLY what Nicole picked. Beautiful job Lee!
  14. Even if I don't make the trip (probably won't) I will send a batch of baked beans with BassnChris for the hamburger cookout.
  15. So what did I win???? Lol jk. Glad I amused you.
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