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Everything posted by Todd2

  1. Forget the label, I've seen this wrong on different spools of the same brand before. Two ways to do it that I know. 1.) Flat on a floor, with line coming off counter clockwise. 2.) On a nail, with line coming off the bottom (on a baitcaster, the line should come off the top). Both of these work great for me regardless of line type.
  2. Cabelas has a 50% off all Power Pro right now..I snagged some 20lb for one rod.
  3. That little pocket to the left keeps drawing my attention, you ever do good there?
  4. So for my own clarity, there would be two inside turns, one that curves to a main lake bank (for example) and one to a bay/cove? Or are you calling the one leading to the bay the inside turn?
  5. I was a Mccoy user but switched back to Original Stren in Clear Blue. Stren seems to be a little stronger line. I can't a difference between most monos and copolymers that I've tried
  6. Agreed..they all work..I've probably caught the least on swimming it like a swim bait, which is where it should shine the most. But I've caught the majority dragging along the bottom or hopping it in brush piles and laydowns. What swimming retrieve works best for you guys? Burning, slow rolling?
  7. One of my favorite worms, along with the Zoom Ultra Vibe speed worm.
  8. Test it out and see...tie one jig with one and another jig with another and then pull them apart a few times and see which one breaks first. I've done this with different knots/lines and one thing I'm convinced of is that some knots do better on different lines. A Fishin Fool knot actually beats a Palomar with most monos so that's what I use the most. I don't think I've ever tied a double Palomar though.
  9. If this is wrong, I don't want to be right..lol Swim, hop, or drag....T-Rig, Drop Shot, or my rekindled old love the Split Shot rig is giving me a pretty good year. Oh, lets not forget Ned. I will throw a jointed shad rap and a couple others from time to time but 90% of the time there is a soft plastic attached somewhere.
  10. I think 10lb on most lines is a good balance of strength and handling, but yeah, 12 lb can be used.
  11. If you're catching fish out of the boat and then go to the bank spots using the lures that you mentioned and don't catch fish, I'd start second guessing the spot. Senkos and trick worms (along with lizards) are working well for me from a bank (and boat). I'd find some new spots...my $.02
  12. I like the Strike King Cut-R worm instead of the paddle tails, they just produce better for me for some reason. I just swim it or drag it on a Split Shot rig or light Carolina rig.
  13. Yeah, if the water is real clear..a stealthly approach can get you a few more fish. I was at a public pond the other night and apparently I'm the only one dumb enough to go to the other end where you have to go through a little jungle and fight the ticks and chiggers. But I snuck up and threw a white Senko and watched it get hammered but felt nothing, so I had to start swinging when I lost sight of the bait. Caught several doing that...felt nothing but saw it move or disappear. Makes me wonder how many bites I get in stained water..lol
  14. Well be glad you missed it..lol Summary..Dude posted he couldn't catch fish, then proceeded to bash anyone that tried to help. Strangest thread I've seen on here.....ever
  15. You guys always fishing a spoon with a trailer or just bare sometimes? I'm out here in my shop thinking....and tying on a Silver Minnow that hasn't seen the light of day in a while admittedly.
  16. Kentucky/Tennessee so far. I will probably hit the Indiana shore on the Ohio at some point but I think that KY owns the river there.
  17. Bout the same here...40HP Tin boat. Does fine by me. The problem at most of the lakes that I fish is that HP and common sense are inversely proportional.
  18. A weightless soft stickbait....Texas rigged with the swivel keeping it in place has been working best for me in a shallow grassy pond I've been hitting after work.
  19. I know I'm resurrecting a 2 month old thread, but the swivel trick is a great trick. I did it several years back and got out of the habit for some reason but started it back up recently. Saves Plastics (and money) Comes through grass, wood, rock with no balling up If you miss a strike, it's still probably on straight so you can keep working it Less hangups means more enjoyable fishing Yeah, I'm a fan.
  20. It all started with his eyes on his electronics and then he came up quick on the buoy. Some how, it straightened up after a few laps and sped away it appears.
  21. Hard to argue with everyone on Big Game for value. I think you could relabel a spool of it, putting a fancy Japanese name on it, call it copolymer, raise the price and people would buy it and rave about it even more....lol
  22. Clear or clear blue..green blends in around here.
  23. Post Spawn funk?
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