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Everything posted by Todd2

  1. If you pull the boat in by pulling with your hands there is not much else you can do..Trilene makes very good lines.
  2. I'm guessing XT? I have that on a few and it is very strong...I'm using 8 on spinning reels and it's hard to break. It does run a tad thicker.
  3. You did it now..Tatsu defenders in ?
  4. No leaders for me for many of the reasons listed. Also, even though my line to lure knot tying is very good, I can not consistently tie good leaders. One time it would lift up logs..next time break very easy.
  5. 3/8 Arkie in Black/Blue if I had to pick one. I've caught more on it than any other jig...but, I throw it the most too so go figure. Congrats on the baby...enjoy every minute.
  6. I only get frustrated if I don't catch anything, but yeah, who doesn't like catching big Bass. There's nothing like setting that hook hard and the fish doesn't move.
  7. Yeah, that mono stiffness is why I'm thinking about pulling the trigger again. I tried the original 14lb ( I think) a on spinning reel and didn't care for it though. Thinking about the Ultra 8 in 8lb. We have a lot of wood cover here but any Bass over 4lbs are few and far between. I don't think the white will bother me or the fish, so I guess I just need to decide between the 8 and 10lb. It's not cheap, and I try to stay somewhat frugal....ok I'm cheap.
  8. So..almost a year later..is the 8lb still on the reel? Asking for a friend..lol
  9. I have some and they do work. Usually a dinkfest, but I've caught some nice Bass in the past on them and Roadrunners fishing for Crappie.
  10. Ahh..another good ol' mono vs fluoro debate...seems like forever since the last one...wait it was yesterday.
  11. I'm slowly moving to Trilene XT as my Stren supply runs out. Hadn't used XT in years but they changed the formula a few years back apparently and it handles better but still has lower stretch and is more sensitive than most monos..noticeably more than Stren. I'm cranking with 8lb.
  12. x3...I don't even use fluoro for my soft plastics and jigs but at least there an argument can be made to do so.
  13. Interesting..a lot of location changing..that's usually the last thing I do..lol. Only half joking, unless you consider moving to the next lay down a cast away changing location. I don't run and gun often unless I'm targeting deeper brushpiles that I have marked, but even then I'm dropping some different things on them first.
  14. Fair point, especially if a location change is in there. Of course, if they start biting with the new color, who in their right mind would go back to the original to verify.
  15. This question could apply to a variety of lures. I'll use pitching Texas rigs into shoreline cover as the example. Let's say your working a bank with a 1/4oz black worm and it's just not working. Do you just change one thing at a time, like moving to a different color? Or weight? Or location? Or do you make multiple changes at once. I've personally had several days this year where I've seen a color swap make all of the difference. I've also seen a weight swap really turn them on, usually going lighter but not always. It could apply to most all other lures..for example..changing crankbait color, running depth, or size. If I'm getting some bites but feel I'm passing up fish, my change is subtle. If the bite is nonexistent, I'm usually changing up more aggressively. Sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't. Thoughts?
  16. It's been a different year for me. The T-rig and C-rig have been my 1 - 2 punch. Havent hardly touched my jigs. Most other years I grab a few at a time as I lose them.
  17. I switched to left handed about 10 - 15 years ago...I stuck with it for one full day at the lake and by day's end it felt normal.
  18. I mostly agree but this morning I made the switch from black to purple in the same worm and the bites doubled if not tripled. I talked to a guy at the ramp who stayed with black and he didn't do nearly as good. Now next week I'm sure it'll change.
  19. I mostly Bass fish, but in cold water, I go to the Crappie. A lot of action and good eating.
  20. For Bass fishing, I never understood not just trusting the drag. Set it and forget it. I hate back reeling too but know a couple guys that do it still.
  21. I change my mind, it's America and I have that right. Solid black curly tailed worms. Is it just me or is the most productive lure the one we're throwing the most? This dude ain't playin..lol
  22. If you jump right when it jumps the two jumps should cancel out. Not sure it will work but your partner will get a laugh... ?
  23. I've done both, haven't noticed a difference either way.
  24. I agree with the 4-5. BTW, welcome to the board.
  25. That's pretty much how I was taught back in the 80's. Of course over the years I've collected a decent amount of lures. Probably less than most. I can easily fit everything into my boat..actually on hard baits, everything fits in my very big Plano. Soft plastics are a different story. I have several quart bags filled with them. But honestly here...straight black works most of the time.
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