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Everything posted by inunishi

  1. How does Wyco lake compare to Hillsdale lake? In the past I have fished bank side of Hillsdale a lot. Size is great but I also like numbers. Wow that does not sound right.
  2. Is Wyco lake worth the extra 45 to fish there?
  3. 3 years without a boat ended last night. Can't wait to get out and fish again.
  4. GoPro catches mans face being ripped off by vengeful fish.
  5. Went to Hillsdale today. Had no boat, caught no fish. Saw five boats under the Gardner road bridge at one time.
  6. I would like too. Just cant spend the money for a Kayak that will hold a fat man out of the water.
  7. For a brief minute I though "How does that fish swim upside down."
  8. Does anyone fish any the urban ponds in Johnson County? If so which ones should be avoided?
  9. Just got 2 in La Cygne . Stripes one 2 two pound another 5. On lip less near the outlet
  10. My two were bass. One large 3 pound and one small 1 pound. My nephew caught a catfish 3.5 pounds. Caught bass on lip less and catfish was on a dead shad flowing on top of the water.
  11. Caught the first and second fish of the year today at La Cygne.
  12. Thanks for any help in advance that anyone may give, I have a couple of questions. 1. Does Olathe lake have better fishing than Hillsdale? I have never tried it. 2. Is a sock better than a anchor for a canoe?
  13. First fist with the boat. at Hillsdale in the wind.
  14. I did get the canoe at LaCygne today. Wind, fat man and near empty canoe was a lot of fun. Spent at least 10 minutes going in circles trying to get the used trolling motor to work.
  15. Feel the hate of a fat man that had to work today and tomorrow.
  16. SatMar 30 59° 48° Cloudy CHANCE OF RAIN: 10% WIND: SE at 9 mph Details SunMar 31 63° 42° Partly Cloudy CHANCE OF RAIN: 20% WIND: WNW at 10 mph Details its getting close.
  17. the canoe is wider than my luggage rack. When I first put it up their I through it off the Jeep.
  18. My new Monster boat. Now just need time.
  19. "Gear" you mean the beer bottles with line wrapped around them? BTW I have a gasoline welder / generator I would like to trade for a canoe.
  20. Two weeks ago I really have fun watching Fish and Game double ticket people. Once at the hot water outlet for pole/hooks and then in the parking lot for creel limits.
  21. Heading for LaCygne this Sunday, it has to be better than last Sunday.
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