7-10 foot casts all day long! Haha....And they usually end up to the left instead of where we aim. Matter of fact there's no accuracy with our casts at ALL. We did figure out a few things, how to set them for the lures and set the brakes, etc. we've been setting our brakes at half. The star drag we couldn't set properly because we don't have a scale, so we did it by what felt normal...can always set it better when we get a fish hooked (if we ever are able to cast these things!). We also figured out how to fix birdsnests fairly easily, which was neccesary as we both got one within seconds of trying to set the brakes and adjustment knob....and many times after. So now we're stuck at trying to cast right. I've watched glenn and many others, but we can't seem to get it down - or maybe we just don't have a heavy enough weight on the end? (We tied weights to the end for practicing casting). No idea what size weight, they dont ever say on the boxes but it felt heavy enough and are the biggest ones we got. We both have med/hvy rods. Even then though people cast baitcasters all the time with light lures and get far, just takes more effort. Question we did have when feathering the line do you constantly keep your thumb slightly touching the spool while casting and then thumb down hard to stop the spool completely before it hits the water (this feels like it is what's causing the cast to not go far since your putting force on the spool line), or do you only put your thumb on the spool at the end of the cast to stop the line right before it hits the water? (This feels like it would birdsnest big time if we did this). Heading back out next week, tips welcome!