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Everything posted by lmbfisherman

  1. I mainly use Shimano, I am just more conscience when wind is around. If I cast into the wind I don’t power cast it. A low trajectory also helps, it really doesn’t bother me much as my thumb an awareness of the situation helps me.
  2. Last year was the first time I fished it at the Derby. Fished it before, just not a great fishery. Guelph Lake in my opinion is far superior. If you’re coming from your location in my opinion it isn’t worth the drive. I’d fish the Grand or even would rather fish Mountsberg or Kelso than go to Belwood.
  3. 370? Where? Everywhere near me it is mid 400. ?
  4. For crankbaits I don’t like to spend money at that level. I use a Sellus, Clarus and the most expensive is a Zodias. Only bought the Zodias because it was on sale for 40% off. I don’t have experience with the IMX Pro, but for the price we pay ( Canada) you might as well go GLX/NRX. As for the E6X the crankbaits series I hear decent reviews. Right now Sail has it on clearance for 192 CDN. The sole E6X I own surprised me, I bought the 843 MBR it is an awesome rod that is great all around and even used it as a jerkbait rod for the Pike Derby at Belwood. I also own the IMX MBR same all around feel. Love them both for tournaments for their versatility. Sorry for going off topic, but in general I find these are my preferences for moving baits. I wouldn’t pay more than 200 for a CB rod.
  5. 1000 series is sufficient however for me it would be about how it balances. Whichever feels best on the rod.
  6. No I haven't used the boot tail version.
  7. When I look at the majority of my reels and rods, I tend to favor reels. Reasons why, one I need a certain feel, ease of casting and refinement makes it more fun. I do spend my money on 150-200, for moving baits I use cheaper rods, for bottom contact I go all out..GLX, Cumulus. I found though my Zodias rods can do it all. Those are still my current favourite flavour.
  8. I fish a dam where my cottage is located. Fluke's kill it, I usually use unweighted. However I use the Zoom Super Fluke, not sure what size you use? I will use a 2/0 off shank or 4/0 on rare occasions when I require it go underwater slightly faster. I throw it upstream and let the current take it down stream, wait until I hit my target area (current break, holes, ..etc) and then twitch a couple times and pause let the current take it. Pay attention when your bait is going down stream with the current as you may get hits then, usually I get hit when I jerk it or on the pause.
  9. The reel will be just fine. My personal choice though for those techniques would faster.
  10. Awesome! Collection!
  11. You can still use braid, learn how to tie on leaders. What I do on 90% of my setups!
  12. What Glenn said, but even though I don’t like trailer hooks, they work.
  13. Let me be clear, if you’re regularly fishing heavy cover getting a Medium Power rod isn’t a good idea. I wouldn’t fish jerkbaits, especially river fishing with anything above a Medium power. What I’m saying is to fish all those presentations it is unlikely to pick a Medium power only or MH power because it wouldn’t be advisable each technique with one rod. The MH would be too powerful for river jerkbait fishing and Medium powered rod may not be a good idea in heavy cover. You are going to need two setups.
  14. Man that is a tall order if you are using treble presentations as well and you want it for heavy cover? I’d stick with the Medium Heavy at least and use your other setups if you still have them for trebles.
  15. Their reels are basically the same parts as the other brands that have recently come out. Check out YouTube! Daiwa is killing it though for best bang for your buck baitcaster imo, why not get them a Fuego for a reel? Especially since you can get them at the price 60-80. I’d be more inclined especially if they are just learning to cast. The rod in my opinion is not as important as long as it is a good all around power/action they will be fishing most of the time. For spinning don’t think too hard in my opinion my kids use Symetre’s and a Sienna. Both are older Shimano that I had.
  16. I remember TT post from the Tackle Trap saying it was an under the radar rod and liked it better than the 843.
  17. I look for reels first, but based on what I need it for. Then match a rod later.
  18. I picked up 5 packs of Strike King 1/2 oz Spin heads for 3 bucks each, bought all of them from Wally World!
  19. There was also an E6X blowout for 100. If they had an 842 I would’ve bought one.
  20. I haven’t gone NRX personally afraid too. However, even though I own GLXs I fished my E6X, IMX and Zodias rods more. Regarding the Met, it’s not that I disliked the Met MGL. If it weren’t for the government charging me duty for my JDM Met, I’d be all over buying more! The Chronarch MGL is a better deal for me, for basically the same performance. FYI living in Canada you don’t get a good as a deal like living in the US.
  21. High vis rocks for bottom contact baits, where the technique is all about feel!
  22. I think you should at least check them in store. The reason I prefer one brand over another, other than they never failed me is the fit and comfort of the reel. I tend to favour Shimano for those reasons. Personal preferences is different for everyone. If you can, hold them, feel them, put them on a rod...once you make the decision purchase them online! If I wanted an all around reel, I’d pick a 6 gear ratio reel in general.
  23. It’s totally possible the Sponsors want them to use their whole lineup?
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