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Everything posted by lmbfisherman

  1. 70 is superior and I beg to differ about the 50E. Even though I love both of them, the 70 just reels smoother and better in my hands. I'm also very accurate with my 70 XG. I'm pinpoint accurate with it. However, I'm scared to skip with it.
  2. I'm going to pick up another one! I'm really liking it.
  3. Unfortunate about the Crucial, but IMO you got a better rod. Nice lineup!
  4. Border City Classic, kayak tourney.
  5. I'll be on either the Grand River or my local lake in Guelph. I didn't know about this until late May. Unfortunately I can't go. I will join next year though, I hear it's well run and great fun. How'd you do?
  6. From what I understand yes. It's just the spool. However I wouldn't recommend at all exposing this reel at all, unless you already did and you're asking? If I were you I'd clean it all off. (tear down) I thought it was a 150 size not 200?
  7. I am still wanting to see if the Curado is indeed getting overhauled. The Chronarch G looks fine but I'd probably just opt for the MGL.
  8. Yes in general cheaper ones get bent easier. My favourite SB is from Booyah, but I also buy cheap ones when I am specifically targeting pike. No matter which SB they seem to tear it up easy. One other thing that helps SBs last longer, don't flip your fish or try to lift them out of the water, this stresses the wire. I see this all the time, use your free hand or use the net...that's why it's in the boat.
  9. I usually look behind me but it was a school and I was so excited to catch more. Instead I had one setup with me in Florida and silly me forgot to bring my back up reel. Instead I couldn't catch anymore. I was bummed!
  10. That looked like my Chronarch CI4 when I hit a tree branch on a cast earlier this year.
  11. Shimano, Daiwa and Okuma? I believe don't have OEM manufacturers like the others so I beg to differ on your opinion regarding the reels are being made. They are quality controlled by their companies. Further I'm surprised Doyo and/or Shimano hasn't gone after some of these companies that knocked off their design. Read some of the specs, marketing on the boxes...pretty blatant. The Kastking is based off the Doyo reels, with specs Kastking asks for made by this Chinese manufacturer. Having said all of this, who knows maybe one day Kastking or another company lifts off and brings out a great product. I'll be in line if they last as long and perform better than my Shimano reels. Right now though after seeing what's inside a Kastking, Shishamo, Trulinoya...etc I'll not buy one, even for the price.
  12. That Avid is my favourite jerkbait rod, I also use it as a swim jig rod. Only one I kept from the St Croix I used to own. Never tried a square bill.
  13. That maybe, Shimano owning Loomis as Hulkster states they remain different. Second all rods are made in the USA, even the E6X.
  14. I wouldn't get the Medium XF, if you are planning to use it as an all around. Only get it if you are planning to specifically use it for those stated techniques. Again I reiterate keep it simple. XF rod is tailored for specific techniques.
  15. Seems overkill for the type of fishing you are doing. I'd pick the E6x, it's not that St Croix sucks, it is just I like the power and action better. I'd steer you away buying either of these rods for bobber fishing though! If you are serious about getting into lure fishing then buy the E6X if you like the Loomis power/action.
  16. My feeble brain is saying the same thing. My brain says the tension from the bottom bobber stop, can it really be enough to get a good hookset. On top of that, what if the bass is a biggun, it just seems like it would be an issue. Of course if people are using it, it must not be a problem! reerok if this works out let me know! No offense Darren I'm sure you wouldn't post something that doesn't work, but my silly brain would like confirmation!
  17. According to St. Croix the range is 1/8 - 3/8, so yes it will be fine. You might see an issue when you reach the ceiling of the lure range. If I was getting close to 3/8 oz I'd probably use the M powered rod.
  18. You're over thinking it, I think this is part of your difficulty in making your final choice...along side that you want to make the "right" choice. Lets keep this simple, the ML and Medium can do the same exact techniques with the exception that the Medium can handle bigger lures than the ML. They both can crank, drop shot, jigs and worms, wacky rig...etc as long as you stay within the "lure range". I think you should just approach it this way and figure out what you like best about both rods and fish how YOU want to fish them. Especially since you are just getting back in the game, just get them and fish them. Knowing how the Avids' fished you will not be disappointed in their performance.
  19. Are you going to fish heavy cover? Also like stated in the other thread, just go by the lure range. Just remember though the sweet spot normally for all manufacturers is usually middle, when you go lighter limits it will be in general hard to cast. If it were me, I'd go with ML and the Medium, but if you're going to fish heavy cover, I'd get the MH instead of the Medium.
  20. I'd recommend this also or go get a max series from Abu. In my opinion and experience all bc below the PQ was junk. Fuego I hear is a Tatula without the T Wing, sounds like a winner at that price point if true.
  21. As long as the lure range is within the specs. What is the lowest range and highest will you use?
  22. Maybe just buy one rod first, see if you like it and then purchase a second later. If you don't like it you will not regret buying the 2nd rod.
  23. I personally think the Veritas is a better rod than a Mojo. I still have a Veritas 7'3" MH/F. I found these rods were more sensitive than the Mojo line. I would have no problem or have a second thought about using this rod for bottom contact. I just have better rods to do those techniques. GLX, Cumulus, Zodias...etc. Everyone has their own preferences though and these are my preferences. Have you held the Mojo vs Avid? I think you should do so and numerous other rods. Only you really can answer which you like the best. The reason why I stated get the Avid is because you said you were thinking about getting one with a low end rod. I just think buying a higher quality rod will make the lower quality feel unfishable, I sold off all of my low end bass rods cause I'd never use them. That is what will happen to the Cherrywood. I will always recommend buying the best you can afford and so will many. Having said all of this most of the 100 dollar rods will work and are all very close in quality and performance. They are no nonsense rods, my comfort zone is 200 dollar range rods (mid tier). They are in my opinion the best bang for the buck between high end and low end in comfort, quality, performance and sensitivity.
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