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  1. That is exactly what they are planning to do - and any non-evidence based information they have to base such misguided legislation on is very poorly thought out and will be an in-effectual piece if legislature - not worth the paper it is written on. I have attempted to gain access to anything they have that they are basing their efforts on - but so far, I have not heard what prompted such an oddly directed action. I have fished in Maine at various times in the past, and do almost all of my fishing with artificial lures and baits. I do not enjoy using live bait - save the occasional worm - and were the legislature of Maine were to pass such legislation - I would most likely never buy another Maine freshwater fishing license. If you are concerned (and I would be no matter what state I lived in) as if this legislature is successful in passing such a legislation, it has the tendency to spread like a cancer infecting the minds and process of nearby states. There is a site "Keep America Fishing" that has a place you can send your support towards the defeat of this misguided effort http://keepamericafishing.salsalabs.com/o/6394/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=4098 The public commentary date was 2/5 - but it would not hurt to continue to let the Maine leaders how people feel. The letter at that link is pre-populated with a form letter - BUT if you insert your cursor into the letter at the beginning - it will allow you to insert something personal - which I encourage everyone to do - POLITELY and informatively stated as 'trash talk' tends to be weeded out and not considered right from the beginning. Legislation without evidence-based information to base its construction on is doomed to be ineffectual - a waste of time and effort, I hope everyone that reads this will take a few minutes to enter a personal comment to let Maine legislators know hoe this could affect their state tourism or fishing license sales. And to add insult to injury, they also have another planned piece of legislation to ban ALL non-degradable hooks too.... see this link http://keepamericafishing.salsalabs.com/o/6394/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=4099 (btw - this is a great site to keep up to date on most of the legislation that is out there that could have an impact on your fishing) There is a working group of legislatures scheduled to get together on the 2/19 - PLEASE!! - it is NOT too late to get some opinions floated to this group - to hopefully sway this inappropriately directed piece of legislation. Thank you!!. Barb/upstate NY
  2. Is there anyone out there that has ANY idea how many tons of 'plastic' baits that are manufactured in the US every year?? (need to have source - than you) Just curious - the state of Maine is considering passing legislation to BAN use of all 'rubber' baits. I need to write to some legislators. Thanks!!! Barb/upstate NY
  3. HHmmmmmm.... Bass fishing, at least competative bass fishing, originated in the south. As a matter of fact, I feel it is virtually a birthright down there. One can fish 24/7/365 - and darn near every house has a bass boat in it's driveway. We were amazed driving around Texas/Louisiana/Alabama last year after we attended out first B.A.S.S.Classic. Many women fish down south - but the competition has remained primarily male. If you live in the N.E. and tell someone you tournament fish - they look at you like you have suddenly sprouted two extra eyes in the middle of your forehead!! Really. I get the impression a lot of people up here think of bass fishing as a 'redneck' sport. (no negativity intended) No problem - that is their loss. We don;t need them crowding up our water anyways. Re women fishing: We both got involved on bass fishing when I took on a new career midlife (after both of us being lifetime dairy farmers). I had not picked up a fishing pole in over 40 years. We joined a local B.A.S.S. affiliated club - and never looked back!! We currently belong to two clubs and the NY BASS Nation. We have graduated from canoe--> deep V aluminum--> tourney ready (used) bass boat. Our first year, we were boat co-anglers in one club. Later, we joined another club, and once we got a tourney ready bass boat, we joined another club. With the experience we gained during our co-angler experiences, wegraduated to one of us was being a boater in one of the clubs, and the other was a boater in the 2nd club. In the clubs we were not boaters, we signed up as co-anglers. We have had a BLAST!! Fished all over our home state (NY) and a lot of other places in the country too. If you are a woman. and have some basic limited fishing knowledge (can you identify a bass??) and are interested in learning a whole lot more - do a google search for 'bass clubs' or BASS affiliated clubs in your area. If you receive anything other than a warm welcome - move on. There is a club that wants you as a co-angler somewhere. As far as women being involved - NY state has had female past presidents of their NY B.A.S.S. Nation. I am VP of one of my local clubs, and the Conservation Director for NY B.A.S.S. Nation - and I have only been involved with organized bass fishing just a little over 5 years. Yep - never knew I had it in me - BUT I got it BAD!!!!! Had no idea I was so competitive. It appeals to me in ways that are hard to explain. It can be very challenging - fish change every day (also the weather, the water, the temperature among a few). But if simple things bore you, and you enjoy being challenged each and every time you go out on the water, fishing is for you. AND if you enjoy the added spark of friendly competition, tournament fishing is calling your name!! Spending the day from sun-up to sun-set on the water is good for the soul. I personally feel that gender hands neither of us (male or female) any advantage (except maybe the built in plumbing advantage the male of our species is endowed with) - but there the advantage ends. If you like solving puzzles, and like a good challenge - join a club and get out on the water!!! So - you men - go out of your way to take your novice sig other fishing - pack a nice lunch - drift around for a bit when you are eating lunch, fish some-more, and you will probably have at least a practice partner for life. And instead of her finding reasons for you NOT to go - she will be helping you get ready to go!!! There are way worse things than having someone along to help you launch/load the boat!!! Barb/upstate NY
  4. My sig other found these in the sunday paper. They come from England where a lot of people hike - and there are not a lot of trees to hide someone crouched with her pants down! It is one thing to be fishing with a man you know intimately. It is completely another thing to be in a tournament boat for 8+ hours, fishing with a man you just met for the first time 4 hours ago. To note - there is not one man I have ever fished with (with me as a coangler or boater) that has not offered to take me to a facility or shoreline if I needed. BUT - I long ago figured out I needed every bit of time on the water that there was in a tournament day. I no more wanted to waste a trip to some bathroom on a shoreline 15 minutes from where we were fishing than anyone else did. SO I looked for alternatives. I ordered a whole bunch of P-mates. As with some of the other products listed here -(that all work, I might add) - they may take a few practice runs prior to getting out on the water and using them when absolutely necessary!! I package them in a small ziploc bag, with a folded paper towel for cleanliness afterwards, which is not necessary if one wears some sort of thin pad/pantiliner. These are not pretty details to read - BUT I have found I would rather share the gritty truth and allow more women to enjoy their time on the water as easily as any man. After all - women can be EQUALLY as competitive in the fishing venues as men. Those darn fish have NO idea who is on the other end of that fishing line - until they get ti the surface!!! After the items have been used, they can be neatly tucked and zipped back into the ziploc baggie - and replaced in ones back pocket - headed to the trash at some later point in the day. No need for special accomodations of any sort.. I generally have a long=tailed fishing shirt on anyway - but it certainly is not a necessity. I kneel down next to the motor, and use the P=mate (or the 'Shewee' would work simarly well. Since I have been a boater, I have also used this from the front of the boat, kneeling next to the trolling motor - if there is no one on the water/shore in front of the boat. I ask the coangler in the back for a few moments of privacy (just keeping his back towards me- so they are not embarrassed ) and they are always surprised how fast it is - "you're done already???" It is just as uncomfortable for most men - broaching the subject about who/when/how are we going to relieve ourselves - as it can be for some women. I always bring the 'uncomfortable' topic up first to break the ice - and I just reassure them that I fish with men every day - and if they find they need their privacy - just to let me know and I will be sure to 'avert my eyes' for the time needed!! If you are fishing with your spouse of sig other, it takes a lot of the embarrassment out of the whole situation. BUT there is still no need to return to the ramp and lose fishing time - tournament or not!! . check out the P-mate !!! http://p-standingup.com/index.php Advantages: --> fold flat --> fit in back pocket/VERY discreet --> disposable --> no special storage needs --> avoids stress of full bladder - ESP important when bouncing around on a rough lake at 60-70 mph in a tournament boat!! Just thought I'd share one of the things that has made my time on the water less stressful and a whole lot more enjoyable!! Barb/Upstate NY
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