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Everything posted by Zackopi

  1. Update: I’ve had several opportunities to fish the upgraded Abu C6 reel, and I’m happy with the results. Ive used it for both medium and deep diving cranks, and it casts very well and comparable to my new reels, and with the upgraded 6 pin brakes I don’t have trouble with backlashing -at least with lures above 1/4 oz. I can cast 1/4 oz., but I can’t bomb it without trouble. The only thing I don’t really like is the small sized spool release button which is off to the side and somewhat awkward. And for the money I put into this reel I could have bought a new Citica (or Curado -one time I got a new Curado I for 99 bucks online). So the value in this reel is as much novelty as anything else. I’d probably only do an Ambassadeur upgrade again if it were specifically for a Muskie setup, where heavy duty is the name of the game. That said I’m going to keep upgrading this reel just for giggles until it’s purely ridiculous. Maybe I’ll paint or anodize it next. Long South Dakota winters will drive a man to such excesses.
  2. When I first moved to Eastern South Dakota I was bummed that most of the bass here are smallmouth. Before then I had never caught one, and I’d heard they were a little more difficult to fish (at times they can be). Then I caught my first smallmouth and was blown away by how they fight. I still have an easier time locating and catching LM consistently, but I’d rather battle a Smallie any day.
  3. Well then either I must stink at casting, or lighter line must make a huge difference, or that must be one slick reel you’re using, or some combination of those! ?? I do know that with 17 lb mono the spool is getting way down there with 65 yard cast. But I’m also nobody’s ace with baitcasters. Were you using the fancy competition style of cast?
  4. I wonder if a spool upgrade and a dual bearing supported cog would let me cast 1/4 oz better. Probably lighter line than 17 lb would make some difference as well. Has anybody here upgraded spools on Ambassadeur? I haven’t seen one for sale online anywhere.
  5. Oh yeah. I was using a 7 foot Kistler Magnesium cranking rod with 17lb mono.
  6. Here are distance results from my first upgrade: So far I've installed abec seven spool bearings, abec seven single bearing supported levelwind cog, dual bearing supported levelwind, and I upgraded from two pin to six pin centrifugal brakes. Here's the before and after results: 5500 C3 (stock) 1/4 oz. - 30 yards 1/2 oz. - 43 yards 1 oz. - 54 yards 5500 C6 (upgraded) 1/4 oz. - 31 yards 1/2 oz. - 56 yards 1 oz. - 64 yards So with the bigger weights I added about 10 yards to casting distance. Casting 1/4 ounce showed no discernible difference. I was getting about 25-28 yards on average both stock and upgraded. Also, 1/4 oz. is difficult to cast full bore without backlashing, and even more so with the fancy bearings installed! When casting 1/4 oz. after the upgrade I have to engage all six brake pins to keep from backlashing, and even then I need to use more thumb than I do with a modern low pro reel. The heavier weights cast quite comfortably with 2 brakes engaged, however, and after the upgrades I don't think I could get much further with my new casters. Now I'm wishing I had tested 3/8 oz. before and after the upgrades.... My only regret is that I installed the single bearing supported cog rather than the dual bearing. The single bearing cog spins no differently than the original cog. I'm gonna order the dual bearing from Mike's reel repair, so in about 11 years once I receive the part I'll be able to tell you if it made a difference.
  7. Update: I ordered a stainless steel Abec 7 upgrade kit from DadsOleTackle as well as a four slot pinion gear and 6 pin centrifugal brake upgrade. I wanted to go with the hybrid ceramic bearings, but thought I’d give the stainless a shot for a bit cheaper. The bearing kit includes spool bearings, cogwheel bearing, and double bearing supported worm gear. I ordered the brakes because I know I wont be able to cast this thing without backlash trouble otherwise. I already had a birdsnest of doom yesterday when casting a jerkbait, so I’m sure with the upgrade I’ll want good brakes. Plus with the six pin brake system you can turn individual brakes on and off, unlike the primitive two pin which is on the the reel now. I didn’t grow up in the era of the educated thumb, so brakes it must be!
  8. Welcome! Not a lot of bassers in SD. I’m in Sioux Falls. Where are you located?
  9. Overall, I’m pleasantly surprised that I could take this reel out as is and use it for some bass fishing applications. When I first got it last week with decades old dried grease, and I turned the handle, I thought for sure this would only be a catfish reel.
  10. Yeah, After casting the thing stock I can see that the sluggish level wind works as an effective brake. Do you remember if your reel 20 years ago had the six shoe brakes or the two shoe brakes? If you only had the two shoe brakes maybe an upgrade to the six shoe would be the ticket??? Mine only has the two shoe centrifugal brake system. Has anybody here had experience with both braking systems used in the Ambassadeurs over the years?
  11. I’m pleasantly surprised, so far. With a freshly cleaned/lubed stock 5500 c3 spooled with 17lb mono mounted on a 7ft Kistler Magnesium cranking rod I was able to cast 54 yards with an ounce weight and 43 yards with 1/2 ounce. It was getting too dark and too many mosquitos so I didn’t cast with 1/4 ounce tonight. Sometime this week I’ll post the results of the 1/4 ounce cast. I’m guessing that one won’t go so well for the Abu. The shocking thing was that I brought a new Citica to test as well, and over several casts I got about the same yardage casting on one ounce as I did the Abu. However, I should point out the Citica was mounted on a stiff Medium Heavy rod which was 3 inches shorter. But still! I thought the Citica would blow that old reel away! However, when I went down to 1/2 oz. the Citica did blow the Abu away, getting over 50 yards with ease to the Abu’s 43. Tomorrow or Thursday I’ll cast both setups with 1/4 oz and report the results. BTW, that New smooth Citica sure did scream something fierce when casting an ounce weight. I don’t think I’m gonna Be casting one ounce Hail Marys on it any more after this! Also, I’m surprised that the Ambassadeur was so easy to cast. I thought that with its primitive brakes (mine has the two shoe system) it would backlash like crazy. But it was shockingly easy. Obviously the ever-engaged levelwind is working effectively as a brake.
  12. That would be spectacular. I don’t think I’ve ever casted anything over 100 yards. Tell you what... I’ve got an idea for posterity. So far I’ve cleaned and lubed the reel with no further modifications. It’s already spinning a lot better and quieter. This week I’ll take it to the football field and see how far I can cast with an ounce, half ounce, and a quarter ounce, and I’ll record the results here. Then as I tune and upgrade I’ll keep testing to see what improvements I’m able to make. Science ?
  13. Yeah, I tried to put up a picture but the site kept saying the it took up too much space. Then I put a link to the picture on postimage.org but the site said this was against site security. If someone can explain how to post a pic I’ll be glad to do it.
  14. I’d love some advice to complete a total hotrodding of a mid 90s Ambassaseur 5500c3. I’ve never used the old Round Abu’s before, but I picked one up for cheap and wanna make it the absolute smoothest, farthest casting round beast possible. If you guys had 100 bucks to burn on this project what upgrades would you make? What upgrades have you made to these reels that have made The most difference? What upgrades haven’t been worth it? I’ve seen a few kits for sale online that don’t use Boca brand bearings, and I’m wondering if the quality is up to snuff on those. Any personal experience would be helpful! Just wondering what you would do. And I’ve 100% made up my mind, so no use trying to talk me out of it. It’s a fun winter project, and I want to see how close I can get the performance to a modern reel. I want to be able to whip it out and tell a buddy, “bet I can outcast you with this thing!” And even if not the best bass reel, it will get used for catfish/Pike/Muskie. I’ve gotta try it once. Oh yeah, the gearing is already 5.3/1 so I don’t want to change that. I intend to use it for cranks/swimbaits.
  15. Over the last two years I've gotten one Bucoo for $60, one Vendetta for $30, and another Vendetta for $15. However, at my Walmart they don't cut the price down super low until they've sat in the barrel for at least a few weeks. I inspect every millimeter of those rods for signs of damage.
  16. I am experiencing the same thing with the Daiwa Procyon. It ran butter smooth until I attempted to completely disassemble, clean, and relube everything. After getting it back together it still functions, but just sounds and feels rougher and more geary. I've disassembled and reassembled the reel half a dozen times, and can't see a problem with the reassembly. Did any of the previous commenters find a solution?
  17. In my eating experience, Smallmouth in the 12-14 inch range are pretty much indistinguishable from walleye. I have had fish fries in which I swore the smallies tasted better, in fact. On the other hand, once I tried to eat a 3+ lb smallie. That was an adventure in nasty. But who would want to eat a large walleye, or a large anything for that matter? I think bass get a bad reputation for taste because of their weedier, muddier habitats; this is especially true for largemouth. But in my experience, small-sized, open-water smallies are among the best freshwater fish to eat. Some of the glacial lakes of South Dakota are way overpopulated with stunted smallies. And I am more than happy to help these lakes out by eating some of the little guys. Our DNR wisely put in a 14-18 inch restriction on bass, which is pretty awesome way to go in my opinion.
  18. Zackopi

    bantam 5

    From the album: curado

  19. Zackopi


  20. Zackopi

    bantam 3

    From the album: curado

  21. Zackopi

    bantam 2

    From the album: curado

  22. Zackopi

    Bantam 1

    From the album: curado

  23. Hey man. I am just a drive down the road from world class smallmouth fishing in South Dakota's glacial lakes. But since I moved here four years ago I have not conversed shot the breeze with a single devoted basser -everyone seems to have walleye fever. So are there any of you out here?! I'll bet there are some Minnesota boys hitting old Roy Lake now and again, right? *crickets*
  24. Hello Royjulius. Glad to see other bassers do exist in South Dakota! Hit me up if you ever need a fishing partner in the glacial lakes region.
  25. Zackopi

    New Guy

    Greetings, I'm a fairly recent convert to bass fishing, living way out yonder in a very remote location of South Dakota where the bronzebacks are plentiful yet often times elusive (for me anyway!). This site seems like a great place to rub elbows with others who share my love of bass, so here I am. I'll be looking forward to exchanging information and tall tales with you all!
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