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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. I have cast it like a texas rig for years...but love dropping it on smallies in deeper water.
  2. Oh my!!!! Been know to wash my hands before dinner... Now salmon fishing is a different story
  3. Not an easy job for sure...but you do get to work outside
  4. Lots of people would go to the great lakes for smallies....I would still go to the Columbia River. Lots of fish...very few people. Even though it wouldn't be an exotic trip I would like to fish a few lakes in the states where there is a lot of history even though I may not catch much...ie: Dale Hollow, Kentucky Lake, Potomac River, to mention a few. Of coarse this would require a motor home and some time off and the cash....soooo may be on bucket list for some time.
  5. Get well soon (hopefully)...last year was rough for me too. Missed quite a few fish due to being bent over with pain. Would rather enjoy fresh air ...rain,snow, or sunshine than a stuffy house. Good luck....again....get well.
  6. Bible wasn't all the bad when it mentioned how to raise our familys....now we have the boob tube to help us raise our familys and politicians and actors to help us too!!!!!
  7. I fish quite a bit by myself...especially now that I'm gettin a bit healther. I hook up the ol boat...ask the good Lord to join me and give me peace and off I go. I find that even though I enjoy fishing with others it's easy to be disapointed when you feel like you have to entertain or wait for them. Guess I'm gettin old and cranky!! Tight Lines
  8. Spring time is especially good for picking up trash on all our waters. Waters been low all winter and the rising water makes it easier to grab on the electric. Carry trash bags in boat for this. Hats off to people who clean sections of road of trash. Tight Lines
  9. Have had that happen on Clear Lake with the same bait when bass were schooling like crazy. Got caught up in the frenzy and ended up with a little bass pegged to my hand with trebles. Lil bass didn't make it after squeezing the life out of him....then yanked hooks out and fished with a section of fishing towel wrapped around fingers. To this day the sound of a rattle trap in a fish's mouth gives me chills. Tight Lines
  10. Wife and I went on a lil vacation to Hilton Head thanks to a friend of hers having a condo for rent really reasonable. So spent the week golfing and playing with grand kids for a few days on beach. Kind of sore from have used muscles I haven't used in a while that much. Golfing was resonable due to it was part of the package. Did a good deed by the pool and helped a young guy by telling him to put his line under his bail on his spinning reel. Had a nice chat...he went out on one of those four hour tours for some chi ching and caught a lot of nice fish. Something this guy is not willing to pay that much for as of yet. Never had that much luck with guides....especially some of their attitudes. May try a charter one of these days. Now in about an hour or so going to head to the lake and see whats happening. Yesterday planted three dozen pansies for the wife in flower bed for a suprise...(tears) mowed the yard, cleaned house and everything up from trip.....now it's time for battle. Tight Lines
  11. Cursive is only one of the things to go by the wayside as the years go by. So many people can't even sign there names now! Same goes for using a turn signal on your car, opening the door for your lady, and on and on and on. Too many things takin for granted.
  12. My son used to flip/pitch in back yard when younger all the time. Think he did this to learn how to long line me!!
  13. Pretty much self taught. Got to go with my Dad a few times but seems there was never much time...always busy. Had buddies in High School I went with and we all learned. Did go salmon fishing with Grandma when younger on a charter...was cool. Saw a bass tournament many years ago on Siltcoos Lake in Oregon....been down hill ever since.....
  14. Sure hope you all get some serious rain out west....do miss northern california fishing...but tennessee ain't bad!
  15. Remember a trip for a tourney and pre-fish down to Lake Shasta and Orville a number of years ago. Took a 150 ol ugly tubes by Dry Creek. Fished them on 1/8 oz heads....insert type. I used up all the tubes in ten days of fishing .... mostly on spotted bass. Maybe gave twenty five or so away. Caught so many fish that I couldn't land a fish with my right hand any more...thumb was so tender. Don't know how many fish for each tube ... but it was amazing and very memorable. But then the older you get...hopefully the more trips you remember with friends and family. Tight Lines
  16. Smallies are really good at this.....
  17. Since no one has answered your post from your area you might think of joining a local club. Can be fun...and you can meet future fishin buds.
  18. Have tried it...not bad
  19. Fishing should be good and hardly any body else for competition with bites.
  20. Getting up in the morning is a good thing!
  21. Been blessed to always live where the water doesn't get hard. But in getting older I like a handwarmer in each pocket and warm weather gear for sure. Pretty much fish rain, snow, or fog.....sunny days in winter seem the toughest. Like the cloudy ones best. Tight Lines
  22. Served for several years in the Navy...wasn't bad. Mostly west coast from San Diego to Adak, Alaska (1 year, 17 days, and 20 minutes). Thanks for going to serve our country.
  23. When ever I can be on the water it's a joy. Too much planning takes away that. Like people...fish eat when they want to and have never told me when they wanted a minnow or a crawfish or even a bug. I go...enjoy the day as a gift.
  24. In 41 years could count the days she's fished on one hand. But she has blessed me with two awesome kids and the freedom of being an awesome wife respecting my passions as well as I hers (golf)
  25. When I see someone towing a boat and I'm not I'm wishing I was going fishing too. Love new adventures. Have been blessed to fish all over the United States for bass and it's neat to see so many boats here out east. In Oregon if you see a bass boat you probably know the guy and know where he was or is goin. Tight Lines
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