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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Couple ifs....if our offensive line can hold em .....Wilson and the team stay healthy....Wilson could have a party. I like the thought of Seattle having two in a row. They weren't even supposed to be here!
  2. Today is a gift....tomorrow is an adventure....may you get a little extra strength in this walk
  3. It's been soooo quiet here. So will start the hopeful trash talking. It will be so awesome when Seattle wins back to back Super Bowls....don't ya think! Secondly ..... won't have to watch anymore sports......fish...fish....fish
  4. Smallies in the rivers close by
  5. Now to get back to football I sure do hope Seattle does to New England what they did to that "other team" last year.
  6. Too much info.....
  7. Having lost our daughter this year and myself having acute pancreatitis (should of have been flower food) this last year has changed many things. I too was hell bent on getting to the lake and getting it DONE. I still have the hunger ... I just approach it more slowly ... like eating a good meal ... you savor every bite. I get up early now and take my time enjoying a couple cups of tea (doc says no coffee yet) and some breakfast. Make a lunch and head out to get loaded to the boat. Five or ten minutes don't mean that much anymore. The gift of being on the water is truly a gift...as is time with family. Tight Lines
  8. If you go to a physical therapist and he/she tells you to do something.....DO IT. Always do a walk around or two before leaving the boat ramp.
  9. Have been forced into not fishing for awhile myself....couldn't even get up to look at my stuff. But it's sure fun to get back .....like many little Christmas's
  10. Most awesome.....thanks
  11. Started wearing some Dyna Max glove/liner for fishing in. Almost like a second skin and have really helped in the warm hand thing while fishing. Awesome...can feel the bite too.
  12. I'm sure these times will go on for you Northerner's a bit longer. Sooooo thankful was born to the south and still able to live here. If you can you may want to take a quick fix it trip south. Make it an annual thing and something to plan for. Tight Lines and stay warm
  13. Have used Silver Thread for many many years and still do....I like it'
  14. Bagged groceries....sold papers.....etc. in High School. Needed fishing equip and shotgun shells. Rode my bike to all my destinations. Good memories
  15. Tie them all myself...footballs, poisons, hair.....its fun and satisfying
  16. Seattle never quit and yes luck had it's hand in there also. But then luck happens for all teams at one time or another....it's just whether they capitalize on it. Seattle did. For some reason they didn't show up until the second half...but they did and they done good. Looking forward to watching them in the Super Bowl that they weren't supposed to be playing.....at least according to many self proclaimed experts in the sport many weeks ago. There that's my worthless two cents....and look forward to reading much more. Tight Lines
  17. Pretty quiet here.....GO SEAHAWKS
  18. All things work for the best....remember my grandma saying she was standing at an airport watching a plane take off that she missed by just a few minutes...later the plane crashed..... She was shaken but still alive?!
  19. Been using 10 lb PP for years with a 6 to8 lb leader (silverthread fluro) no complaints
  20. The magical fruit that makes ya toot
  21. Being a bass fisherman gives us the right to be "junk fishermen". I mean look at what we buy and how many rods and reels most of us have. It's not only the pursuit of the fish but the tinkering, thinking, trying secret baits and the list goes on. Most of us are lucky that we have boats or we'd pull out our arms and shoulders carrying all our tackle!! Tight Lines
  22. Thanks for sharing
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