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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Thanks.....after 43 years its all good. Tight Lines
  2. Probably be fishing so a sandwich and an apple.
  3. 43 for me too. She's awesome.
  4. Just found out I can get the MLF on my TV for very reasonable according to wife. I now have it and am looking forward to watching them all. Got a sample of a couple a few months ago and they were awesome.
  5. Love Tennessee now and love the souths attitude on fishing
  6. Check out IFISH.net in the bass section....Oregon has a unique stand on bass. It's kind of like if its not salmon/trout/or steelhead it doesn't deserve any water rights. Columbia is awesome...Personally from Hood River on up....backwaters in the spring....main river later. There's bass down below but above is awesome.
  7. Used to love fishing for steelhead back in Oregon in the snow....now in Tennessee smallies at Norris are fun in the snow.
  8. Thank you...they did a check on the ol ticker while I was waiting...said heart was good. What I guess they don't understand was that the pancreas can kill ya pretty quick too. Was just amazing how many people went in before me that came in after me....Oh well....gotta be tough when ya get old. Good Lord will take me when he's ready I believe...But would like to do without so much pain. Daughter fought cancer for nine years before she went to be with the Lord so I try and keep my voice small....she went through a lot.
  9. Awesome....thank you for the morning smiles
  10. Thanks all
  11. I wasn't going to say anything but woke up this morning feeling good again. Thursday while fishing I started feeling chest pain and it wouldn't go away. Luckily I was close to home so ended up at ER about 3:30 and with the pain still mounting and getting worse at almost nine o'clock I still hadn't been admitted. I know they were busy but gosh I think I was the only one curled up in a ball in pain and there were several others that were admitted that got there after us?! Anyway, my wife got some unique answers from the desk so we left...my wife is totally stressed out and in tears and so we left to find another hospital. She's driving and is so upset that we have to call an ambulance just to get to hospital. After all the tests it was just my pancreas acting up again...(soooo painful). Got home at three in the morning the next day and now today I feel almost normal and ready to hit the lake again. Dilauted (know I spelled this wrong) is a powerful pain killer but it messes me up for a couple days. Anyway...thanks for listenening....Praise God it's over and I get some more adventures.
  12. Sorry for your loss....so sorry. May you remember all the good times
  13. Gosh Sam....hope your wrong on at least three of those!!
  14. I like it....not a gym person but am blessed to live on one acre and enjoy spending an hour or two cutting wood...cleaning brush...or just keeping the body moving while getting fresh air. If not in the mood for work will do some stretches and a walk. Has made a huge difference in life...especially at 65 and a couple past ruff years. Love the couch statement....love it. Thank you
  15. Go go go...Seahawks
  16. Wow....may the good Lord bring comfort
  17. Six pound Power Pro with a 6 pound fluro leader.
  18. It will....welcome
  19. I think you were lucky....she left before you tied the knot. Then it would have been real messy. Everyday is a new day. Try to maybe do some physical exercise several days a week to help burn off some of that #@!$. Like they say above .... stay away from the juice, take a deep breath and start fresh.
  20. 2015 was interesting...was getting back my health and was impatient in a lot of ways even though I fished quite a bit. This year am going to try to smell the roses and enjoy what the good Lord has given me. (more time on earth) Hopefully continue to fish the Tues and Thurs nighters along with some other tourneys. Every day is a gift for sure.
  21. Good luck to ya....fishing was great for me too....was laid up for quite some time and slowly came back.
  22. Currently fish a lot of club tourneys and other little tourneys with a partner. If you want to try that and learn lots of water check out Smokey Mt. bass club at Ganders first tues of the month at 7:00. Great club
  23. Wow...wow
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