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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. I like "Living Rubber" for jig material and have used for a number of years. Fly shops for some of that little extra stuff.
  2. Personally I don't think so....when and if the rains get real real heavy along with the noise I will pull under cover for a bit...it usually passes quickly. But then I fish the smaller reservoirs. Wouldn't be out in the middle of large water. Nature puts on quite a show. Be careful.
  3. Good luck to you....
  4. Still have the first issue along with several years worth of their magazines....was a good one.
  5. Hope you find a better place to work.
  6. All good stuff above. I like to carry an egg sinker with a swivel on one end with a duo lock snap attached. Sinker weighs bout three ounces and I slide it down the line and it works for worms, jigs, cranks...Make them myself so they are pretty cheap. I do have one of the bill dance chains and when it's tuff these are almost foolproof.
  7. Personally I don't use deet due to its reputation for destroying things. I've started using a product with "Picaridin" in it and it has been awesome. It has just been released in the last few years to the US and it doesn't smell bad, doesn't destroy products and doesn't irritate the skin either. (at least for me) You can do some research but I have found it to be amazing. Good luck.
  8. Enjoy...fish your strengths and enjoy the fellowship. Not sure what fish like up in your neck of the woods but a spinning rod with a four inch worm in green pumpkin, watermelon, or black on a shakey head is a good go to. I too like a small 3 1/2 inch tube in basic colors. Chatterbait or a spinnerbait and maybe the good old reliable brush hog in your basics should put some fish in the boat. Less time changing is usually more time catching. Good Luck
  9. I agree they both are expensive. Have to watch for the sales. Maybe BP wants to get more into hunting!?
  10. I enjoy fishing with others as I get older but it comes with inconveniences such as their time schedule. (yup...I prefer mine). As long as the good Lord lets me go I will enjoy both. Not to many secrets in the South so I just lift up my day ..... leave an I Love You note to the wife and I'm gone.
  11. Agreed....tks
  12. I too enjoy watching Zona...seems like a great family man
  13. Glad everyone's ok .... lesson learned.
  14. Glad you are happy happy.
  15. I am so glad that the west is getting all the rain/snow. Look at the Lake Shasta site once in awhile and it's coming up fast. I'm so glad the experts were wrong in their saying it could take years to fill them back up. Now if they can use some of the water wisely....well....we will see. Tight Lines
  16. I agree on the taking up room part and for many many years did not use a butt seat. Had acute panreatitus and now don't leave home without it. Don't always use it but went through some scary times so now it's kind of like a life jacket. It's there but I hope I don't have to use it.
  17. If that's what you like .... good for you. I mean that seriously. For me...just being able to get out and enjoy what our good Lord created is to me Awesome. To many things going on around to enjoy as well as the catching. Now come the tues and thurs nighters then I really focus and am to busy to get the next get cast in. Love the water and outdoors. Good luck this year
  18. Having fished on the Columbia river back home usually with lots of wind and waves , these winds out here are pretty easy to get out of or deal with.. Either behind a point or maybe even some docks. If not its not that big a deal to put the wind at your back and just drift down the bank quietly and if the fishing is good....make the drift and power pack up and do it again. As some said....some wind gets the bite going a bit better.
  19. Absolutely not.....not many people now days go out in inclement weather. Personally ... I love it and always have. So, good for you and enjoy your passion. I once drove over two hours to go steelhead fishing out of Astoria in my mustang with studs on the back. I was the only car on the road and making the first tracks. Fishing was awesome....believe I hooked 19 steelhead that day. But then that was over forty years ago.. Thanks for bringing back memories. With today's mindset and with so many experts in everything...including how to manage our own lives, well........ Enjoy your day...they are a gift from above.
  20. Congrats...you know how to drive in the snow. When living out west we never let some snow slow us down for going steelhead fishing. Never had a problem. Congrats
  21. Great news on the cancer
  22. Get well all of ya....I know the feeling. We are sooooo susceptible to our health governing how our days go. "Lifted"
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