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Oregon Native

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Everything posted by Oregon Native

  1. Good Luck
  2. Hope all gets better.....life sure has some bumps to it.
  3. I just shake my head.....seriously!!!!!!!!!! WOW Words cannot describe!!
  4. I won't go into much detail but I have been without my boat for some time. It has had some issues and `hasn't been herself this year. Well I listened to a couple friends with good intentions and had quotes of over $3500. This was not in the budget to say the least. My fishing partner said he would look at it and we thought we had it fixed but it only lasted a day and then it just wasn't quite right so took it to a local dealer that I have delt with in the past and after a couple weeks (horribly busy time of year) I got her back last night. She just purred and I even put a limit in the boat for the evening tourney and won!!!! It was just one of those good good days if you know what I mean. Note to self....save time, money....go to where I know they do good work!!! Tight Lines
  5. Good Luck to you
  6. For years I didn't use split ring pliers....now I have two pair. One for boat and one for home. In a word....Awesome. I like the narrow ones best. Finger nails thanked me...also quicker
  7. I was just wondering after reading all this about this game if the majority of these people are also the ones that won't get a job unless its $20 bucks an hour or are the first on their phone to complain about how the world is or what to do as their nose is in an IPhone believing everything on facebook!? Gosh....sorry...will go back to wishing I was on the lake. But honey do's around the house and waiting for my boat to be fixed will take priority right now. Tight lines
  8. Gosh.....sounds like l'm not missing much by going to utube. I'll just stick to a little Bass Resource with my tea in the morning and call it good. Well maybe a little Tackle Wharehouse too sometimes!!!
  9. yup....but don't believe "I" recognizes wrist movements.....Fitbit does
  10. My wife got me one of these for my birthday thinking it would be interesting. Haven't worn a watch in twenty years but I have been wearing this thing for the last couple weeks. I'm aware of its short comings but oh well....it's close in some area's and it does have a watch!!!! Anyway...just in case some of you wear one if you take it fishing...oh my gosh....you can get some GREAT step readings....like off the chart. I almost think this thing counts your casts!!! I will be checking this out. Tight Lines
  11. Caring for the resource is the best part....your proving this. Enjoy your fishing....Tight Lines
  12. Oh the memories of my son practicing many years ago....thanks
  13. He's fishing in that big pond now waiting for you all. No pain...no worries. Sorry for your loss....my wife and I have suffered some loss also so feel your loss. May every day get a little better for you. It's awesome you have such great memories.
  14. I too like MLF and Ultimate match fishing. Compared to the other #@!$ on TV it's pretty awesome. Personally I would rather try and look at the positives of these shows....we're surrounded by too many negatives anyway.
  15. Absolute: Thank the good Lord for each and every day on the water. Sometimes I have taken them for granted and when I didn't get to fish for several months and it was awful. Have fun relax..don't get caught up in all the BS....tourneys or not.
  16. Rain is awesome....fish bite better. Puts food in the water....keeps most anglers home.....puts some fish up shallower.
  17. Would rather count the days I get to fish....fishing is always good....catching can be limiting. But if I were required to keep track it would be in hundreds.
  18. When I lived out west I remember a ten day span where I went through over a 125 of those tubes fishing Orville and Shasta. My fingers were so sore. Even bleeding. Could not land a fish after a week with my right hand. Was crazy. Love those tubes...now here out east I've got another dry creek favorite. Tight Lines
  19. Love cold pizza......love...love...love. Used to weigh 230...now 190. Went on the acute pancreatitus diet. (not recommended) Lost 40 pounds in a little over a month. Won't go into detail on what went on for a year after that but will say I have gone six months with no ER visit...WHoooooooHooooo. Afraid of many foods and NOW my pancreas says you are going to be type 2!!!!! So a new adventure begins. Oh Well.....Enjoy you all....have a beer and pizza for me.....I miss em.
  20. I like using kevlar....comes in several colors and it is flat out very strong. Probably thicker than some like but I like to keep it simple. Use it for jigs,spinnerbaits etc.
  21. I would like to gain!!!!! Weigh what I did in high school over fourty five years ago. Oh well....good luck you guys
  22. And to you
  23. Good luck to you.....life style changes are tuff. Been there. Tight Lines
  24. No kidding!!! Sad in so many ways
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